The Invisible Revealed--November 3 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
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So here's the deal, on November 3, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 11 degrees Scorpio. This means that the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign and at the same degree. Along with the Sun and Moon, we also have the North Node, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio. The North Node is the fate of where we are heading, Saturn brings us structure, boundaries, and responsibility while Mercury in Retrograde slows down our thinking (allowing us to think more clearly) at this time.
Chiron, retrograde in Pisces forms a trine with this Scorpio stellium and also opposes Mars in Virgo. Mars in Virgo forms a sextile (flowing aspect with the stellium) and Pluto (Scorpio's planet) in Capricorn (despite the square with Uranus in Aries) forms a flowing sextile with the Scorpio stellium and a trine to Mars in Virgo, and sextile to Chiron. So we have two of these planets in retrograde and a focused stellium involved in a Solar Eclipse (New Moon). This implies that besides the opposition with Mars and Chiron (in the sign of Neptune) and the Square with Pluto and Uranus, we experience flowing and cooperative energies. However, Taurus Moon, Sun and AC people are going to feel stress during this eclipse, mainly because they will react with stubborn attitudes. Meaning, they will hang to the old way of being when they need to let go. We all need to let go of everything that is holding us back, including grievances and resentment. Scorpio has a challenging time practicing forgiveness, but this is exactly what each of us must do now.
Again because Chiron and Mercury RX are involved, I'm seeing a clearing away of childhood wounds. And the Scorpio focused planets will bring a powerful punch or launch to this healing, meaning we won't be able to avoid these wounds any longer. I have this image of someone trying to hide a large snake under a throw rug. You can see the snake moving underneath the rug and the rug is moving with the snake. Anyone who denies seeing this happen in front of them is a fool. We see what we see and we must tell others what we see and stop denying our inner voice. The message here is to speak up, speak your truth, but give it some thought first.
Scorpio reveals and uncovers not just stuff we consider dark and creepy, but everything we deny is there, present and working behind the scenes. With Scorpio shining its laser light, there is no behind the scenes. What you see, is what you get and denial won't get you where you're going. Mercury in retrograde is collecting information and placing it in a mental storehouse so we can deal with it later, but not too much later since Mercury goes direct 7 days after the Solar Eclipse, so a week later.
The Dutch astrologer tells us in her video that Mercury RX and Saturn place a reign on Scorpio's powerful and explosive energy. In this regard we give three cheers to Saturn and Mercury RX, who normally we hurl insults at. But when it comes to the planets there is a perfect plan. The planets in their transits provide outlets and safety nets even when those safety nets frustrate us. Eclipses cause us to react or to act because of the strength and power behind them. But not only that, eclipses release all the energy that has been bottled up for months, years, decades, a lifetime. We say things that we mean even though we tell the other person, "I didn't really mean that." Of course we meant that. Otherwise we wouldn't have said it and now just isn't the time to play nicey-nice so that the other guy likes us and tells his friends how nice we are. Scorpio is not Libra and Scorpio doesn't play nice in the sandbox, unless the others in the sandbox are sincere and not playing games. Scorpio has its own games, but that's another story.
So there in a nutshell is the message of this Solar Eclipse: Stop playing games, stop trying to get everyone to like you and just be authentic. If you're not authentic, you cannot discover your life path and if you don't discover your life path, then why the heck are you on this planet? To dress pretty and smell good and win a popularity contest? Meanwhile, the planet burns up from all the products we make to look good to the neighbors and to succumb to peer pressure. And you will feel a lot of energy in the form of strong emotions now and in November because Scorpio is going to demand that you feel those emotions. We as humans feel a strong need to fit in because we are tribal, but at this time, we need to question the logic of our tribe and our tribal ways. Are we too clannish? Are we too closed off from other ways of thinking and being on the planet? Are we caught up in us verses them attitudes? Now is the time to heal all of this.
People with a lot of earth and water in their charts are okay with these emotions, the fire and air signs however, are going to feel like they're suffocating in it. This is not a time to try analysis or rationalization. Feel the emotions and let them go, like the wind coming and going. Don't judge the emotions and don't ask why you feel them. Just feel them and let them go. That's all. Don't delve into your childhood and rehash old stories, just release those wounds to your Angels and Guides and let them go. Don't judge yourself for wanting freedom to pursue your path.
You can purge a lot now if you choose and liberate yourself. Since Scorpio is known for ruthlessness, you will need to practice ruthlessness with old patterns, beliefs and even friendships that don't serve you. Kick those to the curb. You don't need to be cruel and you can even be diplomatic, but free yourself of anything that is preventing you from evolving. Then admit to yourself that you placed those obstacles in your path because you felt fearful of change and transformation. Don't turn this process into a blame game.
Now, I realize that this message is harsh and you might at this point feel like that snake hiding under the rug. However, Scorpio and Saturn aren't our enemies and in this case, they are actually befriending us by showing us where we need to let go and let God. We must surrender now to the Divine and admit we don't have the answers. And it will be interesting to look back at this time a year from now. I'm certain that everyone reading this will have experienced tremendous growth, including me. And no, we won't be abducted by evil beings on the planet, but we will shed light on the darkness and ignorance that resides in each of us. By the way, the degree of Scorpio Sun and Moon during the Solar Eclipse is 11, a Master Number about opening a portal or doorway into another dimension or way of being.
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Good post!
ReplyDeleteMy birthday falls on November 4th, how it does impact me?
ReplyDeleteYour Solar Return would occur right after the eclipse so those transits would affect you for the rest of the year until your next Solar Return on November 4, 2014. You might wish to consult with an astrologer and have your Solar Return for your upcoming birthday read. Your Natal Sun will feel the eclipse because it will be in orb by one degree of the eclipse. See what house the eclipse falls in, and look at the transits for the day of the eclipse and where they fall in the chart, mainly look at the outer planets, North Node, Sun and Moon because of the eclipse.
ReplyDeleteThe stellium of planets in Scorpio will also appear in the same house as the eclipse or on the cusps of the adjacent house.
Thanks so much! ( I turn 33 tomorrow...)
DeleteThis is so interesting. I have a heavy scorpio (it's my 2nd house) and water influence, four planets in scorpio (Moon, mars, mercury and neptune) and natal mercury rx in scorpio. Your post spoke volumes and I just was dealing with something from the past. I agree, you have to be ruthless with what no longer suits you.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, you are feeling this Solar Eclipse big time with that loaded second house with three personal and one outer planet in Scorpio. That Neptune in Scorpio is also generational so you were either born in the late 1950s or sometime in the 1960s.
ReplyDeleteWatch for a series I'll be writing on those of us born during the revolutionary 1960s.
My birthday is November 14 how will the eclipse effect me?
ReplyDeleteHi Sharetta, you would need to look at your natal chart to see what planets you have in Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo at 9 to 12 degrees. The Sun and Moon eclipse at 11 degrees. You would also need to look for the house where the Scorpio planets are placed.
DeleteYour natal Sun will not be affected by the eclipse since you were born nearly two weeks after November 3.
Thank you for this great information. I have Venus 13 degrees scorpio in my 6th as is Neptune at 18 degrees. My Mars is conjunct Uranus at 14degrees Virgo and Pluto at 16degrees of Virgo all three forming a stellium in the 5th house. My Chiron is in the 11th in Pisces at 14%..(opposite the stellium).....Mars return, Chiron return... I think it will be interesting!
ReplyDeleteYes, the Venus at 13 degrees Scorpio will experience the Scorpio Stellium planets and the Solar Eclipse in the area of work and health. Neptune is too far out of orb and the Mars conjunct Uranus will experience the Mars in Virgo transit and so will your Chiron at 14 degrees. I would take care of your health at this point. Get enough rest, drink enough water, eat healthy and don't take any risks that could affect your health.
DeleteSee my health alert post later today.
Also note that eclipses and the Pluto/Uranus Square happening now are wild cards so no one can predict what would occur, but caution is never a bad thing.
Thank you! I was thinking it's a good time to do a cleanse
DeleteI forgot to add.. Jupiter in the 12th of Taurus 18 degrees opposing Venus and Neptune.... perhaps too far out to be fully affected
ReplyDeleteYes, this is a wide orb from the eclipse of 7 degrees so these planets will not be affected by the Sun or the Moon of the eclipse.
DeleteGreat post, you nailed it.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I had help from Saint Thomas Aquinas, my astrology Spirit Guide.
ReplyDeleteBirthday is November 3rd. I don't know much about this stuff. Any help?
ReplyDeleteI haven't looked into this stuff and I honestly don't understand it. Is there significance because the solar eclipse falls on my birthday and more so the time i was born?
ReplyDeleteYes, shawn there is a huge significance if the Solar Eclipse falls on your birthday and this is a major eclipse in the sense that it brings huge transformation.
ReplyDeleteI recommend reading the posts here about Pluto and Saturn especially, and my new post "Strange Bedfellows" which I posted today.
And consult with an astrologer and get a Solar Return reading. There are too many nuances that occur in a natal chart to go into here. Suffice to say that your Natal Sun is situated in the middle of this eclipse since your Sun will be at or around 11 degrees.
You were born on an eclipse? That is significant too. I highly recommend finding an astrologer that isn't into doom and gloom, preferably an astrologer in your area who you can consult with face to face. This is a very crucial time for you to come into your power and guidance will help you along on this path.
Hi... I thoroughly enjoyed your article. Love your style of writing and just added this to my favorites! Would love to hear your thoughts on my chart. Born 22 FEB 1962 9:02 AM Seymour IN USA. This eclipse falls on my natal Neptune and Pars Fortunate at 13 Scorpio in my 7th house. As you can see my natal sun is conjunct transit Neptune at 2 Pisces, transit Uranus is conjunct my ASC at 11 Aries and to top it off transit Mars is conjunct natal Pluto at 8 Virgo!!! Is this chart screaming out to me or what? Thanks so much for your time and insights.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy for sharing your chart. Perhaps one of the other blog readers can comment on your chart.
ReplyDeleteI can answer one question as a gift if you donate $20 or more to Whole Music via PayPal (right hand side of the blog). I will respond to some transits without looking at charts in the comment section, just going with the description given in a comment.
Time is a constraint for this Cap AC astrologer.
People born in the early 1960s will experience the Solar Eclipse at Scorpio 11 degrees on their Natal Neptune. I will discuss this in my upcoming 1960s outer planet transits.
ReplyDeleteIn the 7th house don't let people you're in partnership pull the wools over your eyes, and pay attention to intuition. Neptune in the 7th House is already a challenging placement for relationships romantic and business. Make sure that you are above the board and practicing integrity at this time or this Scorpio stellium and Solar Eclipse will bite you in the butt. Neptune has a way of pushing us into denial, but Saturn and Mercury RX will pull us out of denial with a wake up call during this time.
Just wondering about your thoughts on this eclipse conjunct my natal Pars Fortunate and Neptune? Haven't been able to find much out regarding Pars Fortunate and eclipses. And I'm a child of the early sixties.
ReplyDeleteI actually don't know much about the Part of Fortune so I am unable to answer that question. But I wouldn't worry about it. Neptune is generational, or sub-generational and everyone in the 1960s had Neptune in Scorpio.
DeletePay attention to your dreams at this time because they contain messages about the direction you need to take. And hone your intuition skills so you can discern situations in your life. Saturn brings discipline to Neptune so you can manifest dreams, but do this in steps and come up with a plan.
The Moon and Sun Eclipse near Neptune speeds things up and causes breakthroughs. Depending on where you are on your soul's evolution, will determine how you see the events that bring the breakthroughs.
Hi, I take it that having asc at 11, mars at 12 and venus at 13 degrees of scorpio, the eclipse/Saturn/Merc conjunction is going to quake my earth...? :) Especially as Pluto is close to attacking the position as well? So I have two questions: (1) taking into account that the eclipse is so close to my asc, and the exact time of birth is so difficult to establish how do I decide whether it is going to affect my 1st or 12th house? (2) How long do I wait until I can sigh with relief that nothing bad came out of this? ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso I really love your blog and would like to subscribe by mail. Alas cannot find the button. Am I just blind? Or if not it would be so great if you could activate this option...?
Thank you for the knowledge you share :)
Remember to breathe and face your fears, then let them go. Yes, the eclipse will impact the houses it falls in, but it brings breakthroughs. Venus and Mars has to do with relationships, including the one you have with yourself, health, and physical energy.
DeletePluto does not attack a position, it brings transformation to places where we are stuck or in denial. Depending on how deep the denial goes equates the pain or stress the transit brings up. Pluto in Capricorn is about destroying old structure to build new structure that is more sound.
I recently completed my Pluto transit to my Sun, an opposition and prior to that completed a conjunction to my AC, and before that my North Node. I feel more confident and powerful now that I've gone through all that. So let go of those things that no longer serve you, pay attention to new visions coming into your mind, new passions, new insights and this will guide you, almost like breadcrumbs to your new path.
The Pluto transits take three years to complete with the exact aspects being the strongest. When Pluto goes retrograde over those aspects or planets, you get time to reassess the growth you have experienced. When it goes direct again, you experience more growth and transformation. Remember to breathe and meditation is not a bad practice to take up, if you haven't already done so.
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Just wanted to let someone know what I did during the solar eclipse on November 3rd. I didn’t even remember that the eclipse was about to happen even though I had read about it on Thursday. The eclipse fell in my 5th house of love. I spent practically the entire weekend studying the love asteroids. I had never really delved into the asteroids like eros, psyche, amor, valentine, aphrodite and many others. I looked up my own love asteroids and those of my significant others in my life and found the whole experience to be completely fascinating. I learned so much and couldn’t understand why I had never really considered or studied up on the love asteroids before. Well, it took the scorpio eclipse in my 5th house to do just that and I didn’t realize the significance of what I’d done until late yesterday when I remembered the eclipse. Needless to say I now have one more powerful astrological tool to help me with my synastry studies which I am extremely interested in. Studying the love asteroids also helped me to clarify some things about my own relationships in particular a person I met over the summer and was very confused about my feelings for this person. I learned that my asteroid Medusa falls on his North Node. I will admit that this one left me confused even after I read the description of what it means. It supposedly meant betrayal by a woman. Did that mean that I would betray him in some way? So this one didn’t help my confusion, but then I found that his cupido which rules playful more flirting type of affection rather than serious love falls on my North Node. Also his Eros is almost exactly conjunct my descendant. An orb of only 1.5 is allowed for asteroid orbs so they are kept pretty tight. His cupido is at 23 degrees Virgo so it falls somewhat short of being exactly on my Moon and North Node at 18 degrees virgo although it does hit my part of fortune at 24 degrees virgo. His psyche is at 10 degrees virgo which is far short of my stellium of moon, north node, and part of fortune. His Dark Moon Lilith, however at 21 virgo is allowed a wider orb and does fall on my virgo stellium. Dark Moon Lilith is also given a bit more weight even over the love asteroids for relationships. All in all I emerged from my love asteroid exploration feeling that I learned a lot. It helped me clarify some things and as I said I now have another tool to help me in relationship synastry. Very appropriate for the eclipse falling in my 5th house of love.
ReplyDeleteMy only planet in scorpio is Neptune at 6 degrees, however, with all the activity in my 5th house I too am going through much soul searching as far as my relationships are concerned. I also have natal Saturn at 15 capricorn right on my descendant. This will soon be receiving a transiting pluto conjunction. So as you can image my relationships are in a total state of craziness. The universe seems to be asking me to totally evaluate my relationships and toss them if they no longer serve me. Easier said than done as we all know. The emotions involved in these decisions are difficult to face and to act on not to mention life altering.
Hello Trisha, I'm curious, did the eclipse fall in your 7th or 8th Houses?
DeleteThanks for giving me this asteroid tip and best wishes for your love relationship quest.
It was in my 5th house.
DeleteThe 5th House is traditionally the love affair house or romantic flirtations with Leo as its ruler. The 7th and 8th are long-term partners.
ReplyDeleteI have natal neptune at 11degree in 5th house. Pluto is in my 8th. What would role could neptune play here?
ReplyDeleteNeptune in the 5th House has to do with things you do for recreation and entertainment, it is also the friendship house and love affair house ruled by Leo naturally. So having Neptune there you could be attracted to cinema, music (more of the staging and costumes), acting, glamor, photography or the allure of sports or gambling since that also falls in the 5th House.
ReplyDeleteI would caution you to use some discernment with Neptune in the 5th since the lower octave of Neptune is deceit and not seeing reality through a haze or fog. However, you could also have spiritual talents that come through the performing arts.
If 8th House is involved and double emphasis with Pluto in his own house, you need to discern once again. These placements of Neptune in the 5th and Pluto in the 8th would bode well for a career in psychology where art or music therapy are applied. You can go deep below the surface with Pluto in the 8th, but you might be a bit spooky for some folks who prefer the lighter side of life.
Don't waste your time watching horror movies which is also a possibility here, and ditto for thrillers. This will just deplete you of adrenaline and lead to illness and low vibes.
what does it mean for my birthday nov3 at 6:30 pm
ReplyDeleteThis eclipse happened already so if you look up activities that occurred around that eclipse, you'll have your answer. You could even look up your chart for that date and see the transits in your chart.