
Showing posts from January, 2024

Unusual and Powerful Capricorn Season (Pluto Enters Aquarius)

                No, Capricorn, you're not imagining the relentless Dark Night of the Soul that you've endured since 2008. Pluto entered your sign on January 25, 2008 and entered Aquarius for the first time in the spring of 2023. And this year, Pluto will enter Aquarius again only to retrograde back into 29 degrees Capricorn on September 3 and remain there until November 21. Then you'll feel truly liberated. As I'm writing this article, we are in Capricorn Season which always begins on December 21 with the Solstice. And while it wasn't unusual for Mercury to retrograde in Capricorn and slide back into Sagittarius or for Venus also to enter Capricorn during January. It's not as common to also have Mars in Capricorn and Pluto at the culmination degree (29) at the same time. In fact, the Sun will join Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn on January 20 then the two planets hold hands as they enter 0 degrees Aquarius on January 21. Mercury returns to Capricorn (shadow of a r