
Showing posts from March, 2018

Chiron in Aries--Rebirth & Soul Evolution

Since April 20, 2010, Chiron has transited in Pisces. And this mostly impacted people born from March 19, 1960 to October 18, 1968, but there was some dipping into Aquarius in 1960 and dipping into Aries in 1968 with the retrogrades. (Please look at your Natal Chart for your Chiron placement if you were born between 1960 and 1968. People born with Chiron in Pisces are now 50+ years of age and have completed their Chiron Return). Reluctant Warriors & Everyday Heroes Chiron Transits: April 17, 2018--Chiron transits into Aries September 25, 2018--Chiron retrogrades into Pisces February 18, 2019--Chiron stays in Aries for 7 years June 19, 2026--Chiron moves into Taurus September 17, 2026--Chiron RX into Aries April 14, 2027--Chiron returns to Taurus This means that a large group on the planet is dealing directly with core wounds around invisibility and abandonment issues. These folks grew up in families where people spoke of them as if they weren't in the room. Th

Mars Transits into Capricorn--Time to Grow Up & Take Responsibility

This morning I blurted out that I'm weary from everyone's wounds and the inability to take responsibility for the healing of those wounds. I know people in their 50s and older who have not sought the therapy required for healing childhood trauma. The drama, blame, and chaos continues even when it does not have to. Mars in Capricorn--Time to Mature (Conjunct Saturn, a 28-Year Cycle) Now, that Mars has transited into Capricorn and conjuncts Saturn on April 1 (Easter), it's time to rise up and get in the driver's seat of our lives. Oddly, while this is happening, Mercury is in Aries RX which means we are returning to childhood wounds. This could happen through dreams or through people mirroring those wounds back to us. We, if we don't use discernment, attract situations that trigger our core wounds now. And if that is the case, get counseling or therapy. We need to connect our higher selves with our inner children. It is crucial that we do this work. And f

Scorpio Full Moon on April 29, 2018--Reclaiming Power

Perhaps it is just me, but I don't find anything to grab onto with the chart for the Scorpio Full Moon on April 29. Besides, a Mars conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus at the culmination point, 29 degrees Aries, there's not a whole lot happening with this Full Moon. Except that we should never judge a book by its cover and this might just be the most powerful Moon chart I've read despite the lack of T-Crosses, Grand Square, Yods, etc... It is not status quo and it reminds me of a Jack-in-the-Box. When Mars Joins Pluto in Capricorn & The Scorpio Full Moon Interestingly enough, Pluto and Mars have Scorpio as their ruling sign. Scorpio represents Mars in classic astrology and it represents Pluto in modern astrology. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars-where as Mars represents the boys vying for attention in the playground of life, Pluto represents a man ascending to power, at least of the psychological kind. And we'll probably be hearing a lot about

Aries New Moon--April 15, 2018--The Thrill of Rediscovery

What do you want to give birth to this spring? Remember spring represents birth and rebirth. And Aries launches the Zodiac Wheel into a new cycle as well as, a new season. If you reside in the Northern Hemisphere then get ready to blossom and if you live in the Southern Hemisphere get ready to complete projects and then spend time reflecting on the past 12 months. Red Rams Charging Ahead  Some of you won't want to hear this, but Aries is my least favorite Zodiac Sign. It's not because Aries lacks any virtues. Aries possesses courage, bravery and a warrior spirit. But it is a Fire Sign and most impulsive of the Fire Signs. Many Aries people have popped into my life and rescued me many times. An Aries astrologer coach pushed me to taking astrology to the professional level. Another Aries person gave me work when I needed it. And some of my clients are Aries. So, I love you as people. As a Cancerian I am of the Water element and I prefer to move sideways rather than

Important Astro Transits from March through May 2018--Monumental Shifting

Welcome to the New You I have procrastinated all morning about writing this transit post. It's because I'm not the most detail-oriented person in the world (not that I'm the worst either), and I don't like tedious work. But March transits are a monumental launching pad for astrological events in April and May. March 1 Full Moon in Virgo March 6 Mercury transits into Aries March 7 Venus transits into Aries March 8/9 Jupiter goes retrograde March 17 New Moon in Pisces March 18 Mars transits into Capricorn March 20 Equinox  March 22 Mercury goes retrograde March 31 Full Moon in Libra and Venus transits into Taurus April 1 Easter April 12 Venus transits at midpoint Taurus April 14 Mars transits at midpoint Capricorn (Earth trine with Venus) April 2 -30, Neptune transits at midpoint Pisces (sextiles Venus and Mars mid-month) April 19 Saturn turns RX at 9 degrees April 15 - 23 Chiron dips into Aries (March 30 until April 15 Chiron is at 29

A Capricorn Sense of Humor

  Yes, Virginia, Capricorns Have a Sense of Humor Often I hear from others that Capricorns don't have a sense of humor. And it's true that many astrologers have painted a bleak and doom picture of our Capricorn friends. I have a Capricorn Rising Sign and half of my birth family is Capricorn. We have enjoyed raucous laughter. So, let me tell you about Capricorn humor. It's not as refined as Libra wit nor does it fall in line with Scorpionic dark humor or Sagittarius vulgar humor. And yet, Capricorn humor contains elements of vulgarity, darkness, and refinement. And it is as quirky as Aquarius humor and as surreal as Pisces humor. And yet, it is in a league of its own. Let's gaze at the humor of actresses Julia-Louise Dreyfus and Diane Keaton. I really only remember Julia-Louise from her Seinfeld days. I never watched any of the movies in which she appeared. This comedic actress wed physical humor with surrealism and she wasn't shy of express