
Showing posts from November, 2021

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn--Values Changing around Finances, Money, and the Economy

  We are living in exciting times with the current transformative astrology transits. In November, we experienced the Taurus Lunar Eclipse and Neptune going direct. Then in December, we experience the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December 4. And then, Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th and she's in a conversation with Pluto. And Pluto is edging towards the Pluto Return for the US (27 degrees Capricorn) in February of 2022. And then Venus joins Pluto towards the end of February. On March 2, Venus is on an exact conjunction with Pluto and this is ripe with potential for the US to transform its values around economics, politics, and human rights (remember one of Venus' rulers is Libra). Then Venus transits into Aquarius on March 7. She joins up with Saturn, the structure-builder on March 25 and this is another date to circle on the planet. Other astrologers such as Pam Gregory have said that the US Pluto Return affects the entire planet. And last time, Pluto was at 27

Uncensored Astrology and Spiritual Talk

I joined and launched a channel on The channel is called Astrology with Sass and I let it rip because there is no censorship on Please join me in building the astrology+ community if you believe in the freedom of speech and authentic expression outside the mainstream narrative.