
Showing posts from January, 2018

Aquarius Sun--Here Comes the Revolution

 this beautiful image is on Pix a How did I miss the arrival of the Aquarius Sun? The Sun moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on January 19. And this is important, not just cause millions of women around the world marched for justice on the day after the Sun arrived in Aquarius but because this is an Aquarius year in many ways. Uranus is still in Aries so there is still a lot of warrior coming out in each of us. Revolutions are eminent all around the globe and the collective continues to awaken. While some people will say that the collective isn't waking up fast enough, look back ten or twenty years and notice all the changes that have happened during the past two decades. We are waking up and from many events that resemble The Tower in the Tarot deck. That card is represented by Aquarius and Uranus as is The Star (hope). This year Uranus moves into Taurus and a lot of shaking, rattling, and rumbling will take place on the e

Port Townsend, A Capricorn Town during a Capricorn-Dominant Year

Is it a coincidence that the town I'm relocating to, Port Townsend, Washington is ruled by Capricorn? I took a look at the 2018 transits for PT. I'm including the first 5 months of the transits that are going to rock this seaside town. Well, actually, the chart ruler is Neptune/Pisces and the Sun's Ruler is Capricorn. (I have a Capricorn AC and a Pisces Moon). Port Townsend Astrological Transits for 2018 There’s No Place Like Home January— With a Full Moon in Cancer on January 1 in Port Townsend’s Natal Fourth House, the focus, and emphasis are on home. And this emphasis kicks off a theme for the entire year. A shortage of homes dominates as does weary and cold people seeking a place to call home, that is more than just a shelter or any type of roof over one’s head. This is a dreamer’s moon but that dream is about family, children, mothers, and home. It is about feeling safe and secure as it is about feeling nurtured. The dang

Aquarius Solar Eclipse on February 15, 2018--Change of Heart

Get ready for an electrifying Solar Eclipse around Valentine's Day. This eclipse does not have any defining features such as Grand Trines or T-Crosses. But Uranus (the Aquarius planet) is squaring it off with Pluto so there's some shaking going on. And the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury team up in the futuristic Aquarius asking us to consider new and even far-out ideas. And so this funny Valentine (Aquarius) shows us a more detached approach to love, romance, and shacking up (as opposed to marriage). This marks a time when people indulge in kinky sex or we see perversion stories in the news headlines. I think mostly, we will be talking a lot about same-sex marriage, unusual partnering, and reconsidering gender roles as they apply to partnerships. People will focus more than ever on partners from other religions, cultures, ethnic groups, or belief systems--anything to shake up the traditional family structure. We also look at different housing situations such as families sharing