
Showing posts from August, 2017

Virgo New Moon for September 19, 2017--Purification on a Grand Scale

photo by Patricia Herlevi I am writing this post on the Virgo New Moon for September 2017 on-the-fly. As often the case, I am way ahead of myself since this New Moon is a month away. However, prepare yourself for purification, for discrimination, discernment and for fixing what is broken. After all that Leo energy we experienced in late July and August, especially with the Leo Solar Eclipse, it's time to go back to reinventing the wheel or at least new technology. So, what does Virgo energy suggests. For the physical body, Virgo rules the small intestine. And the small intestine discriminates what is healthy food and what is not. It has the energy of discrimination in general. Food allergies and insensitivity result when the wrong types of food enter a body. And we are looking at creating healthy functioning digestive system. We scrutinize diets, health routines, and exercise programs. We discriminate the difference between a fad diet and a healthy regiment. Virgo also ru

Pisces Full Moon for September 6, 2017--A Neptune Adventure

By the time this watery Full Moon comes along, I hope to be living in a new town in Washington State. Here's hoping.  Relocation aside, what can we expect for the Pisces Full Moon on September 6, 2017? Well, Mercury went direct the day prior to the Full Moon and is at 28 degrees Leo. Meanwhile, this moon chart contains another Grand Fire Trine with Mercury joining Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, Saturn plays double duty since this planet is involved in a T-Cross with the Virgo Sun (discernment) and the Pisces Moon/Neptune (idealism/spirituality). I like the Pisces Moon in theory because I was born under the rays of this Moon. However, every time the Moon transits into Pisces I fall into a deep funk because I was also born with Saturn conjunct Moon in this watery sign. The Pisces Moon asks us to reflect, to meditate, to contemplate and to take no action we will regret later. The Pisces Moon emphasizes performances, dreams, idealism, spiritual pursuits. It

Saturn Direct on August 25, 2017--Getting Back to Business

In August, we experience another planetary traffic jam with Uranus (8/3) and Mercury (8/12) going retrograde and Saturn going direct towards the end of the month. We also, experience eclipse season so this means many changes are underway. And anytime changes are forced upon us by sudden events those changes were brewing in our subconscious for some time, at least the past six months since the last eclipse season. However, for this article, I am focusing on Saturn going direct. Saturn went RX on April 6 and for many people this placed obstacles in the path of changing careers or launching a business. More Capricorn types felt lost in a fog or unmotivated. They could suffer from health problems with bones, skin and other connective tissue. When Saturn is RX it is a good time to address those health issues and even come up with solutions, especially with skin and bone health. Many of you made dietary changes since April. Instead of just talking about Saturn and its direct motion

Leo Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017--Masculine Drive Versus Feminine Reflection

Leo represents the individual and this Leo Solar Eclipse has us striking out on our own or at least finding authentic people to associate or to call as our friends. A Triple Conjunction in Leo (the Moon, the Sun, and Mars), along with a Grand Fire Trine that involves the Triple Conjunction in flowing aspect with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius capture our attention.  And several planets in retrograde motion top that off along with another Cardinal T-Cross (actually, it's the same one we experienced with the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse involving Pluto, Jupiter, and Venus/Ceres. I'm picking up mixed energy with this eclipse chart. On one hand, we're getting a huge outburst of masculine energies coming from Mars, the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. But on the other hand, we have many planets asking us to go inward since they are in retrograde motion--this includes, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn (for another four days after this eclipse), Chiron (an asteroid), and