
Showing posts from July, 2021

Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces--Grand Shifts on Mother Earth

  You would think Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in its own sign, Pisces would be old news by now. But wait... Since Neptune and Pluto are outer planets and experience long orbits much of what transpires appears below the surface. It's like lava brewing under a volcano. And we already know that Pluto represents secretive or hidden situations and information. Pluto also seems to rule drama and Neptune rules illusions and deception. The transformation brought by these two planets is a slow journey. Astrologers focused on the polarities of these transits. Some astrologers have focused on the formation of the New Earth and the glories of the Aquarius Age, even exclusively in some cases as if the news is only glowing. While others have taken a more gloomy outlook focusing on lies being revealed, disclosures, and natural disasters along with the fall of the current monetary systems. But to be honest, Neptune and Pluto's transits have created and promoted both scenarios. We can't