
Showing posts from August, 2019

Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019--Purity of Intention

photo by Patricia Herlevi, All Rights Reserved If you have strong Virgo in your natal chart or if you were born when Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo (1960s), then this New Moon is going to rock your world. It could also rock the world in the form of earthquakes because all the personal planets will be in Virgo squaring Jupiter and opposing Neptune. Plus Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto are also in Earth Signs. It won't get any more earthy than this New Moon. So, what does this mean for each of the Zodiac Signs? Mutable Signs Virgo- -Nervous energy could cause panic attacks if you don't find a physical outlet to relieve mental energy. Practice yoga, go for a swim, or a hike. Get your body moving. You'll want to take care of the small details before diving into the bigger picture. However, you are thinking holistically and every area of your life gets a boost from the Virgo energy. Go on a maiden voyage or somewhere in the physical or the mental realms where you have not