Astrological Transits for Third Week of July 2014---The World as a Stage
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As we recover from the Full Moon in Capricorn and find new directions for career and structure of our lives, we endure another week of pushy Cardinal energies, a Saturn-Uranus inconjunct and Jupiter moving into Leo for the next 12 months. Oh, but we're far from through with Cardinal players since Mercury transits into Cancer on Monday July 14th followed by Venus transiting into Cancer on the 19th/20th. That's gives us to more Cardinal Sign planets to oppose Pluto and square Uranus and Mars. And if we had not got the theme of transformation in recent years, then we might just experience a grand awakening now.
On July 17th when Jupiter finally slips into Leo (a Fixed Fire Sign), the Sun in Cancer square the North Node in Libra and on the 18th, the Sun squares Mars exact as Mars hurries his way to Scorpio. Also around this time, the 19th, the Sun squares the Aries Moon so emotions run high. Remember to take deep breaths and think before you speak. We could come off as thoughtless and egotistical this week. Avoid hurting the feelings of others since those wounds can fester for months if not years. Finally, to round off the Cardinal energies, Mars squares Jupiter (at its last degrees in Cancer) on the 16th. Also look for a Cardinal T-Cross with the Sun, Mars and the N Node this week, with the Sun and Mars in exact degrees on the 18th. Transformation for individuals and the planet is imminent.
Meanwhile, we experience trines and sextiles with Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury widely conjuncts Venus in Cancer trining Neptune in sextile with Pluto. Saturn trines Chiron both in inconjunct with Uranus. Again, the lessons of self-love and integrating shadows appear this week. And I know I'm not the only healer, astrologer or teacher bringing up these topics. Please don't rest on your laurels this week and do the necessary clearing work and integrate your shadows. We have support of Chiron, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn this week for individual and collective healing.
Mercury, Sun and Venus in nurturing Cancer also bolster healing. Change your diet if you must. Check for food allergies and relieve stress through yoga or meditation to heal any digestion problems. Look into dietary and nutrition supplements for healing since Cancer rules over this along with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Also I believe we're still under the influence of the Cancer New Moon which for me represents taking better care of our health through the foods we eat.
Spend time near a large body of water and just chill. Don't make up excuses for not practicing self-care. With Jupiter in Leo, we turn to ourselves now and hopefully take better care of our bodies. Now, I'm not talking to glorify our bodies and worship them since that's narcissism but to treat our bodies with respect and show gratitude for them. Our bodies want us to love them by feeding them healthy food and exercising. Accept your body for what it is and this acceptance brings good luck into your life.
I'd write more but my fingers are sore and I'm working in a sweat box with my computer on the verge of overheating. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the watery comforting energies of this week, and use the Cardinal energies for intense transformation. As someone who completed Pluto and Uranus transits to my Sun and AC, I tell you that you'll love the results of transformation. Surrender, sweetly surrender.
I'm an astrologer and intuitive coach who gives both local and long-distance astrology readings. Sign up for a reading at Whole Music & Whole Astrology.
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