Whole Astrology Forecast for 2017

I don't see any major transits for 2017, but I doubt it is a status quo year. The North Node transits into Leo and Jupiter transits into Scorpio. Eclipses land in Pisces, Leo, and Aquarius so we move more into Fixed energy. Venus retrogrades in Aries and Pisces at the beginning of the year leaving us with a theme of the Divine Feminine.

We won't be experiencing any Saturn-Neptune Squares, but we are experiencing Saturn-Chiron squares since Saturn remains in Sagittarius until December. We also won't experience Mars staying for several months in a single sign, as we did in early 2016. I also want us to remember that Uranus will only be in Aries for another two years. That means, we only have two years to shake up the old system so that we can rebuild new structure when Uranus transits into Taurus in 2019, joining a cluster of outer planets in Capricorn. Astrologers are already setting their eyes on 2020 as if it is the beginning of a Golden Age. And it might be if we do the necessary work now.

January--We launch the year with the tail end of Mercury in Retrograde in Sagittarius. The quicksilver planet goes direct on the 7th. Venus transits into Pisces on the 5th and joins Mars, Neptune and Chiron in the Sign of the Fish. With all this Pisces energy and Neptune moving into a wide sextile with Pluto, our minds are on our spiritual paths and resolutions of a spiritual nature. Spiritual movies hit the cinemas. Music and dance also capture our attention. We get caught up in glitz and glamor, not seeing the truth beneath the surface. Be weary of relationships that begin in January as we are wearing rose-colored glasses. We worship the feminine mystique and the new glamor girls on the scene. Photography also grabs headlines.

February--Venus moves into Aries where this planet finds discomfort and Mars feels powerful in Aries. Mars conjuncts Uranus on the 26th, but you can feel the power of this duet earlier in the month. Mars square with Pluto around the 20th also proves troublesome unless we use this energy to transform our lives. However, we can also see big players controlling and manipulating youth or grassroots groups. Definitely, we'll witness some heated situations around the world and this time could feel volatile. Uranus and Mars fire up Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra (which forms a sextile with Saturn) attempts to bring balance and harmony. This month is volatile so keep your wits about you. Jupiter goes retrograde on February 6.

We experience a Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 11th and a Solar Eclipse on the 26 in Pisces. This will only add heat to the cauldron.

March--Venus joins Jupiter as the second RX planet for 2017. Mars moves into stable Taurus and we feel more grounded. We sweep up the debris caused by events of the previous month. Mars joins up with Ceres in Taurus so our minds turn towards the Divine Feminine and agriculture. A Fire Trine between Saturn and Uranus launch the month off with an enthusiastic attitude. However, Jupiter moves into a square with Pluto so we seek both transformation and balance/harmony. There could be situations where women stand up to men in a mass consciousness manner.

April--Venus in Pisces goes direct on the 15th, but Saturn goes RX on the 6th. Mercury goes RX on the 9th and Pluto goes RX on the 20th. This makes for an unstable time with several planets switching directions. By the end of the month, four planets are RX causing us to turn inward for answers. Uranus and Saturn continue their Fire Trine which gives us energy. Mars stays direct this year helping us to get work done. But with Saturn RX, we lack discipline.

May--The big astrological event is the North Node transiting into Leo. We move from the service energy of Virgo into a self-centered energy of the Fire Sign, Leo. We focus on the individual instead of the Greater Good. Jupiter forms an inconjunct with another gaseous planet, Neptune which has us questioning the spiritual beliefs of others. However, we project our own irritations onto others instead of owning what is ours. At least Mercury in Aries goes direct on the 2nd. Venus in Aries brings out the warrior side of women, and since Ceres is in Gemini, women gather and communicate.

June--Venus moves into Taurus and forms a sextile with Mars in Cancer. Now our thoughts and feelings turn to food and relaxation. We focus on children and mothers and real estate. Jupiter in Libra goes direct on the 9th and forms trines with the Gemini Sun and Mercury in Gemini. Unfortunately, the sun and Mercury square Neptune in Pisces. June is a mixed bag, but with Jupiter direct we can at least put steam behind our projects. Families head on vacation and flock to the ocean or the countryside. June actually looks like the best month thus far. Neptune goes RX on the 15th. For some folks, this brings more clarity and less fog, but for others, Neptune RX brings feelings of disorientation.

July--We begin the month with the sun, Mercury, and Mars in Cancer and Venus in Taurus. So we start out July in a manner similar to June's transits. Cancer is pushy when it comes to mothering, nutrition, real estate, and possessions. The planets transiting in Cancer eventually oppose Pluto, and square Jupiter and Uranus so this brings us combustible energies. Mars/Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto engage in a Cardinal T-Cross at the beginning of the month. Jupiter in Libra acts as the apex as it tries to bring balance to the Mars/Mercury-Pluto opposition. Tempers run high at the beginning of July and people could act impetuous or pull an entitlement act. Ceres moves into Cancer mid-month and we turn towards issues around food and agriculture. No more of those GMOs, we shout.

Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto continue in retrograde motion which at least calms the Cardinal storms. However, when Saturn is RX we tend to procrastinate and lay about. So take a vacation in July and use the Taurus-Cancer energies to heal yourself.

August--The big news this month is the Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius/Leo and the Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo. We are now experiencing eclipses in Fixed Signs. While this is not as bombastic as an eclipse in a Cardinal Sign or as life-changing as an eclipse in a Mutable Sign, now we're dealing with obstinate people and situations. We experience narcissism versus humanitarianism. The collective goes to battle with egomaniac leaders. The good news is that Saturn goes direct on the 24th and then over the next months transits out of Sagittarius into its own sign Capricorn.

Meanwhile, Uranus goes retrograde at the beginning of the month. This calms the seas in that we can expect fewer surprises or proverbial lightening bolts when Uranus is RX. However, Mercury in Virgo goes RX on the 13th. And some people will experience problems with their neurological system. Anxiety could increase since Virgo and Gemini affect the nervous system and Virgo leans towards worrying which leads to anxiety. Take a cue from Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and meditate to calm the mind and get into the heart.

September--Mercury goes direct in Leo on the 5th. While Venus and Mars (not conjunct) dance in Leo and we all feel sparkle in our partnerships. Sex drives, attraction, and sensuality are at their height at the start of the month. Then Mars moves into Virgo (not a comfortable transit for Mars) and we must curb the tendency to become hypercritical of our mates. No one will ever be perfect, but we are perfect in our evolution. Jupiter in Libra joins Saturn in Sagittarius in a sextile which also bodes well for a live-and-let-live type of partnerships. We all strive for harmony which is a contradiction in terms. At the end of the month, we experience a jolt as Pluto goes direct. This feels like a sleeping giant waking up. Try to avoid people with control issues or power plays.

October--Jupiter moves out of the Cardinal Air Sign Libra into the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio. We notice an expansive energy in the areas of death, birth, fertility, taxes, inheritance, DNA, lineages, and all themes Scorpio. We desire to go deep with others. And we desire intimacy where we brave our souls and confess our deepest secrets. This happens for the next 12 months since Jupiter stays in a sign for 12 months. And speaking of intimacy, Venus catches up to Mars and they couple in the sign of Virgo. This could lead to purification of intentions in a partnership. Or it we want to deal with practical day-to-day matters. Neptune forms a sextile with Pluto which also focuses on relationships. Are we realistic? Are we transforming from the relationship? This is a time of intense spiritual relationships, even with ourselves--especially with ourselves.

November--Neptune goes direct on the 21st and now only Uranus remains RX. This means we experience forward motion in our lives without Uranus tossing in surprises. Venus and Mars in Libra (though not conjunct) bring balance and harmony to relationships. However, I have the impression that many women are demanding more freedom and liberties in November. A glamorous woman in the media headlines surprises us with deep spiritual practices and inner wisdom. She ignites the hearts of other women who launch a new type of feminism. The Scorpio Sun joins Jupiter at the beginning of the month and we shine the light on secrets. I have a strong feeling that much is revealed to us on all fronts in November 2017. This revelation leads to new lifestyle and convictions. Set intentions for the highest good.

December--The big news this last month of the year is Saturn moving into its own sign, Capricorn on the 21st around the Solstice. What a powerful message about self-reliance, climbing the mountain, and improving finances (on a mundane level). We remember MLK's "Top of the Mountain" speech. We also wish to bring justice to the land. Although we hardly ever hear about it, Capricorn does have a compassionate and generous side. Mercury in Sagittarius goes RX from the 4 -22. At the beginning of the month, we have several planets in the Sign of the Satyr including Mercury, Venus, the sun, and Saturn. We are feeling benevolent this holiday season. Enthusiasm oozes out of most people. There is a large world stage event that happens around politics or religion that puts zest in our steps. The downside is that we could just grab onto hot air or rise above everything as if we are in a hot air balloon. When we drink too much, we wake up the next morning hungover.

Please note that this is just an overview and I will give fuller monthly transits in 2017. Think of this as a yearly weather report so you can follow trends. Sign up for a personal reading. Fixed Signs (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus) get some action via the transits in 2017. I especially encourage you to sign up for a yearly overview reading. Thank you and happy holidays!


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