The Sagittarius Man that would be Pope--Chart Interpretation of Pope Francis I

After I saw a headline for an article about Pope Francis (Sagittarius) denouncing Republican front runner Donald Trump (Gemini) for his proposal to kick Mexican workers out of the US and ask Mexico to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of the US, it was time to explore Pope Francis' Natal Chart and transits. Pope Francis declared that Trump's mentality isn't Christian and this create a stir in the media. All this plays out in the foreground of 2016's Mutable Transits, which includes Mutable T-Crosses with outer planets, a Grand Mutable Square in the spring, and exact Saturn Neptune squares throughout the summer months.

Pope Francis I

Chart Ruler: Moon
Sun Ruler: Jupiter
Moon Ruler: Uranus 
Pluto in Cancer Generation 

Angular Houses: First, Seventh, and Tenth activated

So this piqued my curiosity and I wondered about Pope Francis' Natal Chart and how this drama is a reflection of the Mutable planet transits, the upcoming Virgo Full Moon, and the Saturn-Neptune Square (though not exact at this time, but still churning in the background). Then what will conspire around the Pisces Solar Eclipse a few weeks from now?

It turns out that Pope Francis has his Sun in late degrees of Sagittarius landing in his 6th House of work or vocation. Not only that, his Sun conjuncts the North Node in Sagittarius which tells us that he was fated to do the work of a public servant and in his case, a religious public servant, though many people would not view a traditional pope as a servant.

When we think of service, we don't think of the pomp of the Vatican or the old-style pope. But as we have seen in the news since 2013, when Francis was elected Pope, we have witnessed someone radical more aligned with the teachings of Saint Francis of Assisi and less aligned with the conservative and even right-wing popes prior to the election of Pope Francis. What must author Dan Brown think about all of this?

And even though Pope Francis comes across as a humble servant declaring rights for the poor and the environment, don't dismiss this man as powerless. He has Pluto in Cancer falling in his First House. Anyone who has Pluto in the First House has the power of personal transformation and also acts as an instrument for global transformation. Now, Pluto in Cancer is part of an out-of-sign T-Cross with Uranus in Taurus and Moon/Venus in Aquarius which falls in the 7th House which in this case represents Catholics or his followers (some of which aren't Christian).

Having Pluto in Cancer (but close to the cusp of Leo), Pope Francis honors the sanctity of motherhood which I have seen with his anti-abortion stance (aligned with the Vatican).  Then having Uranus in Taurus (will be interesting to see what happens in 2019 when Uranus transits into Taurus), near the MC, the Pope is traditional on some topics and radical about others. But either way, he communicates strong opinions and doesn't sway from his values (Mars in Libra in the Third House).

In a statement to the press about whether or not Brazilian women exposed to Zika virus could have abortions and the Pope stood firm on his anti-abortion stance, but recommended that both men and women use contraceptives (Mars in Libra). We must remember that the Catholic Church is anti-contraceptives so in that light is radical.

With the Sun conjunct North Node in Sagittarius in the 6th House, we see fate playing a role. Sagittarius rules organized religion, religious leaders, and here it falls in the Sixth House of service and vocation. Then we see Uranus in Taurus (a radical planet in a stable Earth Sign) falling in the 10th House of public image and career. Even with the Pope's radical stance on many topics, he seems like a reasonable man. And his approach to wealth astounds us as he is driven around in a regular car, kisses diseased feet and faces, and forgoes the pleasures normally associated with Taurus. Is this giving us any indication of what will transpire when Uranus moves into Taurus three years from now?

I also want to bring up the opposition between Saturn in Pisces in the Eighth House and Neptune in Virgo in the Second House. Now, having been born with my Saturn in Pisces (in my Second House), I know that this Saturn placement can appear unrealistic at worst, but a visionary at best. It's a somewhat lazy and hazy placement for Saturn and then this poor planet gets a double dose of Pisces since it opposes Neptune in Virgo (the Sign of the Servant). But in this case, this man had a vision of becoming a religious leader where he could make a difference in the world, especially where poverty and hunger were concerned and he succeeded.

The other thing I want to mention is that people born when Pluto was in Cancer experienced or at least witnessed the effects of the Great Depression. Pope Francis was born during the flip side of Pluto's current transit in Capricorn so it seems appropriate that this energy would have shaped his views on hunger, poverty and social justice. Pluto in Cancer would also transform the concept of motherhood and many mothers were forced to abandon their children or send them to foster homes during the Great Depression. It wasn't that there were a lot of bad mothers, but that mothers just didn't have the means to nourish their children, much less themselves. The Pope was born during this energy. It will be another interesting time when Pluto reaches 28 degrees Capricorn (2024?) since the Pope has his Pluto at 28 degrees Cancer.

So let's look at some dates for the Mutable Sign transits for 2016 since Pope Francis has his Sun (25 degrees) and North Node (24 degrees) in Sagittarius, Saturn in Pisces (16 degrees), and Neptune in Virgo (18 degrees). The Saturn Neptune Square this summer will take place between 10 and 12 degrees Pisces and Sagittarius so it won't have a direct impact on the Pope's Natal planets. However, he'll still play a crucial role during the summer months, as most prominent people with several planets in Mutable Signs will.

We do want to keep an eye out for Jupiter and North Node transits when they reach 16 to 18 degrees or 24 to 26 degrees as they will interact with and ignite the Saturn Neptune opposition and the Sun conjunct North Node in the Pope's chart. We also want to keep an eye out for Neptune and Chiron in Pisces (not to mention that Ceres is currently transiting in Pisces) as well as, Saturn in Sagittarius as these transits interact with the Pope's planets. He is most outspoken when his Mars at 19 degrees Libra are activated by Uranus in Aries (opposition) and Pluto in Capricorn (square).

May and June will be particularly busy times for the Pope with several planets forming a Grand Mutable Square (when fast moving planets transit in Gemini) oppose Saturn in Sagittarius, and square Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter and the North Node. Saturn is currently in orb with the Pope's Neptune and Saturn.

The Virgo Full Moon on February 22nd trines the Pope's Jupiter (Sun's Ruler) in Capricorn and trines his Uranus in Taurus. And the Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees 57 minutes Pisces conjunct's the Pope's Natal Saturn (March 8) and opposes his Natal Neptune. This affects other people's resources verses his own resources. And we will hear about such deep and taboo topics as abuse of power, big government, financial institutions, sex, procreation, abortion, taxes, and other Eighth House related themes.

I will end my post here and add more later if I feel the urge. Whether you like Pope Francis or not isn't the point. He has the power to shape the destiny of the planet and help us in awaken to the love that is inside each of us. I know that I'm moved every time I hear him speak and I'm not a proponent of organized religion. I don't agree with all of his views, but I do admire the Pope's integrity. I haven't seen any spiritual leader of his stature embody compassion for a long while, with the exception of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (a Cancerian).

Also watch the accompanying video on YouTube (Astrologer Patricia).


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