Ho, ho, ho, Whole Astrology & the Gift of Giving

This holiday season, pledge to delve further on your spiritual path and expand consciousness. If self-exploration is the ticket for you then purchase Hay House products through the affiliate ads on Whole Astrology. Please note if you have a cookie blocker on your browser, you won't be able to view the ads and click on them. Please allow cookies for this blog for one time so you can click on the ads.

Hay House currently has many of their most popular products at 50% off or better. In fact, I'll be making my own purchases through the Hay House holiday catalog. I look forward to this event each year.

I'm also offering $10 off a full Natal, Pediatric, or Solar Return chart reading for anyone sending me payment and requesting a reading from now until December 24. And if you would like to purchase a reading for a friend or family member, I offer gift certificates too. You can even start with a mini-reading which includes the Ascendant, moon and sun in your Natal chart (provided you have the correct birth time) for $35. This is a good way to try out Whole Astrology. Then if you decide you would like a full reading, you only pay the additional $65.

I also give card readings by Skype or Google Voice on a limited basis which includes a 30 minute reading for $35. So if you would like to know what energies await you in 2016, please sign up for a reading on the contact form and mail a money order.

In the meantime, thank you for visiting Whole Astrology, for watching Astrologer Patricia videos on YouTube, for your comments, and for those of you who had readings from me. If you are a returning client, let me know and I'll offer you a loyalty discount on your next reading.

Happy holidays!


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