Full Moon in Cancer and Cardinal T-Cross (January 4, 2015)
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One one hand, we get another opportunity to transform our lives both individually and globally. Meanwhile, the North Node in Libra (Aries axis) transits at 15 degrees asking us to bring balance to the situation. The Nodes represent fate or destiny and with the North Node in Libra, we want justice in some area of our lives. The areas of our lives depend upon where the Full Moon, Sun, Pluto and Uranus transit.
So what energy am I picking up here? The Full Moon represents the Mother or the Divine Feminine Goddess. She is either the chaste high priestess or the pregnant mother, depending on which symbol you prefer. Either way, this Moon represents intuition, the need to nurture and be nurtured by others. This Full Moon represents self-love and self-care in such a big way and most of us are starting off the year feeling frazzled, especially since the exact Uranus-Pluto square lasted from the last week of November until December 28. Then we'll be at it again, on January 23 and 24th, then from the 19 to the 28th of February when the square is at 14 degrees and the final round (of a 7-part series) from March 11 until the 28 at 15 degrees.
I imagine that we'll revisit themes from the Full Moon in Cancer at 14 degrees when both Uranus and Pluto arrive at that degree in their respective signs. Could get intense if we don't get the lessons (which by the way, keep repeating themselves while turning up the volume each time around). So we have the Divine Feminine pitting herself against the established order (Pluto in Capricorn conjunct Sun) and the warrior child or the Great Awakener (Uranus in Aries). So definitely, mothers, children (most likely teens or tweens) and authority figures create some drama here. We could even experience inner drama with the energies that represent the inner child, inner mother, and inner authority. The question is not that this drama won't play out, but how will it play out in each of our lives?
Will we engage in food fights in the media? Will mothers concerned about the health of their children protests the food in public schools (for children who actually get fed) and on the supermarket shelves? Will we hear about an increase in sensitivities and allergies to food (Full Moon in Cancer) or perhaps new research on breast cancer (Pluto in Capricorn and Full Moon in Cancer)? Will we see more police brutality against a certain race in the news (Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn)? Since Uranus is unpredictable and we're dealing with a Full Moon here, we have plenty of probable scenarios to play around with.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Full Moon in Cancer. This Moon forces us to take better care of our health and the health of those we love. But Cancer, although sensitive is still a pushy Cardinal Sign and when mothers especially feel outraged and defend their children or their inner child, expect the tigress to come crashing through the door. I'm betting that we'll be knee deep if not thigh deep in food issues around January 4 and we'll also feel like we've been hit in the head about "family values" or people waxing on about their mothers and their childhood (good or bad).
In any case, honor your mother, without her, you wouldn't be here reading these words and contemplating the planets. Besides, it's not time to hurl blame at anyone because we all do the best we can with what we have. Cancer also represents a mirror or how we reflect out into the world. If we don't like what stares back at us, time to delve deep into the subconscious and find out what lurks in there. Is anybody home?
Starting this January, I'm offering readings by Skype, MP3 recordings of readings and other goodies. If you would like a online Natal or Transit chart reading, or intuitive coaching sessions, sign up at Metaphysics for Everyday Living. I will raise my fees later in 2015, but only after I get up to speed with the new (to me) technology. Happy 2015!
I highly recommend viewing YouTube videos (on the Moons) by astrologers Kelley Rosano and Verle Debruyne since these two astrologers go in depth. I watch their videos after I've written my posts so that I have a clear channel with my guidance.
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