Whole Astrology--July's Leo New Moon for Each Zodiac Sign

On July 23, we experience the first Leo New Moon for 2017. Then on August 21, we experience a Solar Eclipse in Leo. So what can each of the Zodiac Signs expect for the July Leo New Moon? The first Leo Moon is tamer than the second one. So, we won't be hearing the lion roar this time.

Aries: You have loads of energy and you brim over with enthusiasm. Make sure you challenge this energy constructively. Even though Saturn in Sagittarius is blessing you, it's still Saturn we're talking about. This means that you require a step-by-step plan in manifesting your dreams. Yes, you do have to show up and do the work. However, you have the vitality to get the job done.

Taurus: I feel a big yawn coming from you as you roll over on your hammock. You just want your day in the sun and you don't want to deal with anyone's problems. The downside of this approach is that you forget to show up and do your service in the world. People find you selfish and will cut you off. Not to worry though, this just gives you more time in the sun to read your favorite novel.

Gemini: You have a lot of good ideas, but you don't see the bigger picture. Ask your Sagittarius friends to fill in the gaps for you. Your lightheartedness heals others and you find buddies to go out and to join you in pursuing fun activities. This summer feels relatively light to you despite all the Mutable T-Crosses. Spread your messages in the world. Write a book.

Cancer: You no longer have Mercury, Mars, Sun, and the Moon in your sign. Not to worry. You can still show up like a lion, instead of a crab. This means that it's time to step on stage and grab the spotlight--not an easy fete for Cancer people unless they work in the performing arts. Still, I'm seeing some of you trying your hand at acting whether that's joining a local improv troupe or appearing in community theater or heading to a city with bright lights and big stages. If acting is not your thing, try something else that highlights your hidden gifts.

Leo: Show up like royalty and people treat you that way. It doesn't even matter if you drive a VW Bug from the 1960s framed in rust. People are going to notice you even if you dress in rags. And there's a good chance that you'll be at the right place, at the right time, and receiving notice from the right people. Apply for new jobs. Ask for a raise. But don't be like Icarus and fly too close to the Sun. Humility goes a long ways in pleasing your people. And keep the drama on stage.

Virgo: Your planet Mercury is in the last degrees of Leo getting reared up to move into your sign. However, in two weeks, Mercury goes RX in Virgo. So, it's time to get your proverbial ducks in a row.  Double check your books and don't overspend. If something feels too good to be true, walk away from it so it doesn't come back to haunt you later. You have a lot of work to get done so pace yourself.

Libra: With Jupiter still in your sign, it's time to tie up loose ends. Sign the divorce papers and move on with your life. Settle disputes in court now. Sign contracts before August 12 when Mercury goes RX. It's also a good time to host a dinner party and invite your Leo friends over for a good time, fun, and laughter. Food tastes exquisite and you want to treat others like royalty. Don't forget to treat yourself too with the love and care you deserve.

Scorpio: With all that bright Leo energy, you want to find shady corner to rest. It seems like everyone is heading to La-La Land and you have no interest in that type of place. You want people to get real and deal with the murky substances hiding out in their subconscious, if only. Well, the parade will pass by soon enough and take its noise with it.

Sagittarius: You're feeling pleased as punch that Saturn is in the resting mode. Restrictions are lifted off travel and you head to the open road or friendly skies, whatever is the case for you. Go and shake the hands of foreigners and act like a diplomat for your respective country. Remember Jupiter is still transiting in Libra until October.

Capricorn: Use the Leo New Moon to get ahead in your career. This might involve traveling overseas or giving a presentation on the internet. The world is your stage with the Leo New Moon because this moon shines a light on your 9th House of the world stage. Practice diplomacy and you'll go further than you ever imagined.

Aquarius: Authenticity is the key for you that opens the proverbial door. But this means that as you show up as an authentic individual you also recognize authenticity in others. You don't have patience for copy cats or people who show up on a superficial level. You also prefer drama stay on the stage and you walk away from melodramatic people now. But aren't they members of humanity just like you?

Pisces: Go to a movie. Stop worrying about other people's concerns. It's time to take a long, hot, bath, dress in your finest clothing and head to a movie that is pure fantasy. Yes, that is a long sentence. Slow down and smell the flowers. Better yet, buy yourself flowers and then stare at them for an afternoon. Don't worry, you're not going crazy. You're just meeting your soul on a deeper level. It's where you end and other's begin. Set boundaries and you'll feel better.

Sign up for an astrology session or for an astrology reading delivered by email. I'm offering July discounts on Solar Return Chart sessions for Leo and Cancer.


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