Is Neptune in Pisces the Last Marker for the Pisces Age?


 Astrologically, we needed an exit plan out of the Pisces Age. We've been touting the Aquarius Age at least since the late 1960s and yet, we seem to be nowhere close to this age as far as living in a utopia where everyone experiences freedom and equality. But with so many Uranus and Aquarius aspects in 2021 and with the drawing of a close to Neptune in Pisces in 2025, could that be the final marker of the Pisces Age?


I'm writing this article from my intuition and my experiences with the outer planet transits for the last several decades. I was born with two planets (Moon, Saturn) and the asteroid Chiron in Pisces opposing Uranus and Pluto in Virgo (markers in themselves). Neptune is parked on my mid heaven in the Water Sign Scorpio so I believe that I have a strong sense of Piscean energy but probably not as strong as someone born with a cluster of planets in Pisces or in the Twelfth Natal House (ruled by Pisces).

I'm witnessing the dark side of Pisces along with some of the more transcendent qualities. I'm surprised that I'm not noticing more healing with music, dance, and photography. I'm surprised that much of the healing of power music research happened when Neptune was in Aquarius and not in Pisces. And even though more people are taking yoga classes and living the yoga lifestyle, it seems to be more glamorous and focused more on the yoga clothing and accessories (Pisces dark side) than transcendence. Neptune rules trends and it certainly rules things that are trendy and seduce people with superficiality. Pisces is a ruler too of tricksters and how we fool ourselves. It's the sign of con artists, frauds, and faking it. 

In fact, I'm disappointed with the Neptune in Pisces transits except for the fact that it is tossing up illusions and delusions in our face so that we can dissolve them. It's tossing up mental illness, addictions, and the stuff we swept under a rug pretending it just wasn't there until it showed up in our families. It's tossing up narcissists, sociopaths and other wounded figures that we thought were our loyal friends. It's like we're waking up from a dream and having to witness the shadows so that we become authentic with ourselves and then the others.

Neptune in Pisces in a Sextile with Pluto in Capricorn


We know that the outer planets move more slowly than the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) and those transits bring long-lasting or permanent shifts. We also know that a sextile between two outermost planets (Neptune and Pluto at this time) bring us powerful changes on a global level. The global level represents the macro and our individual lives represent the micro. When we shift our individual consciousness this ripples out and shifts consciousness on the global level. Although we might not witness those changes during a single lifetime.

All three of our outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are in the process of dismantling old structures of the Pisces Age. Pluto takes us deep into the underbelly of our subconscious minds but also the darkest places within our governments, industries, and other collective structures. In the sign of Capricorn Pluto is especially focusing on structure and corruption of a nightmarish proportion. But Neptune reminds us that seeing is not the same as believing. In fact, we have to believe it first on a subconscious level (Pluto) before we can see it in the physical reality, but wait, perhaps, what we are experiencing is an illusion of 3D reality and not physical reality.

After all, a single event can be witnessed and perceived completely different by various people. Depending on what their beliefs are, what's going on in the subterranean parts of their brains, and how they were raised and taught, people see events differently. One person's illusion is another person's solid reality or is it? We hear the term going down the rabbit hole (taken from Alice in Wonderland) often especially when it comes to conspiracy theories. But wait a minute.

The conspiracy theories once muttered by schizophrenic people on a public bus or subway train suddenly hold some validity which makes us all feel that we're losing our minds. You mean, our own government is out to get us? A look back through history tomes gives us that answer. Hasn't greed and corruption always been on the planet in one form or another? And if we revisit ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, greed and abuse of power led to the demise of a civilization. Oddly, the Earth continued to spin on its orbit and to eventually bring in a new races of humans.

While the Pisces Age led us to complete madness as in insanity, the Aquarius Age which rules the brain will mend our minds by revealing faulty assumptions and cognitive distortions. We are the masters of our mind, not society, unless we are lazy and don't protect ourselves.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Even if the conspiracies hold water we have the power to shift reality. This is a lesson we learned when Neptune transited in Capricorn and Aquarius. Neptune in Pisces wants us to believe (yes, there is the word believe again) that we are hapless and hopeless victims and that we must martyr ourselves (the ego) to make the world a better place. After all, isn't that what some big religions have taught us? Spirituality and religion are ruled by both Pisces and Sagittarius.

If we can create a new reality or live parallel realities, then why aren't we doing that instead of focusing on everyone's shadows and playing the shaming game? Is it because we enjoy playing the role of a victim (Pisces) or that we are afraid of looking like a monster if we own our shadows and empower ourselves? If we empower ourselves that means we must take responsibility for our current and past actions. We can't make up excuses for abusing others, for our addictions, and there is no passing the buck (my parents caused me to act like this). Blaming and shaming others leaves us in a weak position and the only thing we can manifest from a weak position is more tragedy that perpetuates the game of predators and victims. This is why focusing on conspiracies (Pluto in Capricorn) actually weakens us.

This doesn't mean that we don't ignore the shadows. But it does mean that we bless those people promoting darkness and toxic behaviors with a conscience. "Dear God, please bless this leader with a conscience." What if we did that as our daily mantra? Don't you think that would soothe our souls and help us to think more positively instead of beating ourselves up for not carrying a bigger burden of the world? Give that some thought.

If acting the way we currently act and have done so throughout history would have solved our problems it would have already happened. And it hasn't. It seems like the world is in more trouble now than ever It's like we are living through multiple lives such as all the wars, epidemics, corruption, greed, and natural disasters at one time. And we are! I imagine that Neptune in Pisces also rules the morphogenetic fields which we could clear out and shift energy if we chose to do so. So, why aren't we clearing these fields? Do we enjoy the drama too much?

This reminds me of people who identify too strongly with their past lives and don't live in the present moment. Knowing past lives helps us to resolve problems in this life if we choose to do that. However, it's glamorous and a stroke to our egos to rehash those lives and make ourselves feel special. And this is okay for the short term but lose the baggage already. Lost the freaking labels too. That's not who you are.

The Lessons of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

Going forward, Uranus in Taurus is about blowing up old structures and shifting our values, period. Those values have to do with land use, financial institutions, the distribution of wealth, our beliefs about wealth, and distribution of food as in agriculture ruled by the Taurus Bull. Uranus always brings awakening and it does so in a short span of time within the themes of the sign it transits.

For instance, when Uranus transited in Aries for nine years (a longer transit than usual for Uranus) our focus was on the safety of children as well as, healing our inner child. We saw many courageous acts of the everyday person. It was a time when children shouted to be heard. We also saw the youth topple governments such as in Egypt and with Arab Spring. We saw the story of David and Goliath played out with the Occupy Movement mushrooming in western cities. And we heard the word "revolution" coming from many corners. We shouted from the streets and on social media, "See me, feel me, know me!"

Let's not forget adults acting bratty and blaming their parents for all their woes and the awareness of healing childhood abuse. Most of us had no idea the extent of the damage caused by neglectful or abusive behavior. Everyone has experienced abuse of one kind or another. After all, we live on a brutal planet. Just watching a hurricane barrel through a town or city reminds us of that. However, clinging to the abuse instead of healing it only leads to more burdens in the world. The planets are shoving these memories in our face now for a reason.

When Uranus was in Aries it squared Pluto in Capricorn and that was extremely painful. Now, we have Uranus and Pluto in Earth Signs so they are on the same page. Uranus and Pluto asks each of us what we contribute the world through our values and our wealth. We also must lose this idea that if we earn or receive wealth then we will become the bad elite guy or gal. There is a difference between bids for power and using wealth to make the world a better place as an unsung hero. Humility when combined with wealth is our friend. Wouldn't you rather have conscious people rather than unconscious people handle the wealth in the world?

Neptune dissolves what it touches and in this case, it dissolve the rose-colored glasses or removes the blinders. It says look at both the dark and the light then choose which where you want to go. Playing in the dark playground and allowing the toxins of the world to seduce you is a 3D experience. It is basically hell on Earth. But integrating the shadows into our light and focusing on our best selves helps us to transcend hell on Earth.


So How Do We Know This is the End of the Pisces Age?


The fact that we're noticing the corruption and not trying to escape it is a sign that we are learning the Pisces lessons. The fact that more people are studying sound healing, Reiki, other energy-healing, and delving into spiritual practices for self-development means that we are learning the Pisces lessons. The fact that no one wants to martyr themselves also points in that direction.

Pisces shows us first what it aims to dissolve. It shows us the drug epidemics on the planet and it shows us that we require spiritual tools to master the current pandemic also ruled by Pisces. It's like Neptune in Pisces holds no punches. Neptune is giving us every Pisces lesson and experience in the book. It shows us the illusion of wealth, power, drugs, crime, movies, music used as propaganda, and how easily humans are psychologically programmed and even intelligent people have tossed out basic science and common sense. Pisces and Neptune despise logical thinking. And you think that having Uranus and Pluto in Earth signs would help us stay grounded in reality except that Neptune asks, "Whose reality?"

Neptune in Pisces is the final curtain call as is Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus for the Pisces and even the Patriarchal Ages. It's like the end of a Bugs Bunny cartoon when we hear, "That's all folks." We're looking at the theater of Neptune playing out on a grand scale.

And then Neptune transits into Aries in 2025 hailing in a fiery new beginning much like the Ace of Wands or the Knight of Wands perhaps. Personally, I thought I would love Neptune in Pisces--not so much. My YouTube name is Neptune Girl Wearing Space Boots but that doesn't mean I enjoy this Neptune theater of the macabre. I do value positive thoughts and creating a 5D reality, yet, I was just as much caught up in the delusions and tragedies as most people. The only difference is that I know better.

Four More Years!

That was a political anti-rally call in the US but it also describes Neptune in Pisces for four (less than) more years. Will we use this time to better ourselves through spiritual development, lose the illusions, lose the addictions, and create a new reality? Will we roll up our sleeves and clean up corruption on the planet and not participate and support it through our consumer habits? Each of us has more power than we think especially Neptune types who should have mastered transcendence already from previous lifetimes. You know who you are.

So, yes, we must ride this final passage of the Pisces Age and the outcome is decided by our actions. This is still a time of saints and angels. It's still a time of compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters. It's still about Unity Consciousness and the superhighway to our souls.

In away, Pisces does rule dualism too because the two fish of the Pisces symbol swims in different directions. Or we can see that as integration of two realities like with Charles Dicken's Tale of Two Cities. Thank about what would happen if we integrated instead of judged, blamed, and shamed others which is really us judging, blaming, and shaming ourselves. Unity Consciousness means we are all one and the same. We are both politically wrong and politically correct at the same time. We are both predators and victims. Now realizing that is true empowerment. Stop pointing the finger at yourself and shouting obscenities.

Think about it. The Goddess Kali of Hindu faith does not apologize for representing destruction and creation. We must destroy to create. Birth follows death and then death follows birth as Pluto reminds us. And if the strongest planets in your chart are Pluto and Neptune then suit up because you are called to the front lines of destroy the old world and create the new one. Then we'll know we have emerged from the Pisces Age.

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