A Year Powered by Uranus and Aquarius--Can You Feel the Electricity?


Aquarius is a sign that is better in theory than in practice. As far back as the late 1960s into the 1970s, hippies were exalting the Age of Aquarius and claiming that Aquarius was going to change everything. And now that we've entered (some astrologers say we have not) the Aquarius Age, it's messy, painful, and chaotic. It resembles the movie The Matrix and the groupthink mentality is destroying life on the planet and placing our bodies in danger.

And one of the things I especially noticed after Jupiter and Saturn formed a Grand Conjunction in Aquarius last December was that I personally don't want to be a member of any camp or group. But isn't Aquarius about groups, networking, cooperation, and collaboration? Perhaps, humanity hasn't quite figured out how to do the group thing without squashing someone else' esteem or rights.

Now, I'll get into the important Uranus and Aquarius transits in a moment. First, let's talk about the perils of groupthink when most of the people are less than brilliant or properly educated. I know that sounds like it's coming from an intellectual snob. However, the truth is that we've all been programmed to the point where most people don't and can't think for themselves. They seem happy in the proverbial box that someone else stuck them in because it's safer inside the box than out in the wild, wild world, as Cat Steven's once sang, "Oh, baby, it's a wild world..." He is a Cancerian so staying neatly in a shell is the safe way to live. But the singer did eventually marry a Muslim woman and change his name so he eventually leaped out of the box as Cancerians do given time.

Aquarius is not about safety and living inside a shell. Aquarius is asking us to choose freedom and sovereignty over safety. Aquarius is asking us to venture outdoors and breathe the air instead of worrying what germs might be floating in the air. Aquarius reminds us that like that lightening bolt that comes out of nowhere and sometimes transforms a landscape such as destroying a tree in a meadow, to expect the unexpected. It's not something we can plan for.

Groupthink is also dangerous because it divides people into camps. Those people don't cooperate or do the right thing. And what is the right thing? The right thing is decided by a group and often the right thing is by rote and never questioned. It's based on faulty logic or the way things happened in the past and then convoluted math tossed in for full measure. However, the problem with that is Aquarius' job is to bring new energy and new ways of doing things, not sticking to the old. Aquarius asks us to question everything, even authority, even experts. 

In a way, Aquarius asks us to to tune into our intuition. And the intuition with Aquarius has no emotional baggage. It just is. Aquarius wants facts and it wants to cut away to the truth. At least the higher octave of Aquarius feels that way.

Aquarius rules science even creepy bad science. When you combine creepy science with groupthink you have a real problem. And I don't need to be explicit for you to know exactly what I'm talking about. We're speaking in code here to hide under the radar so that the truth leaks out to the right people in the right way. And folks ate the red pill to quote The Matrix. Once you eat the red pill there's no turning back and the we see the illusions for what they are--Neptune glamour, allure, and seduction. Who needs that?

Aquarius rules the brain and the neurological system and diseases such as dementia. I'm old enough to remember a US president who suffered from dementia and how nervous that caused us to feel, (Ronald Reagan). There's nothing funny about a world leader losing his mind. The fear at the time was that he might forget and press the red button that would nuke the planet. And yes, this president was an Aquarius. Some Aquarius leaders are frightening so don't place all your eggs in the Aquarius basket, okay.

So, let's get to the important transits that make 2021 and Aquarius year. And some astrologers even mark December 20, 2020 when the Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter transited at 0 degrees Aquarius as the gateway into the Aquarius Age.

The Grand Conjunction (Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius)

We began 2020 with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 23 degrees Capricorn that lasted from January 20 through the 23. The focus was on the emergence of the Aquarius Age. Everything was going to be different. We would choose freedom over safety. We would travel the world again. We would come up with a solution for a pandemic. Would the solution come from the established order (not Aquarius) or from alternative medicine and futuristic science (Aquarius)?

So much hope hung like an albatross around the neck of this Grand Conjunction. We would all become socialist feed the hungry, house the homeless, and force our progressive opinions on stalwarts. We asked, "What is wrong with those people anyway?"

But the problem with having Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius is the planets represent opposing energies! Jupiter represents expansion, adventure, optimism, and is the planet ruled by Sagittarius. It wants freedom to roam the world fancy free while enjoying the delights of other cultures. Not so, says Saturn, which places restrictions on everything it touches while singing the song from the musical Annie about hard luck. How would we make any progress with these two energies cancelling each other out?

The late new thought teacher Louise Hay would ask us to focus on the optimism and creating a better reality. But the Capricorn teachers of the world point out that life sucks on this planet. You can't get people to realize that they create a collective nightmare. Saturn reminds us that no matter how much we try to control a situation, we will lose every time because everyone has free will. Do they really? I wonder. We don't even have freedom to decide what goes into our bodies at this point thanks to scientific breakthroughs in both the food and medical industries. Thank you, Aquarius Age.

At least some of the fear of the pandemic has ebbed. People seem more confident as they attend crowded events while most likely leaving their hand-sanitizers and masks at home. I'm not one of those people by the way. Nor am I spending my days trembling in fear sitting in front of the TV news. I've come someone who can finally see past illusions spun before me as I down those red pills of truth and freedom. Mouthwash and nose sprays hold promise, I'm just saying. And good hygiene is something Virgos would recommend and so must we.

Saturn-Uranus Square (Uranus and Aquarius)

If you have watched my Astrologer Patricia videos on my YouTube channel for the past several months, you will have heard me talking about the Saturn-Uranus Square. It's a big deal because Saturn was also involved with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn and the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius. Saturn also reminds us, ah-hem, that his classical ruler is Aquarius along with Capricorn. This is why some Capricorn Sun people believe that secretly they are really Aquarius star beams. Someone got their birth certificate wrong! But no, you guys are old goats and not star beams. Please remember that during your next astrology reading. Sorry, to break the news to you. (The Capricorn clients never return, sigh).

In the transit with Saturn in Uranus, Saturn takes on its Aquarius attributes. It's gazing at the business side of science and it's counting the billions of dollars sifting in from weird pharma products that play around with the human and other DNA. Yeah, weird and creepy science! Thank you very much, Saturn in Aquarius. And those high-tech tycoons heading off in rockets to outer space also fall under Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn rules the Earth and Aquarius rules the stars and far off galaxies. The marriage between high-tech and big pharma also falls under Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn won't stay in Aquarius forever and that's good news.

Uranus in Taurus focuses more on the health of our physical bodies because Taurus rules the physical realm and is the most dense energy in the Zodiac. This is why Taurus people just plod along like a cow in the meadow. But with Uranus in Taurus the cow is going to experience lightening and thunder rolling through that once peaceful meadow. When people lose their jobs, their security, and their values they will storm like a bull across the field. And they are pointing their horns at the established order. Why? Well because Uranus is the Awakener Planet. Uranus roots for the everyday person, the laborer, the peasants, and in this case, the farmers. Start messing with the things people value and they will grow angry like a bull. Watch out for the rampage coming soon.

Taurus rules values and Uranus plays the role of the Tarot Tower. There is no way in Hades that Uranus in Taurus won't shift everyone's values. People who were once conservative become progressive and people from that camp grow more conservative, even overnight after experiencing insights. Or maybe like in my case, I refuse to wear any political label because human politics pales in comparison to God's Divine Plan for humanity and the Earth. And every idea or concept or theory only contains a grain of truth--miniscule and limited by the human ego and the human weakness when it comes to acquisition of wealth and power. Politics is all about ego as we have learned over the decades. Toss out all the idealism and what are you left with? Not much or more problems and less solutions.

Uranus in Taurus squaring with Saturn in Aquarius has brought us strange weather, earthquakes, volcanic activity and a fluctuation of the world's stock markets because money is an illusion too. This physical reality as we experience it is an illusion. This is what the character Neo learned when leaving the Matrix. And this is what humanity or some of us learn now.

The exact Uranus-Saturn Squares:

February 8-9

February 16-24

June 13-17

December 24-28

Two Aquarius Full Moons

In July and August we experienced Aquarius Full Moons. The first Full Moon was at 0 degrees and the last one at 29 degrees. In itself this would not be a big deal since every year we experience 13 Full Moons and we only have 12 Zodiac Signs. However, 2021 is the year where astrology has chosen to focus its gaze on Uranus and Aquarius.

With the first Aquarius Full Moon on July 23, Jupiter was at 0 degrees Pisces reminding us have any ties to the Pisces Age. Also, Jupiter in its classical Ruler Pisces laced our problems with compassion and empathy which I like.

This chart also has the Full Moon at 1 degree where it was for the second Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius in December of 2020. There is a sense of a wobbly new beginning in to the Aquarius Age. This is new energy and yes, it will take centuries before humans figure out what to do with the higher octave of Aquarius rather than hanging out in the shadows of this quirky sign.

The second Full Moon on August 22, 2021 (which is tomorrow as I type this article) features two Grand Trines (Air and Earth). Uranus is involved in the Grand Earth Trine and Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Libra and the North Node (fate) in Gemini make up the Grand Air Trine. We rethink the money markets, big real estate and development, and we might even strive for fairness.

The Earth changes have us thinking sustainability, renewable energy, and new business models. The second Full Moon in Aquarius is nothing short of brilliance and light bulb moments. I want to call it the Einstein Moon. The downside is that only Neptune and an asteroid Pallas represent the Water Element and Fire is also on the lesser side in this chart despite the Leo Sun culminating at 29 degrees getting ready to swing into the Earth Sign Virgo.

We are short on intuition and big on weird science and quirky logic. We might throw compassion and nurturing the underdog out in favor of clear thinking free of emotions. This is when Spock enters the room and asks Captain Kirk to tone down his emotions. Mellow out, man. The good news is our clear thinking, the bad news is our roughshod over people's feelings and our lack of empathy bordering on the narcissism hiding behind the boundaries of groupthink or what I would like to call let's be self-serving in a group and show our self-righteous faces to the world. We're right and they are wrong so they have to do what we ask them to do. Expect more shaming, blaming, and judging with this Full Moon unless humanity decides to awaken to Unity Consciousness and eat the red pill. Some humans will awaken during this time.

Is There Hope for the Aquarius Age?

Even though we are experiencing the shadow side of Aquarius which lacks compassion and empathy and touts big science and high-tech solutions with dollar signs, I think we can still hope for the best. We can still hitch our dreams to the stars floating in the galaxies. We can still hope for the arrival of star beings landing here in spaceships. We can still hope for ascension for those of us escaping the dangers of groupthink and those darn group projects.

As long as we have Leo on the other end of the Aquarius polarity, we don't have to lose ourselves in the crowd. There's still room for us and we  with me and I. But we must quell any selfishness in favor of the highest good and the highest potential. Shoot for the stars, they say, and you might land on the Moon, and maybe the Moon will be transiting in Aquarius.

Okay, this article took three hours to produce. If you find it in the least bit interesting please make a donation to show your support. Or if money is still an issue, than follow this blog and visit often. Every little bit keeps me feeling encouraged to post more articles for this crazy age we reside.



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