The Shifting Moods of the 12 Moons

12 Moons and Moods 

(Following the Moon through its Monthly Transits)

Have you ever noticed that on one day, you experience boundless energy and the urge to roam free? And on another day, you feel like cocooning in your room reflecting about recent events? 

And why is it on some days, sending off resumes happens easily and effortlessly, while other days, you procrastinate and allow your mind to wander off in daydreams? The Moon transits through all 12 Zodiac Signs each month and stays approximately two days in each sign. And each sign has its own signature, themes, and mood.

The Moon, which is actually a luminary and not a planet is mysterious by nature. The Moon is the ruling planet for the Zodiac Sign Cancer. People born under this sign shift moods easily and you can actually tell what sign the Moon is transiting by observing your Cancerian friends. However, everyone is affected by the magnetic pull of the Moon and the sign it beams its light.

So, let's take a short journey through the Moon signs, also noting that a Full Moon and a New Moon have different energies, as do the super-enhanced full and new Moons called eclipses. I'll refrain from getting technical because the planets each moon aspects also affects our moods and shapes our daily lives.

Remember to start something new when the Moon is waxing (between the New and Full Moons) and end or complete projects or situations when the Moon is waning.

The Moon in...

Aries--This is one of the three Fire Moons and its quality is Cardinal. Aries also marks the beginning of a cycle that begins in Aries and ends in Pisces. We want to start something new. We feel restless with energy to burn. We might be ready to cross swords with others, fight the good cause, or embark on a quest. We feel more courage than usual and we are drawn to the color red or even a washed down pink. Aries likes to start something but not likely to complete it.

Make sure that you have the stamina to go the distance if you begin a project during this Fire Moon. And start something only when the Moon is in the waxing phase. The waning phase if for endings. However, I'll share something I learned through an error of judgment. Never get your hair cut when the Moon is in Aries because it is impulsive energy and the opposite sign of Libra, the Zodiac Sign of beauty.

Taurus--We slow down and smell the roses when the Moon is exalted in this sign. We beautify ourselves and our homes or perhaps, we feel like gardening and growing green things. This is a perfect Moon for artists, especially any artform that relies on all the 5 senses. We feel grounded, stable, and a bit lazy unless we feel inspired by Gaia or being in love.

You can never go wrong getting your hair cut during a Taurus Moon. However, if you want your hair to grow back quickly, cut your hair around a Taurus Full Moon. If you want your hair to grow back slowly, cut it when the Moon is waning. Don't ever get a hair cut around any eclipse, not even an eclipse involving the Taurus Moon unless you are okay with surprises.

Gemini--Now, we move into nervous and restless Mutable Air energy. People want to talk and they probably won't listen. The world feels alive and vibrant and we might want to play. Anything involving words and language goes well. We read more, listen to the radio, or spend too much time on social media. It is a good time to network, however, don't overextend yourself or allow your mind to get distracted. We might get caught up in dualistic thinking or hunger for a juicy debate. The downside to this Moon is the know-it-all attitude that comes with it, often alienating others.

Cancer--Oh, oh. Whereas we felt lively and chatty the previous day, now, we climb into our shells and slam the doors. This is one of those days where we cocoon and take time to reflect. It's a time when we deal with mother issues or become overly smothering to those in our care, including pets. It is a weepy and sentimental time of going back to love songs from the past and even getting caught up in fantasies of what might have been. Some people become moody and depressed during this Moon. Others feel like they are drowning in emotions and look forward to the Leo Moon.

Leo Moon--This is the second Fire Moon but it revolves around drama and theatrics. However, this Moon bodes well for any creative endeavor and also for boosting self-confidence. It's a great Moon for socializing but remember not to lord over others and share the spotlight or lose friends. At its worse, the Leo Moon brings out arrogance and stubborn attitudes. We feel lazy and self-indulgent or we join a pity party because we feel invisible to others. Toot your own horn just don't blast it. Otherwise, the Leo Moon is a fun time.

Virgo Moon--This is the Second Earth Moon and we become fussy and act like hypochondriacs during this Moon. Or we are restless and finicky if we don't find a healthy outlet such as taking care of our pets, cleaning up our daily environment, or taking care of our health needs. On the plus side, we feel like serving others but on the negative side, we are overly critical and turn people off. If you can't serve without strings attached then retreat and rest this one out.

Libra Moon--Here is the Second Air Moon and it represents the best time for getting your hair cut or buying makeup or a new wardrobe. We feel beautiful and social during this Moon but we have a hard time making decisions. If our lives are out of balance we could experience a spike in blood sugar, kidney, or bladder problems. We crave too much sugar or salt. Practice yoga or meditation, eat a balanced diet and use this Air Energy to educate yourself by learning something new. Refrain from gossiping and play nice in the sandbox.

Scorpio Moon--This is the second Water Moon and its quality is Fixed. It wants to uncover secrets, delve into the mysteries of life and death. For whatever reason, the Scorpio Moon feels more like a Fire Moon that burns with passion and it has a passion for taboo topics and practices. We feel like wearing black or red when the Moon is in Scorpio. We also feel more seductive and sex is on our body's mind, whether we're cool with that or not. During this Moon, we uncover the lies of others and we cut our losses. The downside to this Moon is that it causes us to feel vengeful for even the smallest slights. Everything feels like a personal vendetta.

Sagittarius Moon--This is the third Fire Moon and the jolly mood helps us let bygones be bygones. It's easy to forgive others during this Mutable Moon about expansion and higher learning. We have a sense of adventure or we might gamble or take a risk. Although this optimistic moon brings a sense of fun to our lives it does have a dark side which is overindulgence in food and drink. And when we drink too much alcohol during a Sagittarius Moon by the time the Capricorn Moon transits, we're wishing we hadn't.

Capricorn Moon--Now, we reach the final Earth-Moon. This is one of the gloomy moons that causes depression in some people. People feel overly ambitious with their eyes on the prize that rests on the top of a high mountain. Climb, climb, and climb some more is how we feel during the Capricorn Moon. The downside of this Moon is that it brings up aches and pains. It brings up karma and if we act irresponsibly during the Capricorn Moon we regret it later. However, it is a good moon for attending to business, employment, and building structure in our lives.

Aquarius Moon--This Air Moon is the strangest of them all. Everyone is preaching the authenticity gospel but also joining in groupthink. The most eccentric people stand out and people actually gravitate towards them. This is when the nerd looks cool. We seek our inner genius and we might engage in higher learning of one kind or another or become a science geek for two days until the Moon moves into Pisces.

Pisces Moon--This is the third Water Moon and the one that sets off adrift. Don't try to get anything done during the two days that the Moon sails through the sign of Neptune. Use this time to create for the fun of it, sleep or daydream. It is an excellent time for pursuing dance, music, yoga, or meditation, or a spiritual quest. Just don't try to do anything that requires logic or practical thought. It's not going to happen. We don't see clearly and we convene with spirits.

If you would like to explore your Natal Moon and planets, sign up for a reading.


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