Retrograde Season 2020--Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter (Neptune in June)
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If 2020 didn't already launch off in a powerful way, Pluto launched retrograde season on April 25. And in May, Saturn goes retrograde on the 10th, Venus on the 12th, and Jupiter on the 14th. Then on June 23, Neptune goes retrograde in the midst of eclipse season. Boy, oh, boy!
Retrograde planets have a way of reversing events or taking collective inward. Each planet represents different themes and natal houses on a Zodiac wheel. However, on a personal level, we look to the signs that the planets retrograde and the houses in the natal charts that they occupy. The most powerful transits occur in the angular houses (1, 4, 7, and 10) because those houses represent the major areas of our lives including, our self-identity/body, home/mother, partnerships/legal contracts, and the public/career/father.
The Fixed Sign houses (2, 5, 8, and 11) represent our values, hobbies, the arts, risks, sex, death, birth, taxes, other people's resources, our resources, talents, skills, and deep soul lessons. The Mutable houses (3, 6, 9, and 12) represent communication, neighbors, foreigners, travel, the mental process, higher education, education, our health, our daily environment, pets, spiritual transcendence, addictions, self-sabotage, hidden worlds, reincarnation, and performing arts. See my Astro Cheat Sheet for more details.
We also need to look at the attributes and themes for the four planets going retrograde in May and June (Pluto is already RX). What else does each of the planets represent? And what will the inward aspects of those themes look like for each of us? What cycles do we need to revisit and readdress? Where is our unfinished business? What structures do we need to rebuild?
This is a time of recreation or at least writing down our ideal lives in journals. It's time to reenvision the world. It's time to manifest on the level of the collective but first, we return to the drawing board in all areas of our lives represented by Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter, as well as, Pluto. Then, it's also important to look at the new cycles created by the Cancer Solar eclipse and the ending of cycles with the Sagittarius and Capricorn Lunar eclipses transits in June and July. Plus, we are now in a new nodal axis (Gemini and Sagittarius).
For the sake of brevity, I won't be mentioning the Pluto retrograde in this article. Refer to my previous articles on this planet.
Saturn RX (May 10 until September 29)--Give or take a week or two, Saturn and Jupiter retrograde for approximately, the same length. When Saturn goes retrograde we tend to slack on taking responsibility for our lives or acting with integrity. But Saturn's gaze is always on us and if we slack off, we have karma to pay off at a later time, usually when Saturn goes direct again in several months (4 to 5 months). Life does appear less stressful and when Saturn is RX it is a good time to go on holiday or at least retreat. However, use the Saturn retrograde to visualize the ideal life, the ideal structure (such as a home or a business), and to make amends as in balancing karma with others, especially authority figures (Mom and Dad).
Capricorn and Aquarius people lighten up when Saturn goes retrograde since Saturn is the traditional ruler for these two signs (in addition, Aquarius also has Uranus as a planetary ruler). In the areas of our lives ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius, and Saturn, we let go of the reins. But don't let your guard down completely. Saturn retrograde allows us the breathing space to reinvent the wheel and to head back to the drawing board. Look to where you have Capricorn on your Natal Chart because this is the area where you need to take more responsibility, act with transparency, and build the new structure or at least get the blueprints in order for your manifestation.
Saturn represents hard work, due diligence, and showing up and committing yourself to a project or situation, and this does include parenting. It's ironic that Saturn goes retrograde on Mother's Day, for those parts of the world celebrating mothers on May 10. This is traditionally a day when the children take over the household chores such as cooking and treat Mom as if she is special. And this year, it is doubly so because of the start of the retrograde for Saturn which can represent mothers.
Another thing to mention is that we experience fewer delays and limitations when Saturn is retrograde, especially if Jupiter is still moving direct. In our case, Jupiter goes retrograde four days after Saturn does. So, we have that short window of opportunity when Jupiter is stationary (four days) to roll the dice or to take calculated risks. Why not buy a lottery ticket or approach a person or job you have had your eyes on?
Sadly, Venus and Jupiter (rewards, opportunities, and valuable objects) go retrograde the same week that Saturn does. I was born with Saturn and Venus retrograde and I have had to work hard for everything, but when I take my eyes off the prize, the Universe often surprises me. Then I wonder why I worked so hard when the rewards came to me from the left field? Retrograde planets are unpredictable.
People born with retrograde planets experience the best opportunities when their natal planets transit retrograde. We see this often with people born with Mercury RX and when Mercury goes retrograde these folks sail through it and are blessed with rich insights and unusual communication. They also tend towards introversion and have an amazing ability to focus while also using their imagination like a power tool even if their communication style is quirky.
Depending on where Saturn retrograde in a chart or whether it is a Saturn Return, for most people it is a time out from hard work. But we do need to practice caution in that we don't mistake a Saturn Retrograde as a free-for-all four months. Errors in judgment that happen during the retrograde do come back to haunt us. If we lie, those lies return to us or someone betrays us. What we sow we reap later so keep that in mind. Saturn rules boundaries and when Saturn is retrograde either we forget to set up boundaries with others or to enforce them. And it's similar to our health. We set up boundaries with our health and well-being that could fall to the wayside when Saturn is retrograde and this could lead to weight gain and other health concerns, especially with bones, skin, and teeth. Remember Saturn and Capricorn are associated with The Devil in the Tarot deck.
With Venus retrograde, we revisit our values and might find that they have changed during the past year and a half or are about to experience an overhaul. This is a time when we get a crazy idea to change our wardrobe or to chop off, if not shave off our hair. It's almost like having Venus in Aquarius and we take some wild chances that we regret later when Venus goes direct.
People born with Venus retrograde (and it does depend on the sign it's in), never believe that they are attractive, always finding fault with their looks. They don't feel like they dress well or that they lack elegance or sophistication. I was born with Venus retrograde in Gemini (Venus goes RX in Gemini in 2020) and there is always something off with my clothing or I spill something dark on white trousers or my blouse gets wrinkles in it or I can only find clothing in the wrong colors for my skin.
While I warn people not to get new hairstyles when Venus is RX, it's okay to cut the hair similar to the previous style we had. The problem is that we desire a change because we don't understand that we are going through a process of sifting through our values. There is a tendency to unclutter and toss out what no longer works for us. However, don't sell your house during a Venus RX or make any changes even if your values shift. Wait until Venus goes direct in five to six weeks. Also, don't give away your clothing yet because you might want those clothes again after Venus goes direct.
If you have had health concerns, see a medical professional during this time. Watch your sugar and alcohol consumption or deal with the consequences later. It is possible to gain weight when Venus and Jupiter go retrograde but usually, that happens when the planets are in direct motion. When Venus is retrograde you could discover that you suffer from food allergies or metabolic syndrome which can lead to diabetes. This is because Venus represents the throat, the kidneys, and the pancreas.
It is a good time for skin and body care. It is a good time to value oneself because if we don't value ourselves, no one else will. It's not a good time for forming new partnerships but it is a good time for mending fences with old partners or reestablishing a marriage by taking a holiday together. With Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter retrograde at the same time, take precaution with exposing your skin to the sun and wear sunscreen. There are also foods that protect the skin such as leafy greens and olive oil. Make sure you are eating antioxidants, which we need to do all the time.
A Venus retrograde is a minor transit. It's not a transit to lose sleep over, unlike, the retrogrades of the outer planets which bring monumental life changes during their cycles of retrogrades. But know that the decisions you make under the gaze of a Venus retrograde are sometimes regrettable and not reversible so be forwarned.
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A Jupiter retrograde is my least favorite of the retrogrades. It resembles a forward-moving Saturn in that this retrograde delays instant gratification. It feels to many, except people born with Jupiter RX, that their luck has run out. Opportunities are placed on hold or dry up completely. A book publishing deal falls through, book sales plummet, and an application to enroll in a university is denied. Travel is put on hold, flights are delayed or don't depart at all. We experience restrictions on travel and are better off traveling closer to home. We feel down on our luck, but this only lasts 4.5 months.
However, a Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn might actually give us wiggle room. We've been feeling restricted and cloistered with Jupiter in Capricorn, especially since Jupiter forms conjunctions with both Saturn and Pluto in 2020. And Jupiter retrogrades over 22 degrees Capricorn and then transits direct over that volatile degree later this year. Even when Jupiter retrogrades at 20 degrees, it is on the same degree of the Cancer Lunar Eclipse on January 10, 2020, which was two days prior to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees Capricorn (which launched the pandemic and eventually the lockdown situations worldwide).
During 2008, Jupiter was last in Capricorn and that is when the stock market, big banks, and mortgage companies underwent a recession, if not an economic depression. Remember the people losing their homes and living in cars? Remember the people driving up to food banks in designer cars? Remember the lease signs on shops and the high unemployment? Jupiter was only one of the causes of that situation and Pluto in Capricorn formed the other half of the equation. Capricorn brings hard times so it's hard to keep in mind that the hard times are leading us to radical transformation. This transformation won't occur without dismantling old structures. And that is the role of Jupiter in Capricorn.
Just like with the Saturn retrograde, it is time to return to the drawing board. But wait for the duration of the retrogrades or move at a slower pace before launching any new plans. Our values shift during this time. It's not just a pandemic that is forcing us to go inwards in 2020, a zero year, and a new decade. The planet transits are forcing us to reinvent the wheel in the metaphorical sense. We are being given a second chance and it's up to us to bring maturity and a sense of responsibility to it.
Remember the people born from 1988 to 1990 with three planets (Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) in Capricorn? They are taking on leadership roles now. Most of these folks are already on their life paths and going through the last chunk of their Saturn Return. We will see more of them starting innovative businesses that center on ethics and government leadership roles. We won't be hearing much from them until this autumn when the Saturn and Jupiter go direct (and also Pluto and Neptune).
For most people, Jupiter retrograde feels like a drag. But we all need to contract once in a while so that we don't spread ourselves too thin or gamble the farm and kids. As with card games, there is a time to fold, and that is when Jupiter is retrograde. Sometimes this retrograde marks a time when we cut our losses in a relationship or career (it depends on what house the retrograde transits). Don't be it all at the horse race is the message of Jupiter retrograde. You might also find that it is time to conserve resources and keep your money in the bank (although I prefer credit unions).
The planet of dreams goes retrograde on June 23 (24) and direct again on November 29. Personally, I feel that this is the time to end addictions of all kinds. This is the time to surrender to a higher power and ask for atonement. This is the time for extreme self-care which does involve seeking help from others, even if that means spending time at a rehab center (for people who suffer from addiction).
For others, this is a time to return to spiritual practices that have fallen by the wayside. This is also a time to manifest dreams through what appears to some as magical thinking (or practices). If you can dream it or create a vision board for it, this is the time to plant those seeds. Feel it, more than think it since Neptune is ruled by Pisces, a Water Sign. This is also a time when emotions well within us and just like the depth of the ocean, our emotions are also bottomless unless we dive to the surface of them.
Neptune seems more tangible during its retrograde as if we can touch the hems of our dreams. This is the time do delve into music, sound healing, dance, dance therapy, yoga, dreamwork, and Jungian psychology. The deaths that occur during this time seems to dissolve matter more than to transform it. Pisces and people with a strong Neptune signature (me, for instance), are more intuitive than usual, especially if they were born with a Neptune retrograde in their chart. People born with Neptune in a Water Sign (Cancer or Scorpio, and the children of this era) search for spiritual meaning to anchor their lives. But structures dissolve and it's hard to find meaning in the losses we experience now.
Neptune retrograde could be the time when the current pandemic concludes (and hopefully we learn our lessons so that it doesn't return when Neptune goes direct in November). Ideas that seemed contagious when Neptune was direct dissolve now or just fizzle out. Dreams that seemed so important to pursue also dissolve unless they are true to a spiritual or life path.
The downside to Neptune retrograde is that we might not forgive the errors of the past. We might not feel like expressing kindness and compassion because it feels like someone switched off our ability to empathize. We might not remember our nightly dreams or we can't make sense of them. And at worse, we feel like someone closed a dark curtain between us and God. In some cases, especially with people born with Neptune RX, feel the veils lifting and they draw closer to God or the Divine Spirit.
So, that is my article on the retrograde planets this May and June. Use this time to step back and to draw up new plans to manifest this fall and winter.
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