The Holy Virgo Season--New Moon in Virgo on September 9, 2018

On September 9, we experience the Virgo New Moon at 17 degrees. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury form a Triple Conjunction. And this is important because Mercury is in one of its two signs, Virgo which rules personal health, along with your daily environment and communication. It also rules high-tech.

This Moon comes during a Grand Earth Trine that involves the Sun, Moon, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. Granted, the Sun and Moon are in a wide orb with the other planets but I am lumping them into a Triple Conjunction with Mercury which is in orb with the Saturn and Uranus. Uranus went retrograde in August and Saturn is stationary direct (it went direct on September 6). This is important because now that Mars, Mercury, and Saturn are direct, it's time to get down to business.

Virgo is a sign for getting organized and becoming more efficient. This is with personal and global finances. People could be more conservative and spend less money on products during this time, but more money on services. Massage therapists, for instance, and energy healers, align with more clients requiring body work, especially from all the strain of the eclipse season that passed.

But the Grand Earth Trine is going beyond finances and consumerism. We also grow more concerned about Gaia and living in balance with the planet, especially during the last week of September around the Equinox when the Sun moves into Libra (a Cardinal Sign that rules justice and balance). It is crucial that we take care of our bodily health and the planet's well-being. But what else does this Virgo Moon represent?

When we think of Virgo (the Virgin) we think of celibacy or sexual virgins as pure as the driven snow. But Virgo really represents the maiden voyage. It represents serving from the heart instead of the ego. It desires purification and clearing the slate. It is on the polar opposite of Pisces which rules compassion and forgiveness.

Yet, when Virgo is out of balance, she judges others harshly. She grows sensitive to her environment and shields herself against other people. Instead, of seeing others as projecting shadows onto them or using other people as mirrors, Virgo tries to fix others so she feels better about herself. Unfortunately, this just leads to stress, digestion problems, and other health concerns, such as hypochondria caused by nervous tension.

While Pisces can live and let go, Virgo has trouble letting go. Virgo requires purification from doubts, worries, fears, and limitations. Virgo is meant to assimilate information that it gathers during the course of a day. It is one of the signs that represents the media (the other sign is Gemini). But Virgo is an Earth Sign so it wants solid facts without any embellishment. "Just give me the facts, m'am." Virgo can also get lost in the details and refuse to gaze at the bigger picture (Pisces and Sagittarius).

However, for the Earth and Water Signs in September (and last week of August), getting finances in order is the call of the day. Getting one's health in order is another call of the day. If you lack vitality how will you handle the work load coming your way? And we also must take time to meditate and practice some kind of gentle exercise such as yoga. Spending time in the natural world helps us ground ourselves but make sure you are grounding yourself in the crystalline grid and not the matrix grid (be specific when you work with your guides).

I get a sense from my guides that we all benefit by blessing the Earth, her creatures, the land, the water, the air, and the warmth. It is time to think of ways we can live more sustainably, even if that involves doing some research (Virgo loves research). We rely more on our analytical minds connected to our heart center during this Virgo season. And it's time to turn to the master builder signs (Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo).

Golden Triangles take the edge off the Fixed T-Cross that involves Uranus, Venus, and Mars (which is at 29 degrees Capricorn and almost in 0 degrees Aquarius). And the on-going square between Mars and Uranus continues to play out. This tension speaks of revolution and speaking our minds about taking better care of the Earth, and the rights of all creatures. It is also about the rights of children, women, and men. This T-Cross shouts for justice and equality and it's not going to let its hands off the power elite. Ironically, we could just as well reclaim our inner power and the power elite would no longer be a problem since they control through fear and making each of us feel less-than. We can choose to reclaim our authentic selves and connect to the crystalline grid.

The Moon, the Sun, and Mercury are in opposition to Neptune (Pisces). This means that we are asked to connect with your heart center even when our analytical minds are spinning judgements of others and trying to fix what's wrong with the world. Neptune is asking us to step out of this 3D way of thinking and just go with the flow of our heart energy (not easy for Earth energy). But Jupiter is still in Scorpio in a trine with Neptune and Neptune is in a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. So, if we do get in touch with our hearts, we expand our consciousness into the vast cosmos. Why not take this journey when Jupiter is in Scorpio (it leaves this sign in November)?

Now, I'm breaking down the Zodiac Signs by Elements:

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

With all this Earth energy, you feel stuck and you go to battle with complacency. You prefer passionate and ambitious energy with an action plan. You prefer to chase windmills and lop the heads off your competitor. But that's old world thinking and if you think this way, you're still living in the matrix. Use your passion to innovate and to motivate others to show up as their authentic selves. Use your vitality to coach others into healthier minds and bodies. We need your encouragement now and your courage. And the adventure this time is in the spirit realm. Are you up for something that will blow your minds and get you into your hearts? The heart is where it's at. That is where your true power lives, especially for Leos.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Finances and rebuilding represent the key words for you along with grounding. You are grounding yourself after experiencing fallout from the past months or even the past decade (especially Capricorn). You play a serious role here as the master rebuilder, however, take time to play and to nourish your mind-body-spirit. Take time to breathe and give thanks to Gaia for all she has provided for you. Practice gratitude every moment of the day if possible. Meditate so that you stay connected with Higher Guidance for as master builders this higher guidance acts as your lifeline. Learn to give and receive in equal measures. There's a lot of shaking going on so make sure you stay in touch with your inner GPS so that you are in the right place at the right time, far away from the cracks forming on the Earth.

Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio)

Dream big and not just for yourself. What do you envision for your community and for the world? People literally float into your life now as you engage with synchronicity. You are a wild-eye child of the Moon and Neptune living on Moonbeams and the wings of prayers. And this works for you. You get a clear sense of your cosmic destiny. And Fire Sign people will keep you motivated and help you build your confidence to manifest and live your dreams. Earth Sign people help you build new structure and the Air Sign people teach you out to detach from your monkey mind. The path is before you and it is up to you to step on to it and walk your way into destiny.

Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra)

While I understand your need to detach, getting in touch with your heart works wonders for you and your personal development. Spending too much time in your mind causes you to lose your footing in the higher dimensions which are ruled by the Heart. Someone once told you that expressing your emotions leads to vulnerability. Since you don't enjoy vulnerability you shy away from feeling the sensations in your body and if you could, you would live in your mind full-time. The problem with this approach is that it leads to stress and disease. Regain your balance by delving into your heart and allowing your passions to emerge. Yes, this feels uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to balancing your heart with your head, resembling a high-wire act.

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