Pisces Full Moon on August 26, 2018---Welcome to Cosmic Pisces

Astrologers have waxed poetry about the Pisces Moon. This is the Moon that is whimsical, otherworldly and the Moon to take us closest to Unity Consciousness. And with Neptune also in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio, we're slipping on our space boots and losing ourselves in the vast cosmos.

We experience this year's Pisces Full Moon on August 26. And for many people with dominant Water and Earth in their charts, they welcome the soothing tones of this Moon. The more fiery and airy types will struggle through the spiritual and emotional depths of Pisces. And this would be a mistake because Pisces represents freedom as well as, unity. It represents deep spiritual insights and in its own way, Pisces represents passion as we follow our bliss.

Pisces, similar to Sagittarius, is a big picture Zodiac Sign. Pisces people often miss the details because their minds and hearts are swimming in the cosmos and hearing the subtle songs of Neptune so far off in our galaxy. Pisces enjoys getting lost on a path or set loose on a vagabond road. Pisces is Jack Kerouac's journey On The Road as it is equally, Jacques Cousteau's underwater adventures. But Pisces can just as easily lose footing in solid reality through a myriad of addictions or mental illness. And even then, Pisces has a way of transcending addiction and emerging as powerful healers and teachers.

But whereever Pisces is in our chart is where we feel this sensitive and vulnerable fish energy. It's where we are able to express compassion and forgiveness. It's where we wear our spiritual mask or hide our spirituality from others, especially if we have Pisces in the 12th House or were born with Neptune in Pisces (births since 2012). And when the Pisces Full Moon conjuncts Neptune (the following day after the Full Moon), we get a triple dose of Pisces energy. Use this time to meditate and connect with Higher Light Beings.

The veils between realms thins and even the most stolid person feels that they communicate with their ancestors and angels. It's a time when everyone feels that they honed their intuition. And this is how Pisces gifts each of us. We know without knowing how we know. We think of someone and then when our phone rings it's that person calling us. We think of a song and then we hear that song moments later coming from the computer or a radio. We remember a movie and then someone mentions that movie later that day. Or our nightly dreams take us to otherworldly places.

So, let's take a look at the Pisces Full Moon chart because it contains a pyramid configuration which combines a Grand Earth Trine (Uranus, Saturn, and the Sun) with a Golden Triangle (Uranus, the Moon and Saturn). And it looks like there is an additional Golden Triangle off to the side (Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune).

We don't see any challenging configurations such as a T-Cross, but we we have Venus squaring Mars and Mars in an out-of-sign square with Uranus. Venus is also squaring Pluto and Saturn is squaring Chiron. So, we're not without tension between male and female or children and adults. And the answer exist in our hearts--and it is love of the universal and not the romantic nature unless we plan on romancing the cosmos. This is a good time to manifest our desires but be careful what you wish for because it will materialize.

Neptune and Pluto remain in a sextile and Jupiter and Neptune remain in a Water Trine. This energy can only lead us to ascension. And this includes the collective since Neptune and Pluto rule the collective. These are the planets that shape entire generations. Yet, people are pulled along kicking and screaming because they would rather deny love to fill their hearts rather than accept the changes that swirl around them.

I see a bird in a cage that ignores the handler opening the cage door. The bird has grown accustom to imprisonment and is too fragile in the mind to seek freedom. People on the planet who are conditioned to be fed and watered by the power elite (corporations, big religion, government, etc) lack the confidence or the courage to breakout and pursue new ground or the open sky. And we can't really blame them when they thought that their loyalty and duty to the powerful ones made them good and righteous citizens. No one appreciates learning that they have been duped. So, let's have patience and Pisces compassion for everyone.

And then there are those who fall into the gullible trap. They can't think for themselves either. They require a guru to light every step of the way for them. But the Aquarius Age is a guru-free era. The guru is in your own heart and in your own mind. So, destroy the illusions of not being good enough or worthy of love. You don't need to prove yourself or earn love. Pisces showers love on everyone regardless of what we've done, left undone, left unsaid, or haven't done yet. Pisces tells us that everyone is worthy of forgiveness and everyone is worthy of grace. And everyone is part of us in Unity Consciousness regardless of the illusion of separation (ego).

Activities that go well during the Pisces Full Moon are everything that is in service to others, teaching spiritual workshops, spiritual healing, yoga, meditation, the performing arts, photography, getting lost in a healthy fantasy, writing fantasy novels, creating worlds inside worlds, ascension, and healing addictions.

Welcome to the Pisces voyage...

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