Aries Full Moon for September 24, 2018

 Getting Down to Business of Launching You

The energy I'm picking up for September is that the Virgo New Moon launches a project, business or situation that requires research and the formation of an action plan. Then when the Aries Full Moon transits, launch those projects, businesses or situations.

Jupiter is direct. Saturn is direct and most important, Mars is direct. And better yet, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde so we can redirect our outer focus to inner focus. This brings a collective sigh of relief since during the past several months despite our efforts at healing ourselves, we have been drawn to world events or we've experienced crisis in our families or communities.

Now, we can push forward with personal healing and the Virgo New Moon promotes changing our daily routine and even making changes to our daily work environment so that we increase our well-being. This marks a time of removing toxins (both physical and emotional) from our environment. And the Aries Full Moon during the last week of the month gives us the drive and vitality to launch a new exercise program or to just get more physically active however that shows up for each of us.

So, let's take a look at the Aries Full Moon chart. It contains two T-Crosses and no Grand Trines. The first cross involves the Aries Moon conjunct Chiron (ouch!) opposite the Sun conjunct Mercury and Ceres and squaring Saturn in Capricorn. At least Uranus and Pluto aren't involved with the T-Cross (remember those squares from the recent past?) But Chiron is conjunct the Moon so there are mother-child issues that surface. There are troubled youth issues that surface, as if we haven't seen our share of the children's revolution already.

(And did I just hear about a 14-year-old boy running for governor in the US?)

Children want to come first or at least they deserve some consideration when our governments create policies or adults set the parameters for education, food policies, and even the cost of tuition. This Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries is also going to have us debating gun laws, street violence, car accidents involving youth, ADHD, and other issues directly affecting today's youth. Mothers and types of mothering come under question such as mothers who micro-manage their children's lives or mothers who neglect their children in favor of their careers. After all, the super mom concept is just a myth and not reality.

And you ask, then what is happening with the father which is represented by the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres in Libra. Is he talking out two sides of his mouth? Is he seeking equality in the marriage and of raising the children or is his wife seeking litigation with him because of child abuse or because of a divorce? Or this could even represent a house husband who raises the children while his wife works outside of the home. I'm also hearing about new caretaker laws and regulations.

Then finally, we draw in Saturn in Capricorn which represents karma and taking responsibility. It's about grown ups acting like grown ups. It could even represent young people becoming parents and taking on the responsibility at too young an age and requiring help from adults.

The Fixed T-Cross includes Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Scorpio, and Mars in Aquarius. The outlet is in Leo. That means if we want to solve our situations and problems then we must show up as authentic people. It's not time to please others or to even please ourselves by pleasing others. This is not a time to seek validation from anyone but to go deep within our hearts to discover our truth and then from that truth to radiate our authenticity. Imagine the excitement if everyone acting from their authenticity rather than copy or imitate celebrities.

This Leo outlet asks us to bolster our courage and confidence. It asks us to strike out on our own if we are called to do that. And it really doesn't matter if other people don't get us because that's just the ego taking center stage. And I feel that we must resolve issues around sex, gender, gender equality and freedom. If we thought the sexual revolution of the 1960s turned heads, wait until the end of this September. I'm not sure how Uranus and Aquarius are going to show up for this party, but expect the unexpected around gender. This could even come out of Hollywood or New York City. It's going to surprise us with its drama.

Finally, Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune continue a Golden Triangle which bolsters our power to ascend. Fortunately, the Virgo energy of the month helps us stay grounded. Otherwise, we swim off to the cosmos and believe just about anything anyone tells us as long as it is spiritual in nature. People are prone to joining cults, to getting involved with strange spiritual practices, or believing that their neighbor flew in on a space ship from Adromeda. Use discernment folks.

So, the overall message revolves around getting grounded and doing research so that we launch something spectacular on a personal and on a global level by the end of the month. Well, we are in for an exciting ride no matter what transpires.

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