Port Townsend, A Capricorn Town during a Capricorn-Dominant Year

Is it a coincidence that the town I'm relocating to, Port Townsend, Washington is ruled by Capricorn? I took a look at the 2018 transits for PT. I'm including the first 5 months of the transits that are going to rock this seaside town. Well, actually, the chart ruler is Neptune/Pisces and the Sun's Ruler is Capricorn. (I have a Capricorn AC and a Pisces Moon).

Port Townsend Astrological Transits for 2018

There’s No Place Like Home


With a Full Moon in Cancer on January 1 in Port Townsend’s Natal Fourth House, the focus, and emphasis are on home. And this emphasis kicks off a theme for the entire year. A shortage of homes dominates as does weary and cold people seeking a place to call home, that is more than just a shelter or any type of roof over one’s head.

This is a dreamer’s moon but that dream is about family, children, mothers, and home. It is about feeling safe and secure as it is about feeling nurtured. The danger or dark side of this moon is that people become clannish or tribal. They keep outsiders at bay and they are reluctant to step outside of the proverbial box or do things in a different way.

Those people who have homes may or may not wish to share their homes with others. Depending on a person’s evolution, they will either shut people out literally or welcome them knowing that everyone has something to offer.

With many planets in Capricorn opposing the Cancer Full Moon, we see master builders, construction workers, real estate managers, and yes, developers envisioning a new town or one that meets the demands of a growing population. Many architects, developers, urban planners, and entrepreneurs are now drawn to this town.

When the Sun reaches 25 degrees Capricorn (and marks the birthday for Port Townsend), we see the housing emphasis hitting the news headlines and will be on people’s minds leading to lively debates, no doubt. But overall, the thinking is gloomy since Capricorn is a gloomy sign leaning more towards practical applications rather than a big vision. This will occur mid-month also around the time of the powerful Capricorn New Moon the 16 which is on top of Port Townsend’s Natal Sun. In fact, along with the New Moon and the transiting Sun, Venus and Pluto are also in orb with Port Townsend’s Sun (identity) with Saturn and Mercury also in early degrees of Capricorn on January 16.

This brings freezing and dry weather which keeps people indoors. And though this feels like a time of hardship for many, it is also a time of hope of rebuilding a better future if people don’t allow themselves to fall into depression. Capricorn energy asks us to come up with practical and doable solutions that can be enacted with a step-by-step and measurable process. This is slow and painstaking but new leadership, younger or older come into play now. The tried and true, however, won’t work for long since this spring Mars, an aggressive planet that signals new beginnings moves into Aquarius this spring. And people are going to shake up the status quo for around 6 months in 2018 (May to November).

And speaking of shakeups, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo takes place on January 31 in PT’s Fifth House of the arts, recreation, tourists, and even gambling. This house also represents children and parenting. If PT wants to stand out as an artistic destination then it must address the artists’ needs. There could be a revolt of artists or young people at this time since they don’t feel at home or as an integral part of the community. New artist cooperatives could form at this time with the Aquarius Sun holding court in the Eleventh House and since the eclipse is at 11 degrees, this eleventh-hour theme plays out.

While I have mainly focused on the housing issue for 2018 in regards to Port Townsend and a rebuilding process, there will also be much scrutiny towards current industries, people from the industries, and local political leaders. This is a year of shakeups and PT is not left out of the changes happening in Washington State and on the planet. 2018 is starting out as a momentous year and this energy builds over the next 11 months. And by the way, Port Townsend’s Natal Sun is in the Eleventh House in the chart and this Sun is in a yod with the dwarf planet Ceres which rules women and agriculture and Saturn in Leo. 

This could very well be a time that Port Townsend experiences an awakening as it is a “slow bloomer” which its Sun in a yod with Saturn. It is time for this town to blossom but it will take work and effort of a collective that might appear socialist to outsiders and even insiders with all that Eleventh House energy. Having said that, this town could be used as a model for other small towns, but it will need to endure growing pains along this route.

Also, the Leo Lunar eclipse lands on PT’s South and North Nodes which brings up the past, even ancient past of this region while also feeling fateful as Port Townsend residents and government fear and move towards the destiny for this town and region.

photos by Patricia Herlevi

The main event is a Solar Eclipse at 17 degrees Aquarius on February 15 which takes place behind the scenes. This tells me that collectives are forming and designing new blueprints for housing and industries for the town. I envision college students from other cities getting involved in these efforts and there is a bit of a skirmish between millennials and baby boomers or retirees wanting to keep the status quo. Like it or not, this Solar Eclipse brings in new blood and most of that is grassroots, alternative, and entrepreneurial for good or ill.

This skirmish happens because the new energy or youth will directly oppose the baby boomer population represented by Saturn in Leo in PT’s chart. The youthful energy will make changes to the workplace by creating more cooperative spaces, opening new cafes, and bringing new technology to the community. They will also demand tiny houses and spaces to park trailers and other mobile type homes where they can live and work. Some of the youth will bring permaculture ideas to the nearby farms and work on changing zoning so that they can start urban farm operations. There will be a lot of organizing and debates around housing codes and zoning for mixed-use. But we won’t see any resolutions until later in the year.

A final note for February is the Jupiter transit in Scorpio. This is a penetrating sign that digs and delves beneath the surface. It is investigative and secretive, but any secrets of the past come up for public inspection. This is because Jupiter is in a square with the Solar Eclipse Moon and Sun. And the reason any resolutions don’t occur until the year’s end is that a large-scale investigation of a local scandal (and I hear also in conjunction with a Washington State scandal) involving Indigenous people and rights begins in February. So, now we see PT tied up with a scandal (which will bring deep healing), a housing issue, and youth demanding a new direction for the town. And it’s not even Spring yet!


Jupiter is the first planet in 2018 to go retrograde and it does so at 23 degrees Scorpio. Now, when any planet goes retrograde in Scorpio, it takes us into an investigative mode. This means that we investigate politicians, corporations, big government, and any theme or situation that involves death-rebirth and or the abuse of power. Jupiter begins an investigation into scandals and secrets that last for several months and we should have clarity by July 11 when Jupiter goes Direct. And then for the remaining months, lawyers and investigators as well as, members of the media piece findings together. We could be looking at money laundering or a sexual scandal since Scorpio rules those things.

On a bright note, Saturn conjuncts with PT’s Mercury and this brings practical communication and leadership. People are more than likely to feel humble and come from a place of integrity. People want to trust one another. There is talk about rebuilding structures of various types. There is a focus on strengthening the human body too so physical fitness is on people’s minds especially as we head out of a freezing winter into the first signs of spring. There is also a greater respect for animals since the planets Saturn and Neptune are in alignment. I see good news for mariners and anyone working with the ocean or the sea. There could be an abundance of fish or some other type of seafood at this time. Whale-watching goes well and a new whale-watching company could arrive at this time started by young college students or a traditional family.

On March 18, Mars transits into Capricorn. It conjuncts transiting Saturn April 1 and 2. And it won’t be until May when Mars conjuncts PT’s Sun. This brings strength to PT’s identity and structures. People are gazing at PT’s industrial past—both the good and the bad. Leaders reassess what worked and what didn’t work and with Mars getting ready to move into Aquarius, environmentalism rears its head. And as a special note, with Neptune in Pisces in PT’s 12th House, grassroots and spiritual groups with an interest in preserving air and water quality organize against industries that pollute the air and water. These movements will grow in intensity until 2026 when Neptune leaves Pisces and transits into Aries.


Saturn which has transited to 9 degrees Capricorn in PT’s house of career and the public turns retrograde and retraces any progress made around the industry, the rebuilding process, rebuilding the structure and other practical concerns until September 7. Meanwhile, Uranus focuses on youth and grassroots efforts and even socialism as it speeds ahead in Aries and gets ready to transit into Taurus on May 15.

Having said that, April brings spring weather and a focus on farming as well as, rural life. The demographics are slowly changing and more people are heading out of town and setting up communities in the countryside. New housing opportunities emerge on the edge of town and groups seeking alternative housing thumb their noses at local government. Again, codes and zoning become hot issues even leading to violent interaction (although minor) at council meetings that are open to the public. The demographics are changing and so is the way people want to do business.

Photos by Patricia Herlevi

The big news is that Uranus enters the sign of the bull, Taurus and this occurs in PT’s First House of identity. I see this as tradition versus new innovations. And earth changes, however they show up (Taurus represents nature and Gaia principles) bring events that have us questioning sustainability. Many people simplify in order to rebuild the more solid structure. We also see preservationist going head-to-head with more modern sensibilities. And wrongs from history are also addressed at this time, mainly brought up by local Indigenous people. Water and land rights are hot issues.

Also, retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio is triggering Port Townsend’s Mars-Moon which are also in Scorpio. This brings up issues around reproduction, motherhood, children, and some sort of abuse or violent act (behind the scenes) involving children. Perhaps, social welfare laws undergo the transformation. We also see spiritual groups coming under scrutiny, not organized religion but alternative spiritual groups with ill intentions or practices—could be a cult in the area is discovered and brought into court. This creates some paranoia so it is best to stay grounded and practical when reviewing facts rather than believing rumors.

A nice sextile with Pluto and Neptune bring stability in the arts and some industries. Psychologists see more clients than usual and people are wanting to change their lifestyles. Nutrition is a popular subject.


Transiting Uranus (which stirs up the grassroots and demands radical change) is in orb of PT’s Pluto. This will have young energy going up against authority. And this is further emphasized by Mars going retrograde at 9 degrees Aquarius and in a square with PT’s Pluto and transiting Uranus. The old stubborn energy has got to give way for radical new approaches. Environmental concerns, local economics, and a youth quake are demanding changes. The business-as-usual approach isn’t going to work any longer because the planetary energies don’t support it and people are demanding integrity with government and local industries.

Uranus in Taurus is also going to stir up Indigenous rights, treaties, and Indigenous people demanding better historical recognition instead of ending up as footnotes in text or as a celebration that is just for show but has no real sentiments or sensitivities behind it. Remember that during the last week of June, the Sun moves into Cancer which is a sensitive sign so people are feeling sensitive.

Neptune and Pluto are retrograde and in a sextile. These two planets represent the collective and oddly, Pluto dismantles and Neptune dissolves. People want to see greater accountability. They want to participate in changes happening to the community. And people side with spiritual approaches, or spiritual ideals as well as, supporting the arts and projects that bring transformation or lead the community through a rebirth or revision process.

On July 12, a Solar Eclipse in Cancer opposes Port Townsend’s Sun and conjuncts Port Townsend’s Jupiter. This brings about a wave of compassion for neighbors and people within a network. Homes are on people’s mind and housing people takes on greater importance during July.

On July 27, a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius at 4 degrees. Both the Aquarius Moon and the Leo Sun square Port Townsend’s Pluto forming a T-Cross. And meanwhile, Mars is still retrograde in Aquarius. I see a skirmish between youthful energies and established order. The fate at this time with the North Node in Leo is for Port Townsend to create new economies, prepare for natural disasters which could even occur around the eclipses and in 2018 in general since Saturn is in the same sign as Port Townsend’s Sun and Uranus moved into Taurus as well as, Mars staying in the shake up sign Aquarius for half the year and is retrograde (returning to the past or past issues) during this eclipse.


The third eclipse in this series, takes place at 18 degrees Leo on August 11. This Solar Eclipse squares Port Townsend’s Jupiter conjunct Mars.

Meanwhile, transiting Mars returns to Capricorn and goes direct at 28 degrees Capricorn on August 28. Since this is the sign of Port Townsend’s Sun, we see government and local industries scrambling to return to old business practices despite the wishes of the locals.

Uranus goes retrograde at 2 degrees Taurus on August 7. I’m not sure if this offers a respite or brings up themes around farming, agriculture, and strange weather patterns that are dryer and hotter than usual. I also see a group of women starting a large urban farm on the outskirts of Port Townsend, possibly Chimacum. They are using alternative approaches that leave them battling against local land use laws and zoning.

Worldwide, August marks a month of strange weather and inner reflection. Usually, at least in the northern hemisphere, August marks a time of increased social activities. This August, people are too involved with survival and cleaning up messes left by strange weather and economic crashes. Four outer planets are in retrograde. Mars is retrograde for most of the month and Mercury is retrograde from July 27 until August 18.


Saturn goes direct bringing up issues around rebuilding or building new structures. An industry that has been flailing births new life if it considers the general populace and not just its bottom line. This is because Mars moves back into Aquarius which rules the everyday people and humanitarians and they too are launching new energies.

Investigation of a scandal continues with Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio. Mercury is also scrutinizing situations since it is in Virgo, the sign of scrutiny. People are more interested in service and serving others in the community rather than making money, not that people aren’t concerned about the economy. When Mercury moves into Libra around the Equinox, balance of power, balance in the physical body, and justice are the buzz words.

Saturn and Uranus are in an Earth Trine with Mercury at the beginning of the month and Saturn and Uranus stay in an Earth Trine throughout September and October. This focuses upon the master builder and we can see a lot of new structures as in construction projects go up during this time. People are in a practical frame of mind. And because Mars is in Aquarius it is not just about money. We see humanitarian efforts take a foothold.

Pluto and Neptune are in a sextile so we are probing deep with health concerns too, especially around addiction and mental illnesses. How can we better prepare people to succeed in the community? And acts of compassion will turn the tides. Deep psychological wounds are addressed on many fronts—both for individuals and the collective.

I like the Air Trine with Mercury and Mars which happen the 22 through the 25th. This brings fresh air to the thought process-it brings clarity and with clear minds coming to the table it is time to come up with win-win solutions. This is because Libra is about win-win situations.


Uranus is transits to 0 degrees Taurus as it prepares to dip back into Aries. While Venus joins Neptune and Uranus as a retrograde planet and Venus is in Scorpio where it stirs up energy around death, birth, sex, taxes, and diseases. And then Venus transits back into Libra in November (its own sign) where the planet bestows harmony, balance, and justice.

The big news in October is that Jupiter is completing its tour-of-duty in Scorpio as it prepares to move into its own sign. And since Jupiter likes to show up on a grand scale, we see secrets coming out to be resolved. Mars is still in Aquarius so look for hot public debates on a number of concerns. Pluto also goes direct in October and this also brings secrets to the surface. The motto is “No more dirty secrets and backroom deals.”


Venus goes direct on the 16 at 25 degrees Scorpio. We see court cases won that favor the everyday person when Venus transits back into Libra on the 29th until it goes direct. We see harmony restored in the community after battles waged for several months. People seek pleasure and peace during this transit. Meanwhile, Mercury goes retrograde on the November 17 in Sagittarius and transits back into Scorpio on December 1st. So, communication exchanges go from dark to light and just before the holidays.

Uranus moves back into Aries on the 7th so it’s going to revisit old issues around social justice and fairness. The grassroots gets stirred up for the final time as it resolves social issues, especially around housing and the real estate market.

Neptune goes direct on the 25th and this brings up events around water and air pollution. How will Port Townsend deal with climate change and earth changes when it has polluting industries? How can Port Townsend create new employment that is sustainable for the environment?

On the weather front, Port Townsend deals with smog, fog, and icy conditions on the roads. Mars moves into Pisces (Neptune’s Sign) on November 16 and this adds to more abundant rainfall and or deterioration in the air quality. Could see problems with high tides and windy weather—think tempest that have the town government seriously considering shoreline issues. Water damage to buildings near the shorelines is possible.

Finally, Jupiter moves into the Fire Sign, Sagittarius on the 8th and it will oppose PT’s Natal Uranus. I have a feeling that this transit will affect the local economy or the collective values. But a new form or new type of communication or connection to a foreign country that is beneficial occurs at this time too.


We end the year on a watery note. Venus is in Scorpio, Mars is in Pisces, Mercury is in Scorpio for the first week and Neptune is in Pisces. We also have Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn which brings stability. However, weather wise, we could seen rainy weather and tempests. But this has local and State governments taking a serious look at climate changes and sustainable practices. New environmental protection laws come out of this time period.

Mercury joins Jupiter in Sagittarius on the 13th but the planets do not form a conjunction. Still, people are feeling jolly and optimistic, at least, during the first half of the month when the Sun is also in Sagittarius. (And the last week of November when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in the expansive Fire Sign).

However, after the Solstice when the Sun moves into Capricorn and joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (last week of the month), people return to practical matters, getting back into physical shape, and getting their finances in order. There is much work to be done as we move into 2019.

The rebuilding process begins. However, many people will use this last week to shore up their energy and rest. 2019 will be another rebuilding year, but at least all the scandals are put to rest.


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