Whole Astrology Fire Signs Forecast for 2017 (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

This year I'm trying an experiment. I have taken my cue from other YouTube astrologers in that I'm giving a forecast for each of the Zodiac Signs for 2017. I admire those astrologers because this is a heck of a lot of work. You must remember that I'm the Neptune Girl so details and complexity aren't my things.

I grouped the signs by element. So, we are starting with the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). And yes, 2017 is a fiery year with Uranus in Aries (until 2019), Saturn in Sagittarius (until December 2017) and eclipses in Leo. And the North Node moves into Leo on May 11.


January: At the beginning of the year, Aries (Sun and Ascendant) have Uranus in the First House, Neptune, and Chiron hidden in the Twelfth House, Jupiter in the Seventh,  Saturn in the Ninth and Pluto in the Tenth. Mars and Venus transit through the hidden Twelfth House making contact with Neptune and Chiron. Meanwhile, Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius on January 8 which shares the 9th House with Saturn. After Mercury moves forward, all the planets are moving forward so January offers a window of opportunities to launch new projects and also new diet plans and make lifestyle changes. This is true for all 12 Zodiac Signs in January.

So what this means, is that Aries wants to push ahead in partnerships and individual pursuits. However, Aries people do not have all the information they require to move forward. However, this information shows up in dreams, synchronicity, and spiritual pursuits. But Aries, do you feel worthy of your dreams?

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 12th squares Aries and could cause emotional outburst if Aries is not taking care of his or her nourishment. Practice self-care and you can avoid the tantrums and drama. The Full Moon is at 22 degrees Cancer. The New Moon falls in Aquarius at 8 degrees on the 27th. Aries is in alignment with Aquarius energy and since Uranus is in Aries, this could be a time to join a cause or to lead one on the grassroots level. Everyone needs a hero.


In February, Jupiter is the first planet to go retrograde in 2017. It does so on the 6th. This falls in Aries' 7th House of partnerships and marriage. This suggests going over agreements, leases, contracts, and other legally-binding documents. Jupiter expands what it touches but when it goes backward, Jupiter asks us to go inward. And it is a good time to practice gratitude and show appreciation to others.

Venus remains in your 12th House stirring up your spiritual values and artistic pursuits. You notice beauty in women, in fine and performing art, and the natural world. But all this beauty enchants like a dream and feels intangible. Mars starts off the month in your sign so you're feeling revved up, even with Jupiter RX in your 7th House.

Meanwhile, Saturn in your in your 9th House of travel and higher education forms a sextile with Jupiter. So you most likely want to travel with your partner or pursue studies together. If you are single then you could meet a partner while traveling or in an academic setting. I also see some people meeting in a courtroom setting.

Mercury in Capricorn weighs you down and you might be dealing with bossy authority figures who you want to flip the finger at. But refrain from any rash action because Mercury in Capricorn can also give you the upper hand if you speak the right lingo and take responsibility for your actions.

The Lunar Eclipse is at 22 Leo on February 10. Since Leo is a Fire Sign, this bodes well for Aries. This eclipse falls in your Fifth House of love affairs, recreation, sports, performing arts and children. And it opposes your Eleventh House of grassroots, colleagues, social networking and friends. Take a risk or at least have some fun around this Lunar Eclipse. People are acting a bit egotistical which is the downside of a Lunar Eclipse in Leo. And it could feel like a competition everywhere you go. Aries, if anyone can handle that energy, you can.

On February 26, we experience a Solar Eclipse in dreamy Pisces. This new beginning takes place in your Twelfth House of spirituality and unformed dreams. Dream big and make it real. By the time the moon enters your First House, you're clear on your intentions.


Big news for you in March is Venus going retrograde in Aries, in your First House. And then through the course of this retrograde, Venus sails back into Pisces on April 4th. This means that Venus transits back into your Twelfth House of spiritual pursuits and the intangible. Pay attention to your dreams from April 4 until 28.

On March 12, we experience the Virgo Full Moon which feels irritating to Aries. And on March 27, we experience the Aries New Moon which reflects your inner emotions. This tends to be an aggressive moon, but that energy can also be used for athletic pursuits, going on an adventure, or pioneering a project or concept.


Mercury moves into Aries on the 20th. Mercury moves into Aries once a year so this isn't big news. Saturn going retrograde at 27 Sagittarius in your 9th House on March 6 is big news. This would not be a good time to travel since Saturn Retrograde tends to cause delays and sends us back to the drawing board for several months.

April is the month of crazy-making retrogrades. No matter how hard we try, we will get very little done in April. We experience delays with Saturn RX, and we revisit our values with Venus RX, and experience irritations with communication with Mercury RX and to top that off Pluto goes RX on the 20th. Aries, normally April is your month to shine, but in 2017, you're heading back to the drawing board or decide to reinvent yourself.

On April 11, you experience the Libra Full Moon in your 7th House as the Moon joins Jupiter RX. If your partnerships have been going well then this is time to spend more time with your partner. Go to an arts event or spend time in nature during this full moon. If your partnership isn't going well, now is the time to seek legal counsel. But don't act until May when Venus and Mercury are direct.

The Taurus New Moon on the 26th asks you what you value. And it asks you to share your gifts and talents with others, not for earning a living, but for the sake of it. When you give pleasure to others in this way, you share in the pleasure.


Mercury goes Direct on the 3rd in Leo. This is a time to launch those artistic projects, put on a show, or do something for recreation. You enjoy the spotlight shining on you at this time.

Not really seeing much for you in May besides what I've already covered. The Scorpio Full Moon on the 10th falls in your 8th House. This causes you to go inward and asks deep questions about life, death, rebirth, and the occult. You tackle taboo topics and make a few people nervous. But that's okay. Everyone's feeling those Scorpio vibes.  You lighten up and want to play with the Gemini New Moon on the 25th. You spend a lot of time on social media and responding to e-mails.


Big news in June is that Jupiter goes direct on the 9th in your 7th House. This might even be a good time for getting your partnership back on track. Since you would have hopefully done inner work while Jupiter was retrograde, this work pays off now in harmonizing partnerships. While Jupiter goes direct, Neptune (another large gaseous planet) goes retrograde on the 16th. This takes place in your twelfth House so you might find yourself revisiting spiritual endeavors or concepts from the past that make more sense to you now. Perhaps, you encounter a guru who reminds you of those old teachings and practices.

On the day Jupiter goes direct, we experience the Sagittarius Full Moon in your 9th House. Travel is the word that comes to mind. If you find yourself planning a vacation at the beginning of the year, your best day to launch this vacation is on June 9. It's a double Jupiter day. And since Jupiter is in your 7th House, find a partner to travel with.

The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd squares your Aries energy. But this is still a time to practice self-care and make sure you are getting proper nourishment. Try a new diet, but don't dive too deeply into it yet as it can cause stomach upset.


Not seeing any big news this month for Aries except the Fire Trine with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. But this trine has been on-going since 2016. It marks a time of rapid expansion and manifestation because you can stay enthusiastic for long periods of time. It's wonderful energy for coaching clients.

On the 8th, we experience the Capricorn Full Moon at 17 degrees. It forms a conjunction with mighty Pluto and falls in your career and public image house. Be weary of other people's power over you and don't abuse your power. If you do you experience public embarrassment. For some of you, this brings career advancement, that's if you have wielded the sword of responsibility well.

The New Moon at 0 degrees Leo on July 23 also gives you a boost. But for this moon you want to get involved in theatrics. Put on a show. Remember those old Judy Garland movies.


August feels like a dealbreaker as opposed to a dealmaker if you expend too much outward energy. With all the outer planets from Saturn to Pluto now RX, this is not time to push ahead or live by the motto, "It's my way or the highway." Uranus goes RX on the 3rd in your First House. At least you can keep any hotheadedness to yourself. You might even feel a bit reclusive in August. Take a vacation.

On August 7, we experience the second Lunar Eclipse of 2017 at 15 degrees Aquarius (your 11th House). And during the same week, Mercury goes RX in Virgo/Leo. Expect the unexpected and don't start anything new for the next three weeks. Mercury RX is making its way now into the Fire Signs.

Mark the week beginning August 21st on your calendar too. On the 21st, we experience a Solar Eclipse in Leo (28 degrees Leo). Again, you see action happening in your 5th House. If you have been desiring a career or just want to have fun in theater, this week might be ideal for this pursuit. Wait until after the 25th when Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius and prepares for its last leg of its Sagittarius transit.


The big news this month revolves around the Jupiter-Saturn sextile which gets you fired up for long-distance travel or higher learning. Pluto also goes direct at the end of the month which heats up your 10th House of career and public image. If you have been honest, practiced integrity and stayed out of trouble, then Pluto blesses you. If not, secrets fall under the scrutiny of the public eye which leads to embarrassment and lawsuits in some cases. Remember Jupiter in Libra squares the Pluto in Capricorn energy.

Mercury goes direct in Leo on the 4th. So now is a good time to pursue a fun hobby. The Pisces Full Moon on September 6 takes place in your Twelfth House and this has you wandering into spiritual grounds again. Take this time to go on a spiritual retreat, join a yoga class, or find a group that interprets dreams either off or online. You'll find that your dreams are rich in symbolism around this moon. (I was born with a Pisces Moon).

And the flipside of this is the Virgo New Moon on the 19th. Aries, you don't enjoy Virgo moons but this is a time to purify your body by removing toxins and cleaning up your diet. It's also a good time to reorganize your daily environment and routine.


The big news is Jupiter moving out of your 7th House (Libra) and into your 8th House (Scorpio). This is a time to take partnerships to a deeper soul level. If you are unable to do this with your current partner, it might be time to part ways and connect with a new partner that will dive deep with you. Your pursuits turn to the occult and you learn the difference between manifestation through alignment or looking to others to support you since the 8th House has to do with other people's resources.

Your focus in on the 6th through 8th houses. The Aries Full Moon on the 5th falls in your First House of identity and your body. How are you holding up under stress? Do you need more exercise? Would you like to take your body on an adventure? These are the questions you ask yourself now.

The Libra New Moon on the 19th falls in your 7th House and you will know by this point that the emphasis of this year has been on partnerships and legalities of one kind or another. You have also focused on career.


Finances see improvement on the 4th with the Full Moon in Taurus. Even though this moon opposes Jupiter during the course of the day, you see improvement with your finances both from other people and from earnings that derive from your gifts and talents. The Scorpio New Moon on the 18th also focuses on finances. The Fire Trine with Saturn and Uranus (this transit coming to a close with Saturn preparing to change signs) also gives you a boost of enthusiasm. This attracts other people's resources to you. It's also a good time to restructure your life, identity and body image.


The big news for all Fire Signs is Saturn leaving Sagittarius and moving into its own Sign Capricorn. Now, while this is a sigh of relief for Leo and Sagittarius, Aries now contends with Saturn in the form of a Square. This is the flipside of the Saturn in Libra Square from 2009 to 2012. That marked a time when partnerships were dissolving for people born under a Cardinal Sign (Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries). Then you were focused on partners and now you're focusing on yourself.  Saturn moves into your Career and Public Tenth House. All that hard work you have done in previous years is about to pay off.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 3 lands in your house of communication and education. Oddly, Mercury, the communication planet goes RX in Sagittarius in your 9th House. So this would not be a good time to travel and you must dot your i's and cross your t's because this time is ripe for miscommunication. Technology could go AWOL. Then, the New Moon at 26 Sagittarius on the 17th has you picking through bits and pieces of information as you try to see the bigger picture. But that bigger picture won't emerge until Mercury goes direct on the 23 and you're too enmeshed in the holiday season to care.

Also around the Solstice, Saturn moves into Capricorn. But I've already mentioned that. The Sun couples with Saturn in your Tenth House. Again, if you have put in the work, you'll reap rewards the last week of December.


Leo, you experience three of the eclipses on your polarity with Aquarius, the North Node moves into your sign on May 10 and you benefit from the sextile with Jupiter and Saturn and the Fire Trine with Saturn and Uranus. The start of the year feels a bit fuzzy to you, but you get a push in February with the Lunar Eclipse.


The big transits this month include the Mars-Neptune conjunction from New Year's Day until the 9th which falls in your 8th House of deep introspection and the occult. You could see your spiritual and metaphysical gifts and wisdom shoot through the roof. And you want to rush out and teach this information to others. But wait until the dust settles. Neptune has a way of causing us to get caught in delusions.

The Capricorn Sun conjuncts Pluto from the 7th until the 10th. For you, Leo this energy feels gloomy and claustrophobic around areas of health, work, and your daily environment. It's time to buck up on responsibility and come from a place of integrity. Heart and spine health are issues with this transit so make sure you are taking good care of your beautiful body.

Mercury which went retrograde in Capricorn in December goes direct in Sagittarius on January 8. You feel this as a relief or as a green light to go ahead with a new project. Frustrating communication errors are cleared up now. What a relief!

Venus conjuncts Neptune from the 9 to around the 15 if you're going with a wider orb. Again, this spiritual energy and values take place in your 8th House. What do you value in the spiritual community? Have your spiritual values shifted? Back that up with a new lifestyle.

Mars squares Saturn from the 20th until the end of the month. The square is exact on the 20th. Mars is uncomfortable in Pisces and it squares Saturn in Sagittarius. This square lands in your 8th and 5th houses. One moment your deep and serious about your spiritual path, and then the next moment you give into distractions that can cause you more harm than good. Watch for this tendency towards the end of the month.

The Full Moon in Cancer (22 degrees) lands in your 12th House of dreams, the intangible, spiritual realms, past lives, and how we delude ourselves. This happens on January 12 so pay attention to your dreams during this time. In February, you experience a Lunar Eclipse in your First House.

The New Moon in at 8 degrees Aquarius falls in your 7th House of partnerships on the 27th. Time to innovate how you appear in partnerships or perhaps, you seek an iconoclastic partner or someone from the fringes. Uniqueness and authenticity are your keywords for this New Moon. And this moon also prepares you for the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius in August. Similar themes repeat themselves.


We might as well rename this month Fiery February as far as you're concerned. Mars moves into Aries where it is powerful, then squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus. So where do you want to revolutionize your life and the world? This is not the month to sit around doing nothing or ranting about ills in the world. It is time to join a grassroots movement or lead a cause du jour. But make sure that the cause resonates with your heart or you won't be able to go the distance. Aries energy has a way of burning itself out quickly. Mars will also square Jupiter in Libra at the end of the month when we experience a Cardinal T-Cross with Jupiter, Uranus/Mars and Pluto acting as the apex.

And speaking of Jupiter, this planet goes RX on the 6th and is the first planet to turn backward in 2017. In fact, January is the only month with no RX planets except with Mercury which goes direct the first week. This means that in February we could regret not using the positive push of New Year's resolutions.

On February 10 Leo experiences a Lunar Eclipse in the First House (22 degrees Leo). This brings a push toward self-improvements. If you want to lose weight, get on a diet now. If you want to be physically fit then get with a program. Or if you want to improve your mind or do soul body work, now is the time to launch those endeavors.

On the 26th, you experience a Solar Eclipse in Pisces (8 degrees) which lands in your 8th House of the occult, other people's resources, and deep diving in the subconscious. This marks an excellent time for dream therapies, hypnosis work and rewriting the brain.


This month Venus goes RX in Aries. When Venus goes retrograde (once every 2 years), we get a chance to look at our values, balance our finances, and find inspiration for art projects or to beautify our homes. Venus which is about balance and harmony does not enjoy the rough energies of Aries. So not only is Venus weak by sign, but also by the retrograde. A Sun-Venus conjunction during the first-week uplifts Venus and this is a good time to increase prosperity through the right channels. For you, Leo, Venus in Aries fires you up. And exercise is not a bad idea because you want to build muscle tone and beautify your body.

The Mercury conjunction with Uranus during the last week of March gives you a case of nerves. Everyone is talking a mile a minute. Everyone's talking but you can't quite grasp their innovation and futuristic thinking. What's all this business about grassroots movements? You don't want to join a group or participate in group think. You prefer to lead, but to where exactly? Solar energy is your forte so stick with that.

You experience the Virgo Full Moon (22 degrees) that falls on the 12th in your Second House of values, gifts, and talents. I imagine that it is time for you to perfect your gifts and purify your intentions before sharing those gifts with the world. Are you coming from your heart or your ego? This is an important question to answer honestly because that will determine the success of your endeavors.

The Aries Full Moon (7 degrees Aries) lands in your 9th House of long-distance travel, higher education, the law, and religion. Were you planning on traveling overseas in March? This moon falls on the 27th of March and there's a push for starting anew.


April is one of those months that reminds me of a switchboard operator on steroids. All signs will experience frustration and chaos with several planets retrograde including Mercury (Taurus/Aries), Venus (Aries), Jupiter (Libra), Saturn goes retrograde in Sagittarius on the 6th and Pluto goes RX in Capricorn on the 20th. Don't expect to get any work done this month. It's time to retreat and go inward. And this will be easier to do at the end of the month when the Sun moves into Taurus which is your 10th House. (Venus goes direct mid-April).

Also affecting you Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn. Even though Taurus is a square for you, it falls in your 10th House of Career and the Public so your finances improve as you rise in your career. And the Aries Sun conjunct Uranus midmonth gives you a boost but you'll need to get innovative and keep your eyes on the future. However, with all the RX planets save your ideas until after Venus, Jupiter and Saturn go direct which is September for Saturn and June for Jupiter.

The Libra Full Moon falls on the 10th and lands in your 3rd House of communication, education, mental process, and learning style. You could find yourself mending fences with cousins or siblings. Clearing up miscommunication from the Mercury RX is helpful during this moon too

The Taurus New Moon on the 26th shines a light in your 10th House. Again, this bodes well for career and finances. A steady building process works best. Remember the bull likes to plod along and not race to the finish line. Save horseracing for the Sagittarius friends.


Big news for Leos is that the North Node transits into the Sign of the Lion. Mars is the big player this month as it moves into Gemini and squares Neptune (8th and 11th Houses). And Mars trines Jupiter which allows you to think clearly. We experience the expansive energy of the Saturn-Uranus Trine which focuses on your mental process. And so does the Mercury-Uranus conjunction.

The Scorpio Full Moon on the 10th transits in your Fourth House of home, mother, and childhood. It sheds a light on patterns and beliefs you developed in your youth. You might deal with mother or father issues during this full moon, but much healing comes from it. Do the work to reap results.

The Gemini New Moon on the 25th transits through your 11th House of grassroots groups, social networks, and colleagues. This is a good time to get out and make some new connections. You never know where it will lead. Make sure you listen to what others have to say because they hold the keys to your future success.


Venus conjuncts Uranus (Aries) at the beginning of the month. Your values might appear futuristic and even bombastic to some folks. You attract unusual women friends and partners in early June and who knows where this could lead. Neptune goes RX on the 15th in your 8th House. This marks a wonderful time for inner spiritual quests that last around 6 months. You might do some spiritual traveling too such as attending a retreat during the last 6 months of June. Go on a pilgrimage. Mars in Cancer trines Neptune so you have the energy to pursue your big dreams. Only do this the first 14 days of June before Neptune goes RX.

On June 9th, Jupiter goes Direct and we experience the Sagittarius Full Moon. This moon transits in your 5th House of fun adventures. Go on a road trip or enroll in a high learning course. This double Jupiter energy leaves us all feeling lucky, but we have to cash in to win.

The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd transits in your 12th House. I'm picking up a spiritual growth theme for you, Leo. Spend more time in 2017 on spiritual growth rather than financial growth. The irony is that when you land on your spiritual feet, everything else falls into place. Self-discovery brings treasures for you. Do some deep subconscious mining for gold.


Mars in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries midmonth and leaves everyone feeling irritable and rash. We will experience a lot of drama and infantile adult behavior. Leo, don't contribute to the drama and take the higher mind road. This will be your spiritual lesson in July. This tension is further emphasized by the Sun conjunction with Mars in Cancer, but that only last two or three days, around the first week.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 8th falls in your 6th House of health, daily routine, duties, work, and routines. With Pluto also in this house, you are transforming these areas of your life. If you are dealing with an illness you can expect a slow and steady recovery. Take care of your spine and heart.

The Leo New Moon (0 degrees) in your First House represents new beginnings. Some situation ended for you in June and now you are faced with a clean slate or an open road. What will you do with this rejuvenating energy? This moon acts as a preamble for the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse and Leo Solar Eclipse in August. Those eclipses will break open stuck situations and allow you to move forward. Leo, don't be like the domesticated bird who won't fly out of the open cage door. Liberate yourself and move on.


Two planets join Saturn and Pluto in retrograde motion (Mercury and Uranus). Now, this month is going to feel like we're plowing through brain fog because Mercury and Uranus represent the mental process. It could be an excellent time for rewiring neuropathways in the brain. It's a good time for cognitive therapies and learning about the brain. Or maybe we just feel like eggheads.

Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto and this tells me that mothers and women are going to fight with big government or big business. And the eclipses are going to shake people up too, especially people born under the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Top that off with Jupiter also squaring Pluto. People want justice, especially prominent women. Oprah figures prominently in the news. I'm getting a vibrant image of this.

On August 7, we experience the final Lunar Eclipse for 2017. It is in Aquarius (your 7th House). So how can you innovate your partnerships? Are you seeking freedom? Is your partner giving you the respect you deserve? Are you respectful of your partner? Might be time to move on if the partnership isn't bringing out the best in you.

The Solar Eclipse is at 28 degrees Leo in your First House. This is on the 21st and this transit augments energies from the Leo Moon from July.


There is nothing really to remember for this September. It's a month to lay low and revisit events from the previous months. Mars in Leo trines Uranus in Aries which gives you inspiration and a boost of energy. Pluto goes direct at the end of the month which you'll notice around work and health.

The Pisces Full Moon on the 6th again has you diving deep into the subconscious as you continue to evolve spiritually.

The Virgo New Moon on the 19th highlights your talents, gifts, and personal resources. What can you do to bring improvements in these areas?


At the beginning of the month, Mars in Virgo trines Pluto. This trine has a stabilizing effect on most signs but could cause restlessness for Air and Fire Signs. This trine happens in your 6th House of work and health as well as, your career and public 10th House. If you put your nose to the grindstone, you see success with your career. Also at the beginning of the month, Venus conjuncts Mars in Virgo. When Venus and Mars couple, it is a good time for relationships. However, when these planets are in Virgo, it's time to scrutinize and purify motives in partnerships.

Leo, you're going to grieve a bit as Jupiter moves from Libra into Scorpio on the 11th. Now, Jupiter, the planet of expansion squares Leo. You have 12 months to dive deep into the psychology of your early childhood, connections to your mother and home. But use this time wisely, because, during the fall of 2018, Jupiter moves into its own Sign  Sagittarius which trines Leo. Do the work and reap rewards in 2018-19.

Mars in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius for most of October. Sagittarius like Leo dreams big, but Mars in Virgo wants you to step back and look at the details. How does it all add up? Virgo prevents delusional thinking. The Scorpio Sun connects with Jupiter on the 26th until the end of the month. Leo, you don't like planets in Scorpio, but now, is a time to tackle those darker issues from childhood. Since you are growing spiritually by leaps and bounds, I advise you to tackle those issues and heal wounds once and for all. This is only a problem if you attached drama to your wounds because this is addictive behavior that does not serve you.

The Aries Full Moon on October 6 fires up your 9th House. Are you heading back to school or traveling abroad? You have Aries giving you the energy to pursue your dreams. The Libra New Moon Moon on the 19th has you bringing balance and harmony to communication. How can you present yourself better to others so that they can hear what you tell them? Perhaps, you use this time for diplomatic efforts or go on a speaking tour. Make sure you consider your audience carefully.


While the Mars (Libra)-Pluto Square is going to get the bulk of attention because of the Cardinal tension, the Saturn-Uranus trine presents itself again boosting your fire energy and passion. A Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your 4th House has you beautifying your home. Perhaps, you buy art to spruce it up. You long to share your values with others. And if you have done your spiritual work, you're in top form in November. A Mercury and Saturn conjunction in Scorpio gives you an authoritative voice and if you're inclined, teaching goes well now.

The Taurus Full Moon on the 4th lights up your 10th House. Again, you find yourself in the spotlight. If you are teaching or involved with spirituality in some way, you receive recognition and a boost from Taurus and Scorpio people. During the Scorpio New Moon which transits on the 18th, you prefer to spend more time at home. You reflect on the previous months and hopefully, see how far you have evolved in the areas of your life.


As far as I'm concerned, the biggest transit for this month is Saturn moving into Capricorn. The Sun and Venus conjunct Saturn towards the end of the month. This brings up issues about women authority figures and leaders. Leo, you don't like Capricorn energy finding it too grounding. However, if you can focus on your work for the next 2 1/2 years, especially when Jupiter moves into Capricorn and connects with Pluto, you will reap sustained success. Capricorn delays success and it makes you work hard for it. But earning success boosts your Leo pride.

The Gemini Full Moon on the 3rd of the month livens up this Capricorn-heavy month. Use this energy to launch into the holiday season. Read and share books you enjoy. Write, speak, do a radio interview or start a YouTube channel. Everyone wants to talk during this time of this Full Moon, but we also need to listen to what others say.

On the 17th, we experience the Sagittarius New Moon. For you, this is about having fun. Spend time with children. Go see a play. Better yet, star in a play. All the world's a stage, Leo. This is something you know well.


With Saturn in your sign for over 2 1/2 years, you built new structure or infrastructure in which to house your big dreams. Saturn causes you to sober up in more ways than one. Saturn brings hard lessons but also prepares you for when your planet, Jupiter transits into Capricorn in 2019-20.

However, your freedom (most important value for you) has been curtailed. You might have found yourself digging your way out of debt. Or you might have found yourself battling with an addiction that you finally decided to address. When Saturn moves into Capricorn at the end of 2017, you will be in a good place to share your talents, gifts, and personal values with others. But 2017, brings it share of challenges, though nothing close to the Saturn-Neptune squares that plagued you in 2016. And you'll love the North Node entering in Leo on May 10.


Mutable madness greets you when Mars conjuncts Neptune and Venus conjuncts Neptune which all happens in your 4th House. You could be dealing with a mentally ill or emotionally imbalanced person in your home in January. It could even be your mother or father. The Sun conjuncts Pluto which might give you insights into your home situation. But Mercury is RX in your sign until January 8th. Mars in Pisces squaring Saturn doesn't help matters. I see you getting sober after the holidays. Did you overspend? Did you binge or drink heavily? Now, you make amends. Atonement is the word that comes to mind. Forgive yourself and move on.

The Cancer Full Moon on the 12th could cause you to cover up emotions through addictions or to take better care of your health through diet and self-care. But the moon falls in your 8th House so you're going to dive into the darker realms of your subconscious. This could prove healing. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 27th feels more liberating to you. Connect with colleagues and friends and get involved with a grassroots cause. They could use your enthusiasm. Share the bigger picture.


Your planet Jupiter goes RX on the 6th. When Jupiter is RX, it's not a good time for you to travel, especially since Saturn is in your sign and that planet causes delays and constrictions. Wait until June, or better yet, September for long-distance journeys. Jupiter also goes RX in your 1st House so take this time to diet and get physically fit.

While the Cardinal Signs will dismay over Mars conjunct Uranus squaring Pluto, you'll have other things on your mind. However, help others to see the glass as half full and don't allow the tensions that surround you to dampen your spirits. People are hotheaded and not exactly in a party mood.

And if that's not enough drama, on the 10th we experience the Leo Lunar Eclipse which is in your 9th House of expansion, travel, religion and law. This is frustrating because you would like to travel, but Saturn brings restrictions. Perhaps, sharing your previous travels and wisdom with others through social media or lectures helps you to shine. Redirect your energy. It's best to wait until after August to travel. But you can at least make plans.

The Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th has you coming to grips with situations on the home front. Information about your parents or childhood come to you through dreams and spiritual pursuits. You experience sudden revelations that set you free. And Sagittarius, you love freedom.


The Pisces Sun conjuncts Neptune in your 4th House which further emphasizes the sudden revelations I mentioned for February's Solar Eclipse. The Sun-Venus connection later in the month in Aries causes you to kick up your heels and go on an adventure. Short-distance travel or hiking goes well. The Mercury-Uranus conjunction bodes well for deep study or research. Your brain receives a boost. Cognitive therapy goes well now.

Venus goes RX in Aries on the 4th and this happens in your 5th House. You find yourself returning to your values in regard to the arts, children, and gambling. What do you currently value?

The Virgo Full Moon on the 12th feels fussy to you but helps you clarify your career goals and purify your public image. You much prefer the Aries New Moon on the 27th which has you going on an adventure.


With five planets RX in April, my best advice for you is to lay low or go on a spiritual retreat. Learn to meditate.

You love the Libra Full Moon on the 10th because it restores balance with colleagues and has you joining like-minded people for a good cause. Another one of your values is justice. The Taurus New Moon on the 26th just feels stubborn and obstinate to you. Something in your work life or health seems unmoveable, but experience your senses and this releases you from stagnation.


Mercury now direct in Aries conjuncts Uranus again. You return to a puzzle or cognitive situation with a solution.  Mars squares Neptune and trines Jupiter and you wonder how far your dreams can take you. And that Saturn-Uranus trine gives you a big boost of enthusiasm. You are feeling like the go-to can-do person.

The Scorpio Full Moon on the 10th falls in your 12th House of dreams and undoing. Only you know what this means for you. Pay attention to dreams and get real with yourself. Now, is the time for truth-telling.

The Gemini New Moon on the 25th has you delving into details. As you build a new structure in your life you must look at the smaller picture. It is like you are piecing a puzzle together.


Venus conjuncts Uranus and this could bring odd women into your life. But most likely any romantic connection formed with these women is short-term. You could also work with Indigo or Crystal children. Mars in Cancer trines Neptune and again, this brings themes of women, mothers, and children. And to top it off, Neptune goes RX in your house of home and the mother. Are you dealing with mental illness in your home, including a parent that suffers from a brain malfunction?

On June 9, Jupiter (your planet) goes direct and you experience the Sagittarius Full Moon in your First House. You are especially feeling lucky with colleagues and you experience the Midas touch. Join a grassroots cause around justice. The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd feels clingy and cloying to you. And you need to look at psychological projections. Are you without needs? What are you clinging too? Could a change of diet bring you greater health?


Uranus is the great player this month. And it leaves you feeling stuck and seeking freedom. You feel that other people are clinging to you and you want to brush them off and go on a vacation alone.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 8th, especially when the moon meets up with Pluto in your 2nd House causes you to feel frustration when other people don't recognize your talents and gifts. And Sagittarius, you are a generous person by nature so you just don't get this. Don't worry, your rewards are coming even if you don't receive any grant funding around the time of this moon.

The New Moon in Leo on the 23rd offers a good time to travel. Jupiter is direct and Saturn brings restrictions, but travel nonetheless. You're used to immigration delays with all your globetrotting experience.


For sake of brevity, I'm leaving out planetary transits for August and focusing only on the eclipses. Sign up for a personal reading if you would like further transit details.

The Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius on the 7th gives you a breath of fresh air. You join others in innovating and pioneering futuristic projects. Your ideas don't seem so pie-in-the-sky to the people you meet now. Your enthusiasm fires up inspiration and your can-do attitude supports Aquarius grassroots types.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st offers a good time to travel overseas. Perhaps, you go on a lecture or teaching tour. Or you go on an adventure. You feel greatly rewarded. And with Saturn going direct a few days after the eclipse, you feel like the shackles have been removed.


Mars in Leo Trines Uranus in Aries and since you are part of the Fire Trilogy, this energy has you feeling on top of the world.

The Pisces Full Moon on the 6th has you reflecting and returning to your home life and or childhood again. It is time to come up with solutions and clear up old business in regard to parents and the home. Perhaps, you can hire a live-in nurse for an aging or ailing parent and this frees you so that you can pursue your dreams without guilt.

The Virgo New Moon on the 20th causes you to feel stifled or overly critical of yourself. But remind yourself that you are doing the best that you can. Time to purify your intent with career and use your career to serve others. This is a good way to share your generosity with the public.


Jupiter moves into Scorpio and your 12th House of deep diving. Solutions come in the form of darker dreams and you are able to see the ways you sabotage yourself. For some of you, it is time to go into rehab or help others to do so. Time to heal addictions and you have 12 months for this deep work.

A Mars-Venus conjunction in Virgo has you longing for a true partnership or analyzing the roles of women and men in relationships. Oh, and you can get lost in your philosophies. But Sagittarius you are a good storyteller and you can put that gift to use writing love or romantic stories with a sense of adventure. (Mars and Venus transit into Libra in October).

The Aries Full Moon on the 5th is a good time to play. What would you like to do that is fun, but not addictive? And the Libra New Moon on the 19th is a good time to start a new romance.


Anything to do with Saturn affects you directly. And we have two major Saturn transits happening in November. Saturn trines Uranus once again and Mercury joins up with Saturn bringing gravity to your long-distance communication. You alternate with a sense of humor and your storytelling gifts are appreciated.

Venus joins Jupiter in your 12th House. This is a fantastic time to pursue spirituality or the performing arts. You long to beautify your surroundings or perhaps, take up gardening or photography. Anything Venus goes well for you and in fact, pays off handsomely. The Mars-Pluto Square is troubling, but it does not directly affect you unless you have planets in Libra and Capricorn (or Cancer and Aries).

On November 3, the Taurus Full Moon brings you duty and work. It seems like everyone is just plodding along and you experience stubbornness from people in your daily environment. You might be dealing with a cold or throat problems. But is this because you have a fear of speaking up? The New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th has you interpreting your dreams again. Perhaps, you can transform those dreams into fine or performing art.


Mercury goes RX in Sagittarius. Remember to dot your i's and cross your t's. Take time with communication. Speak and write with clarity and don't lose others in the bigger picture. You miss the details now so slow down.

You feel relief as Saturn leaves Sagittarius and moves into your 2nd House (Capricorn). You can probably end that diet now too. Or it's possible that you actually could gain some weight since Saturn transiting in the 1st House leaves people looking like scarecrows. A Sun-Saturn conjunction brings attention to your values, gifts, and talents. Share them with others. Venus also joins Saturn which has to do with personal values. And Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune which for you revolves around big dreams.

The Gemini Full Moon on the 3rd is playful. Go on a date, even if you're already involved with a partner. Go on a date with your partner. Have fun. Play with children or play games from your childhood. Share stories. Laugh. Love. The Sagittarius New Moon on 17 (your 1st House) allows you to indulge in your favorite foods. Or better yet, go on a long-distance trip. Start the holidays early in a place you've not been before. Then prepare for 2018. Dream big. That's your style.


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