Whole Astrology Air Signs Forecast for 2017 (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra)

Air Signs benefit from Jupiter in Libra until October 10, 2017, when Jupiter arrives in Scorpio for the next 12 months. Air Signs also benefit from Saturn in Sagittarius, but Saturn moves into Capricorn on December 21, 2017. Air Signs give a sigh of relief when the North Node transits out of Virgo and into Leo in May. And eclipses in Aquarius and Leo in 2017, help Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Sun and Ascendant people to break free from a rut

In order to expedite my 2017 forecasts (took two days just do write up the Fire Sign Forecast), I will only be mentioning full and new moons that are significant to your particular sign. I encourage you to sign up for a personal reading for a more detailed approach. I am only able to cover the broad strokes here and these forecasts are general in scope. However, having said that, read the forecasts for your Sun and Rising Sign. And I'll continue the new and full Moon posts and videos in 2017.


Besides Libra, Aquarius sees a lot of action in 2017. First, planets in Aquarius experience trines with Jupiter in Libra, sextiles with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. The North Node in Leo challenges Aquarius Sun and Ascendant people to see the individual in humanity. Even breaking the mold and joining the fringe is personal. It does involve both heart and ego, which are ruled by Leo, the polar opposite of Aquarius.


We start off the year with an Aquarius Moon (that occurs after the New Moon in Capricorn). In general, this moon focuses on individualism, technology, brain-science, innovations and takes a futuristic approach. It feels like we landed on a set for the animation show, The Jetsons. And 2017 feels like a pivotal year with many changes grabbing our attention. Since humans fear change, we will deal with more fear, lack, and limitations.

The Mars-Neptune conjunction during the first week lands in your 2nd House of personal values, gifts, and talents you share with others. This marks an excellent time to dive into a spiritual community that appears off-the-wall to the average person. You delve into the occult including past lives and UFOs. Make sure you don't get deluded by conspiracy theories on YouTube.

The Sun-Pluto conjunction takes place in your 12th House and this also bodes well for fringe spiritual endeavors. You might find yourself reading Joseph Campbell books as the hero's journey interests you as do past lives and karma. Pluto brings transformation to you, but you won't see the structure from this transformation until Pluto enters your 1st House when it is in Aquarius (2024). Mercury RX takes place in your 12th House (Capricorn) and ends in your 11th House (Sagittarius) on January 8th. Communication with your colleagues is fraught with errors and you could deal with computer glitches. Watch out of the used car salesmen type.

Mars in Pisces squares Saturn on the 18 - 24. This takes place in your 3rd House of communication/neighbors/siblings/cousins/education and your 11th House of colleagues and grassroots groups. Clear communication is key. You think you're saying one thing, but others hear you saying something different, that is, if they are listening at all.

The New Moon at 9 degrees Aquarius falls on January 28 and ushers in the Chinese Year of the Rooster. You too want to crow loudly about innovative projects and futuristic expectations. And we experienced two Aquarius moons in January.


Jupiter in a fellow Air Sign, Libra goes RX on the 6th. All that push-to-go energy of January ends with this first major retrograde of 2017. January with the exception of the Mercury RX ending on the 8th, was free and clear of planets in retrograde motion. And that meant that we were operating from the outer instead of the inner realm. January's energy gave us the push to make changes in our life, but when Jupiter goes RX on February 6, we lose our enthusiasm and our efforts flounder a bit.

Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn from the 22 through the 25. Mars transits in your 3rd House of communication/neighbors/siblings and Pluto is on your busy 12th House stirring up changes in your subconscious (or the need to change is brewing beneath the surface). I see these two houses playing out heavily for you in 2017, so look up the themes. The Mars-Uranus conjunction on the 26 through the 28th also lights up your 3rd House. I see you joining a grassroots cause or stirring up a personal or community revolution. Uranus in Aries is lighting the liberty and justice candle. I have an image of the late Cesar Chavez.

On February 10, the Lunar Eclipse in Leo lands in your 7th House of partnerships. Now, this could also have to do with business partnerships, but I'm getting a romantic vibe here. If the partnership is going to last, both people need to be seen as unique and worthy. Give your partner attention now. There could be a contest of egos, unless you come from your heart. Heart attacks and heart problems could also show up so take good care of your health (and spine).

The Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces that occurs on the 26th takes place in your 2nd House of talents, gifts and values. This too could bode well for romance or delusions. It just depends on where you are on your path. Remember to show others the compassion you would like others to show to you.


The Pisces Sun-Neptune conjunction lights up your 2nd House (just right after the Solar Eclipse in Pisces). Look at the themes for the Solar Eclipse as they are emphasized the first week of March. The Mercury-Uranus conjunction (Aries) that occurs in your 3rd House has you coming across like a genius to others. This energy gives a boost to your brain and you might even look into brain enhancement herbs and supplements as well as, use music to boost brainwaves and whatnot.

Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn from the 26 through the 31st. This lights up your 9th (travel and higher education) and 12th House (intangible realms, pre-birth). You find yourself digging into occult topics again. The zanier the better.

The Aries New Moon on the 27th emphasizes that communication (3rd House) theme again. I also hear the words sounding-off to your community. Could 2017 be a year where Aquarius puts more heart into the community?


With half the planets in backward motion, April is the month for all signs to lay low. At least Venus goes direct on the 14th, but Mercury goes RX on the 9th, Saturn goes RX on the 5th and Pluto goes RX on the 20th. I have an image of a backed up highway with cars going in odd directions. The energy of April is confusing and chaotic. On one hand that Aries energy for the first three weeks wants us to get moving like action figures on steroids. But retrograde planets are pulling the rug from underneath our feet and tripping us. It's just not a month of Divine Timing. And that slow-going, meadow-munching Taurus New Moon (6 degrees) on the 26th has everyone plodding along.

The only breath of air for you Aquarius is the Libra Full Moon on the 21st which falls in your 9th House. Now, normally with so many planets including Jupiter and Mercury RX, I wouldn't advise long-distance or any travel, but if you are planning a diplomacy trip or getting involved in a grassroots event, I say, go for it around the Libra Full Moon. However, expect delays and irritations along the way. Pay attention to details with your travel itinerary.


The North Node arrives in your opposite sign Leo on the 10th. When the North Node is in Leo we focus on the individual as opposed to the community. We focus upon authenticity and heal our Heart Chakra because Leo rules the heart and upper spine. Some of the personal planet transits that give you a boost are Mercury going direct in Aries, Venus going direct, and Mars moving into the fellow Air Sign Gemini (your 5th House of recreation).

We experience another Mercury conjunct Uranus from the 1- 10, which gives you another brain boost. Keep a journal of the thoughts that light you up now. The Gemini New Moon on the 25th also lights up your 5th House. Dare I say it, Aquarius, go and have fun this month.


Jupiter (which brings expansion in your 9th House of travel and higher education) goes direct on the 9th. However, Neptune goes RX on the 16th. Jupiter squares Pluto again so you could see yourself getting involved in a cause revolving around social justice. And a Saturn-Uranus trine (several in 2017) gives you the drive and enthusiasm to really make a difference in the world.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 9th also gets you fired up to travel or engage in higher education. Perhaps, it's time for you to teach at the college level.


The Sun-Mars conjunction in Leo, the N Node in Leo, and Mercury in Leo reminds you that individuals count. You focus on your own authenticity and hopefully you don't project selfishness on others. When so much energy is focused in Leo, we are doing a lot of navel and mirror-gazing. And Aquarius people don't like that sort of thing, even if your shadow does. People matter and you will hear that a lot in July.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 9th emphasizes your 12th House again and whatever spiritual theme you have playing out in 2017. The Leo New Moon on the 23rd prepares you for the last round of eclipses (Leo/Aquarius) coming up in August. It's at 0 degrees Leo so it marks a new beginning for you in your house of relationships.


Your ruling planet Uranus goes RX on the 3rd. It's time to give your sharp and overactive brain a rest for the next 6 months. Mercury also hammers this across since it goes RX on the 13th and goes direct on September 5 in the sign of Leo. Saturn goes direct on the 26th so it's time to get back to work and you have the drive to do it. Jupiter forms a sextile with Saturn and Mars in Leo forms a Grand Fire Trine with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius.

Use this energy to fuel a personal or global revolution. This is further emphasized by the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and the Leo Solar (total) eclipse on the 21st.


Mercury goes direct on the 5th and Pluto goes direct on the 28th .It's like a sleeping giant has awakened. The sun moves into the Air Sign Libra on the 23rd and you turn your thoughts towards social justice and intimate partners. How can you balance both themes? Mars in Leo trines Uranus in Aries at the end of the month which fills you with vitality. Get out and exercise your body. Take care of your heart health. Take a yoga class


Big news for you in October is that Jupiter leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio (a sign that squares Aquarius and is equally stubborn). You will have to deal with the squares to your Natal Sun or Ascendant for the next 12 months. People seem gloomy and secretive while spouting off conspiracy theories. But You also see a boost in your career provided that you have no skeletons hiding in your closets. Venus and Mars move into Libra so you turn your thoughts to partnerships and harmonizing your friendships. The Neptune-Pluto sextile also lights up your 12th and 2nd houses so you revisit some familiar themes regarding spirituality.


The Saturn-Uranus trine is on again from the 7 - 14 and it balances out the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio which feels too deep, dark and probing to you. The Mars-Pluto square doesn't help matters.  But you like the Mercury-Saturn conjunction on the 28 - 29 because it resembles a think tank with people talking about how technology can save the planet. It's a day when Ted Talks looks like a brilliant idea.

Both the Full Moon in Taurus on the 4th and the New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th square you. These moons feel irritating since neither the Scorpio or Taurus energy bodes well with Aquarius futuristic mindset. They don't want change.


The big news for everyone is that Saturn moves into its own sign Capricorn. This means that Saturn is back stage and behind the curtain. Think of the wizard of Oz, except it's like the Wizard of Odd showing up in your nightly dreams. Saturn will remain in you 12th House of the unformed until it moves into Aquarius in another 2 1/2 years. Mercury goes RX from the 3 - 22 so keep this in mind as you prepare for the holidays. It RX in Sagittarius. The Sun-Saturn and Venus-Saturn conjunction occur in your 12th House, thus completing a year-long theme for you. I am guessing that you experience huge spiritual growth in 2017.

And you feel like celebrating anyway since the New and Full moons are in the fun signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. The Full Gemini Moon lands on the 3rd and the New Sagittarius Moon occurs on the 18th. You could take an overseas trip or combine pleasure with business while giving a speaking tour.


Gemini Sun and Rising Sign (and moon) have one more year of Saturn in Sagittarius in opposition. But you also have Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra boosting you. The North Node moves into Leo which allows you to shine a light on your individuality and to focus on how you shine your light in the world.

The Saturn opposition sobers you and causes you to mature and evolve. You see where old structures falter in your life. These structures were built on other people's beliefs or delusions. Now, you are asked to build a new structure and pay attention to details. If people found you flaky in the past, you can atone for that with Saturn opposing you. Also, the Pisces Solar Eclipse in February shows you where you're still walking in the fog. But the Leo Lunar Eclipse has you communicating in a more expansive style. You might seem a bit pompous, but people will forgive you.


You love the Aquarius Moon that starts off the New Year. It's an Airy mental moon and everyone seems like they're on Ted Talks. People want their say, but people are grasping at the future and not living in the present. And that includes you, Gemini, even if you're the life of the party. Your gift of gab and witticism entertains others. However, the Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces leaves you in the fog of delusions. If you have an addiction to any substance you find that you're not able to cope with consequences. Therapy that rewires neuropathways would go well in January.

The Sun-Pluto conjunction (7-12), takes you into a dark and gloomy place. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, this conjunction will either shed light on the root of your episodes or cause you to burrow deeper. Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct in your opposite sign, Sagittarius on the 8th and then it's full sail until February because all the planets are moving direct. But then Venus, the glamour-girl of the planets hooks up with Neptune in Pisces. All that glitter is not gold and you examine your values. Any planet transiting in Pisces lands in your 10th House of career and the public so maybe you're the one appearing glitzy on the red carpet.

The Mars (Pisces) Saturn (Sagittarius) square leaves you feeling tense from the 18 - 24. It seems like no one is paying attention to details and there is too much expansion into the cosmos or the unknown. You can't articulate your spiritual experiences and this leaves you feeling lost. But at least you have a sense of humor and can poke fun at your experiences. The full moon in Cancer lands in your 2nd House of values/gifts/talents on the 12th. You meet mothering types at this time or you chuck out values that belong to your mother. Why were you holding onto those anyway?

The Aquarius New Moon on the 28th is the bookend to the Aquarius moon that launched the New Year. Again, you are looking toward the future and have an interest in new technology. Perhaps you purchase new technology now since you waited out the Mercury RX before purchasing a new phone or computer or camera.


Jupiter goes RX in Libra on the 6th. This is important to you because Jupiter is the ruling planet of your opposite sign, Sagittarius. And it's in an Air Sign, Libra. This causes you to go inward until the beginning of June (9) when Jupiter goes direct. You can plan long-distance travel, but wait until after June 9 to actually embark on overseas travel for best results.

Mars moves into Aries and squares Pluto (22 - 25) and conjuncts Uranus (26-28), not to mention opposes Jupiter in Libra. So now, we're dealing with that bad boy Cardinal energy which annoys the heck out of the Mutable Signs. You're like Cyndi Lauper in that you want to have fun and all that Cardinal Energy is reminding you of the Earth Mother and crisis. So you feel torn in half. Should you enjoy yourself or is there some service you must take to the task?

Then we have the Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 10th transiting in your 3rd House of communication/neighbors/siblings/cousins/education (Gemini rules the 3rd House). With so many themes you'll need to look at your natal chart to see how this eclipse plays out for you. The Solar Eclipse transits in Pisces on the 26th. This energy squares you and is overwrought with emotions and spiritual meaning. You just want to bury your head and wait it out. Too many spiritual types are chanting, "You create your own reality..." and you question that.


You will be concerned about the mental process and brain functions in March. I say this because we experience the first pass of the Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries. You might find that you have a tight jaw and suffer from headaches during this time (from overthinking), at least on the 27 -28. I want to give you coaching advice which is hard for a mental sign. It's time to get out of our heads and into our hearts.

And this is the lesson of the Sun-Neptune conjunction in your 10th House. If you have wanted to pursue a career in metaphysics and spirituality, now would be the time. Have you thought of becoming an oracle card reader on YouTube? Or perhaps, Tarot is more your speed. Try your hand and astrology. You combine the mental process with the sacred. But don't entertain conspiracy theories (Jupiter-Pluto square on 26 - 31) and reexamine your values (Venus RX in Aries) falling in your 11th House of colleagues.

The Virgo Full Moon on the 12th squares your Gemini Sun or Rising Sign. It falls in the natural 4th House for Gemini. This has you returning to your roots (childhood), looking at parenting issues (or issues with your parents) and seeing how those affect your current home life. However, Virgo's critical eye might seem harsh during this full moon.

The Aries New Moon on the 27th gives you a boost of the pioneering spirit. Try something new. Make changes in your routine or in who you choose to hang out with. Shake things up on the grassroots level by giving voice to a cause. The Aries moon falls in your 11th House.


The fourth month of the year is a chaotic traffic jam. Here's how the planetary super highway plays out. Saturn joins Jupiter in going RX on the 6th, followed by Mercury going RX on the 9th. Meanwhile, Venus goes direct on the 14th. But Pluto joins the backwards club on the 20th. So by the end of the month, only Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune are in direct motion and none of these planets bring stability.

The Sun conjuncts Uranus (14-15) which could add to the madness of the RX planets or just cause all of us to say and do wacky unexpected things. This is followed by another Mercury-Uranus conjunction (28-30) which at least has you thinking way outside of the box and trying on unique ideas you would not have considered previously. But your planet Mercury is RX in Taurus/Aries so it's slow-going for you. Some of you will suffer from brain fog and others will feel restless as Mercury in Taurus plods along like an old mule. The Mars in Taurus trine with Pluto in Capricorn also feels too grounding and everyone is focused on finances and the good life.

The Libra Full Moon on the 10th feels refreshing and expansive. Go to a dinner party of intellectuals. The Taurus New Moon on the 26 falls in your 12th House so you won't want to socialize at this time. You will experience strange dreams and want to have them psychoanalyzed. But get a professional opinion rather than rely on your gifted friends.


The Mercury-Uranus conjunction continues until the 13 and you're feeling brainier and even more foolish than ever. Try new ideas out. Do some research in the area of brain science. Better yet, test out music on your brain. Play around with brainwave compact disks. Learn a new language since this builds new neuropathways in the brain. Use sound healing to heal mental problems or personality disorders.

Mars in Gemini squares foggy Neptune. You want some answer from the spiritual community but they're too lost in the cosmos to supply you. This has you heading to the books or writing your own book about your experiences. And if you want to write a book, you get support from the Mars-Jupiter Trine (last week) and the Saturn-Uranus Trine (the entire month).

The Sun enters your sign on the 21st followed by the New Moon in Gemini on the 23rd. Then you have several trines to Jupiter, oppositions to Saturn, and sextiles to Uranus. This will represent an active time with many changes occurring.


If you are male or a lesbian, you will encounter women living alternative lifestyles in June because of the Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries (1- 3), the Mars-Neptune Trine (last week) and Neptune going RX on the 16th. If you are not seeking an alternative woman as a romantic partner then you meet authentic women who inspire you to be more of yourself. It is a month of gurus too and remember that gurus come in many forms including rocks and trees. I'm not joking.

My favorite day for you is June 9 when we experience a Sagittarius Full Moon in your 7th House of partnerships and Jupiter goes direct in your 5th House of recreation, children, and love affairs. It's possible that you meet a foreigner now who really rings your bells. Or you learn a foreign language. Or you make plans to travel to a country you have always wanted to visit.


Mars in Cancer squares Uranus (19 - 21) followed by the Sun conjunction with Mars in Leo (23 - 29). For most of us, this is a time when we explore our individuality. For you, it's time to write a memoir or explore the concept of self in a writing endeavor. You could even explore self in a private journal that you never share with anyone. Or you could make videos and start a YouTube channel. It's a time of communication.

The New Moon at 0 degrees Leo also falls in your 3rd House of communication. It marks a new cycle or new beginning. What area of your life would you like to erase and start anew? Launch a communications project or start a new field of study. Return to school.


A Lunar and Solar Eclipse on the Leo-Aquarius polarity shake up the status quo. Meanwhile, Uranus goes RX (joining Neptune and Pluto RX) on the 3rd. This at least calms down the loose-cannon energy of Uranus. However, Mercury goes RX on the 13th (goes direct on September 5), Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto (1 - 8) and Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto (16) which leads to Cardinal energy mayhem. Batten down the hatches, folks.

We experience a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th which is in your 9th House of travel/higher education/religion/politics. And then we experience a total Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st which falls in your 3rd house of short-distance travel and communication among other themes. But it's such a crazy time that you just want to crawl under a rock. I might just join you there.


This month represents the calm after the storm. And we all get a boost from the Mars-Uranus trine. In August we experience a Grand Fire Trine with Mars in Leo, Uranus in Aries (wide) and Saturn in Sagittarius.

The Pisces Full Moon on the 6th lands in your 10th House of Career/Public Image. Are you so glossy people can't see your authenticity come through? Are you telling the truth and not acting like a used car salesman? A Pisces Full Moon can bring out the artist and poet in us, but can also bring out the fast-talking con artist. It is a moon of forgiveness and compassion as much as it is a moon that brings out deception and addiction. Which side of the coin are you representing?

The Virgo New Moon on the 19th has a sobering effect and asks you to head back to the drawing board. Did you miss details along the way? Many people with dyslexia come out of the closet now as do people suffering from personality disorders. But instead of writing tomes on these topics, let's go deep with healing processes and be done with this once and for all.


Gemini, you're not too happy when Jupiter transits out of Libra and into Scorpio on the 11th. You're going to miss all that mental banter with Jupiter who expanded upon your ideas. Now, it's back to work and taking care of your health as Jupiter transits into your 6th House of health and the daily environment.

During the first week, Mars in Virgo trines Pluto and this marks a time of using our brains for manifestation. How well can you control your mind or reprogram it? Venus and Mars conjunct the first week in Virgo (which squares your Sun) and has you scrutinizing the motives of others, especially our parents and people in your home. The Mars-Saturn square pulls your Sun into a Mutable T-Cross which represents conflicting energy swirling around you. Virgo wants to focus on the details and Sagittarius wants to focus on the bigger picture. Meanwhile, Gemini wants to weigh both sides.

The Aries Full Moon on the 5th has you socializing with grassroots groups. And the Libra New Moon on the 19th has you taking those ideas from the group and putting them in to action. Social justice is the name of the game.


A Mars-Pluto square brings out hotheaded and irrational people. Lay low and don't banter with these types. It's just not worth the stress. Focus on positive transits such as the last of the Saturn-Uranus Trine (exact 7 -14 and going through the entire month), the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio which has us exploring personal power based on our values (12 - 13). And pay attention to your planet Mercury as it conjuncts Saturn (at the end of Sagittarius) on the 28 - 29.


The big news for you is that Saturn moves out of your opposite sign and into its home sign, Capricorn (21st and in your 8th House) where it transits for 2 1/2 years. And your planet goes RX in Sagittarius on the 3 -22. The Capricorn Sun joins up with Saturn the last week making us all want to climb the mountain. And Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pluto having us pay more attention to our dreams and aspirations. We feel that we can manifest dreams if we first deal with the garbage in our subconscious minds. This happens the last week.

The Gemini Full Moon happens on the 3rd and launches a new cycle for you. But be careful about lung health at this time. Cold and flu season is in full swing and if you don't get enough rest you could succumb to an illness. And yet, you would rather go out and socialize.

The Sagittarius New Moon on the 17th squares Neptune in Pisces exact at 11 degrees. We could revisit the Saturn-Neptune Square energy (from 2016). Don't sign anything important during this time or make any big purchases. Don't bet the farm or gamble. The moon catches up to Saturn before Saturn heads into Capricorn a few days later.


With Jupiter still in your sign until October 11, you are looking at expansion and seeking freedom. Many marriages dissolve this year as you find your true calling. But don't despair because you'll enjoy this freedom. Travel long-distance or visit an overseas city.

You'll experience the sextile with Saturn until December which will also bring expansion in the area of the area of communication (3rd House and with foreign relations (9th House). But Uranus continues to oppose Libra and Pluto continues to square Libra, which brings transformation and empowerment, even if it is a painful process.  You will, however, enjoy the North Node moving into Leo, the sign of the individual. You'll shine in your 11th House of friendships and colleagues.

Libra the message that I'm picking up for you is one of surrender and letting go. The weight you hold on to is throwing you off balance. Don't worry, Pluto comes in like a wrecking ball followed by Uranus the Awakener. You will not be the same person by the end of 2017. And you won't mind too much.


You love the Aquarius Moon that launches 2017. It comes in the shadow of the New Capricorn Moon which squared your Sun or Ascendant. Aquarius brings lightness and freedom. You focus on social justice, but what about justice in your home? With eclipses taking place this year with the Leo-Aquarius polarity, freedom and authenticity are on your mind.

While the Mars-Neptune conjunction the first week of the year has others dealing with confusion, you just see the glass as half glamorous. You take it as a cue to pursue your big dreams. However, the Sun-Pluto conjunction from 7 - 12, does scare you a bit because it causes you to dig deep into your subconscious mind and unconscious actions. Mercury RX annoys you but it ends on the 8th and then all the planets are in forward motion so you can achieve a lot. Other big transits to keep a look out for are the Mars-Saturn square 8-24 which won't have a direct impact on you and the Venus-Neptune conjunction (13 - 17) which brings beauty into your life through art and nature.

Full Moon in Cancer on the 12th on one hand, has you improving your diet to regain balance in your life and on the scale. But on the other hand, brings emotionally-needy people your way that throws you off balance. However, the Aquarius New Moon on the 27th is right up your alley. You ditch the needy folks and enjoy your freedom to roam and innovate. But is your mind too far in the future?


Jupiter is the first planet to go RX in 2017 and does on the 6th. You are especially affected by Jupiter because it is in your sign. And for the sake of this general reading, falls in your 1st House. To me, this tells me that you are on a physical self-improvement program such as a diet to lose weight or gain weight. It's easiest to lose weight when Jupiter is RX.

Mars in Aries squares Pluto and this causes people to act out their anger or just appear irrational. You might need to meditate or practice yoga to remain calm. Make sure that you are getting enough magnesium in your diet. Mars conjuncts Uranus from the 26 - 28 and that just adds fuel to the fire. However, learn how to work with the Awakener's energy. Become proactive for change. After all, you are a Cardinal Sign person so change is your middle name.

A Leo Lunar Eclipse occurs on the 10th and takes place in your 11th House of colleagues, networks, and grassroots causes. What social justice issue is stirring your embers? The Pisces Solar Eclipse on the 26th. This falls in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and co-workers. You might experience health issues with your feet or eyes. Get those checked out.


Big transits for you is your planet, Venus going RX on the 4th in Aries. I see this as a timeout for you. Take care of your physical needs. I would say get your hair styled, but Venus in Aries doesn't bode well for that. You might feel like a woman warrior or if you're a man, then you identify with women warriors and Viking goddesses. Perhaps, you create art with those images in mind. Or you learn how to cast runes. The Sun joins Venus in Aries on the 25 - 31. Again, you focus on nature and art.

Mercury conjuncts Uranus (also in Aries) on the 27 and 28. This gives you a boost of brain power but you could also suffer from headaches or toothaches. Your jaw feels tense. You might need to visit a dentist or have cranial sacral work done on you. Jupiter RX in Libra comes to heads with Pluto. You could run into problems in the home or with your mother.

The Aries New Moon on the 27th is too hotheaded for you. Retreat from the maddening crowd. By the end of the month, you have endured enough Aries energy. You just want peace and balance. However, Aries is the other side of your polarity so if you are acting too passive or placating others, now is the time to get in touch with your inner warrior and stand up for your rights. Libra rules the legal system, after all.


I mention this with every sign because we're all affected by the planetary traffic jam on the superhighway we call April. Saturn goes RX on the 6th. Mercury goes RX on the 9th. Venus goes direct on the 15th (tax day in the US) and Pluto goes RX on the 20th. With so many planets changing directions, chaos is the result. It's not a good month to start anything new. We feel restless but it's best to retreat until May or when the Sun moves into Taurus at the end of April.

The Mercury-Uranus conjunction boost brain power. The Sun-Uranus conjunction leaves us all itching for a change. We wish people would wake up already. And the Mars in Taurus trine with Pluto (6 - 8) gives us the energy to build a  new structure, but it is slow-going.

Libra experiences its Full Moon on the 10th. And having the full moon in the 1st House brings clarity in regard to self-identity. You find that you have the courage to stand up for yourself. And this helps you regain balance during a confusing month.


The North Node transits into Leo on the 11th. Meanwhile, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction goes through the 13. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune so intellectuals go up against spiritualists asking them to prove their theories. Libra you want answers too. You benefit from Mars trining Jupiter in the Air Signs (last week) and the Saturn-Uranus trine which takes place in areas of partnership and communication for you.

The Gemini New Moon on the 25th has an intellectual feel to it. You experience it as light and breezy. Take a short-distance trip.


Mars transits into Cancer and squares Libra. Cancer leans towards expressing emotions while Libra balances emotions and prefers peace to tantrums. Mars in Cancer asks Libras to look at their diets. Balance salt, sugar, and fat intakes for better health. Take good care of your stomach and teeth since they act as the gateways to digestive health.

Jupiter goes direct on the 9th and we also experience the Sagittarius Full Moon the same day. This gives you a boost of enthusiasm and you feel optimistic about the future while living in the present moment. Go on an adventure, even a small one.

Venus conjuncts Uranus (1 - 3) and this has you shaking things up a bit. Instead of asking others for freedom, why don't grant yourself independence? This starts with granting yourself independence from what other people think. Become your own authority. Now, is a good time for lifelong learning or taking a spiritual workshop. Better yet, teach a spiritual workshop. Even Louise Hay had to start somewhere. She is a Libra so study her teaching and communication styles.

Neptune (the planet of dreams and far out spirituality) goes RX on the 16 in your 6th House of work. Make sure no one is pulling the wool over your eyes. Follow your hunches.

The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd has you exploring diet and food again. Make sure you are drinking enough water and getting your electrolytes in balance. Sugar consumption can dog you now and leave you with an upset stomach. Lay off on the ice cream.


Mars is the big contender in July and Libra doesn't get along with Mars. This is because Mars seems loud, violent, and vulgar to Libra. But Mars has a lesson for you which shows up in the form of the Sun-Mars Conjunction in Leo (23 - 29) and the Mars-Uranus Square which we have experienced every year since Uranus moved into Aries in 2012. That lesson is to assert yourself and stand up for your rights. Stop trying to please others. Oprah would say that it does nobody no good.

When the Capricorn Full Moon on the 9th pairs up with Pluto in your 4th House, you want to hide in the home. But Pluto and the Capricorn Moon are asking you to muster your inner authority. Ask yourself, "Whose the boss of me?" If the answer is your husband or your children or your mother then it's time to get you to a therapist or coach. And that's a good thing because now we can make progress.

You'll love the Leo New Moon at 0 degrees (new beginning) on the 23rd. It is in your 11th House of colleagues, networks and grassroots groups. You'll meet new people, join a new organization or take up a new cause around the Leo New Moon.


You give a sign of relief when Uranus goes RX on the 3rd. This is because you'll get a break from endless transformation and awakenings. However, the Jupiter-Pluto square (1 - 8), Mercury RX (13 to 9/5), and the Venus-Pluto opposition (16) throw you for a loop.

Fortunately, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th falls in your 5th House of fun, children, and recreation. I think you'll champion children and parks by joining a grassroots movement. Or you might just dress everyone up and host a play in a local theater. And you'll give the performance around the Total Solar Eclipse in theatrical Leo on the 21st.

Other good news, Saturn goes Direct on the 25th and your energy and motivation return.


Other than September being your birthday month, it's a time to retreat.  Use this time for self-exploration, rest, and self-improvement projects. Or beautify your home. Mars in Leo forms a trine with RX Uranus. Perhaps, you start a new fitness program at this time and Uranus can't toss in the wrench because it is a sleeping giant until 2018.


Mars in Virgo trines Pluto (1st week) and Venus conjuncts Mars exact on the 5th while resonating through the 1st week. Now is a good time to solidify relationships. Time to create peace and harmony in the home and with your partner. Sadly, Jupiter leaves your sign and enters Scorpio or your 2nd House of values/gifts and talents. How can you contribute to the world?

An Aries Full Moon shines a light on your shadows on the 5th. And the Libra New Moon on the 19th helps you regain balance with weight and body image.


Take advantage of synergy with the planets. The Saturn-Uranus trine (7 - 14, but on the whole month) boosts your confidence. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction could bring sudden wealth (12 - 13) from your talents and gifts.

Mars squares Pluto after it moves into Libra (19 - 20) and this feels irritating, if not bombastic. Your home won't feel peaceful at this time and you'll seek remedies from the outer world even if true peace starts within.

A Mercury-Saturn conjunction (22 - 27) has everyone acting too serious and our minds turn towards old school education. This could be a week that feels too gloomy and serious too you. You'll want to tell others to lighten up, especially Saturn types. But it might be a good time to travel or engage with foreign people and cultures. Play the role of the diplomat.


Mercury goes RX in Sagittarius in your 3rd House of communication and education. You'll need to go slow and pay attention to details with all communication. Travel does not go well for you until after the 22nd. The Sun conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn and this just feels heavy to you. But remember that the Winter Solstice bring in the light. And the holidays could be a magical time.

And with outer planets Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, best to learn from this energy. Jupiter joins those planets in the Sign of the Goat during the fall of 2019. And then your planet, Venus joins Saturn the last week of December. Has someone got your goat?

At least you enjoy the Gemini Full Moon on the 5th in your 9th House of travel and higher education. And you also enjoy the Sagittarius New Moon on the 17th which happens in your 3rd House where, unfortunately, Mercury is RX. Oh, well, onward upwards, Libra.

Happy holidays, Air Signs!


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