Mental & Physical Health Alert--September 2024 Astrological Update #astrology #Pisceslunareclipse










I don't know about you, but my digestion which had been in excellent shape for the past several months has headed south during Virgo Season. And this makes sense because the Virgo sector of the chart and the Zodiac Wheel focuses on the daily routine, diet, and taking steps towards better health. Virgo shows us where we are weak in will and physical body. And Virgo can also help us to develop mindfulness as we approach our health.

So, let's first look at the planets and asteroids now in the sign of Virgo. First, we had the New Moon in Virgo at 11 degrees on September 2nd and right off the bat, we're looking at shoring up our health routine. This new Moon coupled with the Sun in Virgo, and then on the 10th, Mercury returning to Virgo, we're even asked to walk our talk when it comes to our own health. This applies to health coaches and holistic healers who ask their clients to make specific lifestyle changes but not apply that advice to their own daily routines. An example of this would be a health coach who smokes or doesn't exercise regularly or they binge on sugar. With Venus in Libra, this is a time to regain balance in this area of our lives.

Vesta, the asteroid of service is also in Virgo. So, this transit bodes well for holistic and energy healers. Promote yourself now because you might just be what someone needs at this time. Vesta also asks us to serve from humility and integrity. Remember this when you promote yourself or rely on your clients' testimonies for best results.

But with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini (Virgo's co-ruler of Mercury), we need to develop more integrity and maturity. If we don't, we might spout off at the mouth and make exaggerated claims. This duo reminds me of used car salesmen and snake oil con artists. And oddly, you see these hucksters on platforms such as YouTube making exaggerated claims about unusual devices that go contrary to common sense. And if we're not careful, we might end up shelling out money for junk and not be able to get a refund for it. This happened to me with that mini-AC which turned out to be a square with a miniature fan on it and a compartment to drop in ice cubes. Be warned and use Virgo discernment in September.

Oddly, when I tried to return the mini AC, there was no return address and the package had been sent partially opened which meant I would have had to pay $30 shipping to return it. While that didn't happen when Mars and Jupiter were in Gemini, that's a good description of what could happen if you're not careful. Also, watch out for sweet talkers who will tell you what you want to hear. They are most likely narcissists in sheep's clothing who will burn you in the end. They are also using this Gemini energy to pull the wool over people's eyes. And they will match your body language, and use the same words you do which makes them seem empathetic but it's a ploy so watch out.

Mars in Cancer

Mars moves into Cancer on September 6 but I started feeling this energy around the Virgo New Moon. Perhaps, it's because my Sun and Mercury fall in the sign of Cancer, along with my North Node. This is where we return to our inner child and heal those old wounds. And most likely those wound occurred between the ages of two and five. Also with Chiron still in Aries, this could be doubly painful if we don't listen to our inner child. Or it can be a productive time of healing if we take time to journal and dialogue with this part of ourselves.

If we don't address those wounds we come across as crabby or clingy. We project our mother issues on others, especially if we didn't grow up with nurturing mothers. We could also meet men who act like babies and take out their mother issues on us, whether we are female or male. If you're a boss, especially a Capricorn or Cancer boss, you could be dealing with conflicts with employees. They seem to be reading you the riot act. What's up with that? Suddenly those introverts have  become explosively emotional. This will pass but it will be a while before it does. In 2025, Mars will retrograde in the sign of Cancer for several months ending on April 18, 2025. Ugh.

However, if you heal your inner child wounds and practice self-care, you can emerge out of this transit as a strongly intuitive and nurturing person. You can also use this energy to stay motivated with creative pursuits or to heal wounds you might be experiencing with your children. Or if you're a teacher you might find yourself also playing the role of a social worker.

Pluto Backs Up in Capricorn

Just when you thought we were done with Pluto in Capricorn, he returns to 29 degrees Capricorn on September 3 and stays there until November 21. This is a time when those at the top of the food chain make more power grabs. Except now that we have tasted Pluto in Aquarius, we're not putting up with this chain of command any longer. Pluto is making its final showdown in Capricorn which is a top down structure repressing the masses. This is the elitism we've seen playing out on the planet and the unfairness that has created.

And politically speaking, the power grabs are transparent even if people only see what they choose to see. That might just change as many egos will be crushed at this time. The mighty will be brought down and the humble everyday person will rise. Those who have worked hard for the system might just walk away from their careers despite losing their pensions. We could see leaps of faith too. But also expect to see fluctuations of currency and an economic roller coaster ride.

On a personal level, it's time to work on building a healthy structure as in our body is our foundation. I'm hearing to take good care of feet and ankles. But fortify your bones too with the right minerals and seek medical supervision if required.

Uranus, Pluto, Neptune Dance

The Golden Triangle of the three outer planets continues but because Aquarius is highlighted, expect the unexpected. Expect miracles to appear out of the blue. Expect new people to emerge out of the blue. Expect some unusual weather events. And expect shocking revelations to show up now. Remember that Pluto is only temporarily in Capricorn and is still focused on the Aquarius energy. Uranus is the Aquarius planet even if it's in Taurus.

With all this earth energy highlighted along with the deep sea diver Neptune, we will see underwater worlds that blow our minds and also archaeology finds that take us back to ancient and lost civilizations. This alone could awaken many people to new possibilities of ways we can now live on this planet.

Jupiter Square Saturn

This is another on-going transit with Jupiter in logical Gemini squaring off with Saturn in Pisces. We stand at a crossroads wondering if we should choose logic or intuition. Do we pay attention to our dreams or proclaim those dreams as complete nonsense? This is a time of visions and prophesies that are well documented and articulated with Jupiter in Gemini.

Or it could also show up again as the used car salesman who sells lemons. I think there could also be debates between different philosophies and religions. We could see a clash between east and west. We could also see real spiritual practices trashed by people who try to apply logic to nebulous situations. We get a lot of people saying, "Prove to me that God exist." 

We could see religious and spiritual figures such as the Pope and the Dalai Llama show up in mainstream news. They might even be sharing philosophies about mundane topics such as politics and economics. What?

Pisces Lunar Eclipse

As we move closer to the North Node moving into Pisces, we experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17. This eclipse has the Moon conjunct Neptune and in sextiles with Uranus and Pluto. The Sun and Mercury (although not conjunct) oppose the Pisces energy. And then we can pull in Jupiter in Gemini. All of this is asking us to see the bigger picture and to expand our consciousness from what we already think we know. This is also a time of heightened emotions, especially with Mars and Saturn also in water signs at the time of the eclipse.


If you would like to go more in depth with September's transits, watch my videos on Astrologer Patricia on YouTube and also join me at Astrology with Sass on

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#PlutoinCapricorn #MarsinCancer #astrologyforSeptember


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