Life Lessons for Each of the 4 Elements


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Most of the time, astrologers focus on the Zodiac signs singularly and not so much as an element--Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. They focus on the quality--mutable, fixed, and cardinal or the sign itself when it comes to the life lessons of the client receiving the reading.

But what if the four elements contain important lessons that if learned help us achieve our life mission or least become fully actualized?

So, I'm going to break down the main lessons of each element. Now, some charts will contain all four elements, some might only contain two or three. Then does that missing element play an important role? That's up for each person to decide for themselves. For instance, I have no planets in the Fire Element in my Natal Chart. I tend to lack enthusiasm and I'm often told that I'm too negative because I'm just not the cheerleader or motivational coaching type. 

When I talk about elements, I'm not just referring to the element of your Sun, Moon, and Rising. I'm referring to the dominant element in your chart which you'll find in the grid at the bottom of your chart which lets you know your dominate quality and element in your Natal Chart. For me, the dominating element is water and the dominating quality is mutable.

Elements and Lessons

Fire--I'm beginning with the fire element because it's not one I'm personally familiar with. However, I have seen the fire element play out in other people's lives.

The blessings of the Fire Element is warmth, optimism, a can-do attitude, inspiration, creativity, and these people are fire-starters in that they can transform the moods of people and animals in a room from gloom to delight.

You find these charmers on Ted Talks or even America's Got Talent. They have a glow about them. They aren't as otherworldly as the water element people, but they possess some angelic or sometimes, demonic qualities. They are magnetic (think Leo). They easily and quickly rise to fame in whatever endeavors that pursue. People find them generous and likeable. They want to imitate these natural born leaders.

But the dark side happens when the fire person feels burned out or resentful towards another person or people. They withhold their warmth and become stingy with their affection. They might become narcissistic or sociopaths using their charms to manipulate and control others. They become rash and immature within a blink of an eye. And as in the fire element, they become dangerous in a flash and can become destructive. They might have anger management issues and go into a rage when slighted, even unintentionally slighted. They want everyone to love them, or else.

The life lesson for the fire element is to use their glow and warmth to become a better version of themselves. If they choose to become a motivational coach then to practice what they teach. They are meant to use their charisma and magnetism to inspire others to become interdependent and not just some version of a flying monkey. They are to use their creativity to inspire others without becoming arrogant and demanding. And they are meant to shine their light on the world to help others climb out of darkness. They are way showers and most likely, star seeds.

Water Element People

These people go with the flow. They enjoy following synchronicity and find life to be magical when they are in the flow. They are about being and not doing. Similar to the fire people, they are creative but their inspiration comes from within or from channeling the cosmos. They have an important role to play with healing and using their intuition and here you will find the sharpest and most accurate use of an intuitive gift. They are good at working with water and other liquid. They are hypersensitive which falls on the plus and minus sides. They are the unicorn dreamers and mystical folks.

On the darker side, if water people don't develop emotional intelligence and to honor their sensitivities, they become a hot mess that no one wants to deal with. They suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. They might suffer from addiction, especially an addiction to what other people feel about them. They so desperately crave love and affection while forgetting they only need to tune in and tune out to experience that love.

If the water people don't listen to and trust their intuition, they find themselves in dangerous and even life threatening situations. And they are also meant to be a healer or artist of one kind or another. They are here to hone their intuitive gifts, nurture others, and to set boundaries (since water in the natural world has no boundaries). They shouldn't worry too much about grounding themselves because if they are too grounded they lose touch with their natural gifts. They are meant to be in this world but not of it and these folks march to beat of a different drum and in fact, their musical gifts bless the cosmos. They are more than likely, star seeds.

Air Element People

They are the thinkers and thought leaders among us. They are meant to shape our worlds with words and they understand the power of words. They are either  Pollyanna types or they are extremely pessimistic caught in a world of conspiracies. Their element is volatile like fire and if you've ever experienced powerful wind storms such as tornadoes you will understand the unleashing of the air element.

On the bright side, the air people are logical and rational. They bode well in the worlds of science and metaphysics. They enjoy learning new information and sharing it with others. They are researchers, journalists, and professors. People often look up to these people because of their intelligence but understand that wisdom and intelligence aren't the same thing.

On the dark side, the air people lack empathy for people undergoing mental or emotional challenges. It's like they lack the wherewithal to help people balance emotions. They will dismiss their own emotions in favor of rational thought. They do well in cognitive type therapies but they are only working with their beliefs and not their underlying emotions. They skirt around childhood wounds and refuse to dip into their shadows. They often won't take responsibility for their thoughts or actions. They enjoy dividing people and watching the boxing matches that ensue. In the worst case scenario, an air person can be born a psychopath lacking any empathy and see the world through a cold and rational gaze.

The life lesson of an air person is to balance thoughts with emotions. It's to not dismiss the emotions of others or tell people with mental health challenges to just get over it. They are here to use their intelligence to help others navigate the world. They are our GPS system in human form. They are mapmakers in this Aquarius Age, but first they need to address their emotional side and learn to surrender to a higher purpose. They are meant to find the root of their smugness. Remember it was an Air Element person, Frank Lloyd Wright who was quoted as saying, "I would rather be honestly arrogant than falsely humble." Frank was born with a Gemini Sun. Having said that, they make excellent engineers, problem solvers, city planners, and architects.

Earth Element People

I truly believe that people born with a strong Earth Signature, as in having five or more planets in an Earth Sign, are Earth Seeds. They don't quite understand the star seeds and they don't have much interest in what lies beyond the borders of Gaia. They foster the idea of Gaia Consciousness and unlike the Water Element People who unify even beyond the cosmos, they like to keep their sense of oneness closer to the Earth herself. They also have a strong Earth signature if they were born during a New Moon in an Earth Sign.

Earth Element People are the most grounded and they might have careers working with the earth in some ways, both destructively as in digging up the mineral kingdom or drilling for oil, or constructively by healing the earth by practicing organic farming or restoring forests. These folks have strong ties with the elementals such as fairies. They love being out in the natural world and unless they get caught up in accumulating wealth and over consumption, you will see them championing the Earth. I don't know Jane Goodall's element, but I think there is some strong Earth in it. These folks also are able to communicate to animals and trees.

On the darker side, earth element people can as I mentioned earlier, become destructive towards the Earth. They never have enough which leads to over consumption. They don't conserve resources and they can become lavish and selfish in their lifestyle. They don't understand the concept of limited resources since when they look out the windows, they see nothing but trees. They see a clear blue sky which leads them to believe air pollution is a myth. At their worst, they are greedy, controlling and manipulative in turn the Earth's worst nightmare. They will either tell you that climate change is a hoax or they will go overboard in the other direction causing an economic collapse.

The lessons of the Earth element is to either not overwork themselves or to get their butts off their chair and do something positive for the Earth and beyond. They are meant to start a charity or give to charities to create fairness and opportunities for others. They are meant to give up their craving for authority and to become humble servants. For of the four elements, theirs is one of service to the Greater Good. They are meant to give up the concept of striving and learn to become or to adopt a state of beingness.

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