Neptune's Wild Ride in Pisces (Coming to a Close)

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Neptune transited into Pisces on April 4, 2011. That might seem like ages ago since Neptune is staying in Pisces for approximately 15 years. Neptune will dip into Aries in 2025 and then in 2026 the long transit in Aries will commence. Since Neptune represents the collective (so does Uranus and Pluto) and it represents trends, what delusional trends has Neptune in Pisces brought to our attention?

Neptune is in its own sign when it transits in Pisces so that's double the Pisces energy. Neptune also has transited in Pisces just as we exit the Pisces Age and enter the Age of Aquarius (you remember the song, right?). So, let's look at  what Pisces and Neptune represents collectively and in the natal chart.

Neptune is an outer planet that represents the bigger picture. Like it's sign, Pisces, it represents transcendence and in this case, transcendence over our illusions. If you haven't noticed, we've been popping a lot of balloons of our delusions. We have also dealt with Pisces themes on a large and exaggerated scale so that we do receive the message it's conveying to us.

Pisces and Neptune represent drugs, any kind of recreational escapism, alcohol, bars, prisons, addiction support groups, spirituality, yoga, meditation, the performing arts, photography, trick photography, spun illusions, delusional thinking, mental illness, smoke, fog, the ocean, emotional imbalances, body distortions, dissolution of structure including the physical body or actual buildings. Pisces and Neptune are idealistic. They look at the world through gauzy filters and don't want to face the truth or "reality." Oddly, they also represent epidemics such as the pandemic of 2020-22. They represent contagious diseases and ideas that pose a threat to the collective. 

However, on the plus side, Pisces and Neptune (along with the 12th House which they rule in the natal chart), represent enlightenment and the path to mastery. Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac Wheel and it is the sign of endings such as transcending into spirit after the physical body dies. It represents the oceans, floods, and the deluge often spoken of in prophecies. And the question is what will the final showdown be for Neptune's transit in Pisces since it brings an ending of the long cycle and the long Pisces Age?

The Age of the Collective

When Pluto completes its transit in Capricorn followed two years later, with Neptune completing its transit in Pisces, we are looking at major change and transformation. We are looking at a shift in consciousness but not every soul has chosen that path to mastery. And that's mastery with a capital M. This suggests that there will be a mass awakening that occurs only after a great flood or deluge removes souls who have chosen not to ascend with the Earth. And this does include events having to do with the ocean. Pluto and Uranus will supply the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions since both of those planets are transiting in Earth signs. BTW, Uranus completes its transit in Taurus in 2026, the same year that Neptune journeys in Aries for the long haul.

When the outer planets leave the Earth and Water signs and transit into Air and Fire signs, we will apply more logic to our endeavors. This will reveal to us the delusions that captured and kept us trapped when Neptune was in Pisces. 

Body Distortions and The Quest for the Ideal Body Image

Since Neptune dissolves structure along with Pisces, we have seen an obsession with the ideal physical image whether that's with the design of a building or the physical human body. There has been an obsession with plastic surgery and not just with celebrities (which is ruled by Pisces). We have seen bored children of wealthy parents chase after illusions of resembling dolls. We have seen women spend thousands of dollars to look like a feline or Barbie. We have seen men and boys transform their bodies into women and the other way around. We have seen men become women and then become men again. And all of this will come at a great cost when Neptune transits out of Pisces into Aries because we will face the psychological damage that has been caused by this delusional path.

A trip to YouTube, you'll find videos of young and older women giving themselves facelifts in their own homes using fillers and threading in which they insert a needle and suture thread into their cheeks to give the illusion of youth. It seems that changing one's diet and lifestyle choices would create a youthful appearance from the inside out, but these people are on a quest for the ideal body image. They are choosing to experience their lives from the outside in and suffering from mental illness which is supported by plastic surgeons and those who work in the beauty or fitness industries.

Since Aries rules surgery and knives. Many of these people will face more surgeries in the future to fix the problems they have caused for their bodies. Or they might be healed with laser therapy which will fall into the Aquarius Age. Many of these people will die a painful death including from cancer caused by all the implants. There will come a point of no return where a man who becomes a woman won't be able to transform back into a man. The problem isn't with the physical body and Neptune in Aries will reveal that the problem is in the mind.The healing begins when we all see past the illusions we have spun on the collective. The only perfection is God and you can't find God by destroying the bodies God gave you.

Spiritual Delusions 

We will question some of the new age and positive psychology practices. When Neptune leaves Pisces and moves into the Fire Sign, Aries in 2026 (dipping into Aries in 2025) and reaching 29 degrees Pisces as early as 2024, the blank is going to hit the fan as far as spiritual beliefs go. We will question whether or not we create reality because reality is more complex than any of us comprehend. There are probably as many realities as there are sentient beings on the planet. None of us shares the same exact perceptions of the world around us. We might think we see the world exactly like our family members or partners do, but do we really?

Even the most empathic person isn't a mind reader because the mind is too complex for it to reveal everything about a human or non-human. We will reach the conclusion that we actually don't know anything and this will bring us a sense of humility. We don't need to know everything because if we tap into the greater consciousness of all there is (and we'll get that opportunity when Neptune reaches 29 degrees Pisces), we will cut through the illusions that have reigned over our lives for the past 15 years.

What we will realize is that we are co-creators with God or Source. We are not separate from God and it's illusion to think that we are. When we realize that we are merely a thread in a grand tapestry that includes all that is, we gain a new perspective. We realize that everything we do, say, or think makes a difference as it ripples out. No one is insignificant but we are all specks of sand on a beach. And yet, God recognizes each speck as an individual or a thread in the tapestry.

And if we grasp Unity Consciousness in its fullness we can no longer fight wars, kill other creatures, or participate in any destructive behavior because we would realize that is a form of self-hatred. Neptune and Pisces represent unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. And this is a good reminder to have before Neptune enters Aries since the lower octave of Aries represents violence and war. But the higher octave represents adventure and new beginnings. It is a return to innocence or back to the Garden before humanity chose dualism.

Neptune in Pisces and the Medical Industry

Two areas that have reigned over our lives during this transit are big pharmaceutical companies and epidemics. But not only that, there has been spill over into the world of recreational drugs, drug abuse, addiction, and death from overdoses or tainted drugs. With the combination of Pluto in Capricorn which rules big business and Neptune in Pisces, we have seen these drug companies rake in the profits at the expense to human and animal health.

We also saw manipulation and control over the world's populations through a pandemic that used divisiveness to destroy families, communities, and friendships. And this was mostly achieved by spun illusions and lies spread on social media and mainstream media (which is owned by entertainment companies). The healthy route would have been to stay neutral and become the observer or the witness. But most people got caught in the illusion of taking sides. Sparks flew from egos which ignited into wars even if on the surface it looks like the wars had nothing to do with the pandemic. We live in morphogenetic fields and the hatred that we spread into the fields will erupt into wars at some point on the planet.

But the wars weren't caused by the pandemic. The wars were caused by divisive thinking which has shown up in all areas of our lives. The media has played a role in fanning the flames with their word use and their deliverance of lies cloaked in the guise of current events.

Finally, the legalizing of recreational drugs, vaping, and the overuse of tobacco all fit under Neptune in Pisces. So, what will happen after, Neptune transits into Aries? Will more people give up their addictions or replace them with spending too many hours at the gym or eating restrictive diets? After all, I've known a lot of Aries people who are obsessed with juice fasting and keeping their colons clean despite Aries not even ruling the colon (that would be Scorpio). And body building fits under Capricorn and Aries (and Neptune with the pursuit of the ideal image).


If we look around the world and at the trends affecting us personally, we will see Neptune in Pisces in the background churning those trends. We don't live our lives separate from the planetary transits. The more conscious we become by using astrology as a tool, the more we can shape our lives by using the planets rather than allowing the planets to lead us down a blind path.

The planetary transits don't control us unless we are unconscious to them. And unfortunately, most people have no idea how astrology works and shapes the Greater Collective. But those same transits are there for us to shape and bend for a higher purpose.

Neptune isn't an easy planet to master and most people won't even come close. Neptune in Pisces has offered us a rite of passage or a glimpse into other realities which do exist. But the trick is not to get stuck in any one reality or realm. Neptune and Pisces asks us to stay open and fluid; to stay in the flow and to connect to the Greater Collective as a sovereign being.

The question is, will humanity learn the lessons that Neptune and Pisces along with Pluto in Capricorn have presented to us?

*BTW, sound baths, music therapy, and dance therapy all fit under Neptune in Pisces.

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