Manifestation Power--Uranus sextile Neptune Trine Pluto (August 2023)












Even though the aspects between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto won't be exact, we will be experiencing powerful breakthroughs and unavoidable transformation in August when these planets engage in a three-way tango or I like to call it, a menage of trois.

At the start of the month, Neptune and Pluto are in a sextile with a one degree orb but this is not new. Neptune and Pluto have been in this on-going dance for several years on and off. And even when I was born during the 1960s, Neptune and Pluto were in alignment in Earth and Water Signs (Virgo and Scorpio). However, what's interesting about August, is that Uranus at 22 and then 23 degrees Taurus catches up to retrograde Neptune at 27 degrees for most of the month. Then, Neptune slides into 26 degrees while Uranus goes stationary at 23 degrees Taurus. Granted this is a three degree orb but we're going to feel the magic.

Uranus will join Neptune and Pluto in retrograde motion on the 29th and then won't go direct again until January of 2024 around the same time Pluto moves ahead into Aquarius for a second go-round. What's also interesting, even fascinating, is that Pluto and Neptune are finishing up their long journeys in Water and Earth Signs. By 2025, Pluto will be permanently in Aquarius and Neptune would have already began it's transit in Aries.It won't be until 2026 when Uranus joins this Air and Fire energy when it transits into the Mutable Air Sign, Gemini.

Essentially, in August when we get a taste of the outer planets in Earth and Water in close alignment (Uranus will catch up with Neptune in a tighter alignment in 2024), this is about dreaming big and experiencing sudden manifestations caused by our emotions. After the planets move into Fire and Air when they also align in trines and sextiles, we will be delving into the mind and the power of thoughts. But doesn't the thought come before the emotion. Isn't the formula thought plus emotion equals manifestation?

More than ever, we need to become masters of our minds. That's not about controlling our minds even if Pluto in Capricorn wants to wield control. And we'll never be able to control our thoughts but we can learn to ride the waves by acknowledging our thoughts in any given moment and then switching to a better feeling thought or allow our minds to daydream in a more pleasant direction that worry, fear, and doubt.

And we need to toss out defeating beliefs out of the collective that are about lack and limitation or low self-worth. Neptune in Pisces asks us to turn inward. Tune in to the god within each of us, or if it's a better word, the divine in each of us. Pisces and Neptune want us to get in touch with our divinity and to find our sacred calling. But this takes effort in that we also use this energy to heal our deepest wounds and dive into our shadows with Pluto in Capricorn in a sextile with Neptune in Pisces. And don't forget that we're already doing this and have been doing this for over a decade.

But Uranus brings in a third element. Previously, when Uranus was in Aries, we experienced a square between Uranus and Pluto which ended in 2019 or prior to that year when Uranus left Aries and moved into easy-going Taurus. In August we have three outer planets in Earth Signs (Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto) and two outer planets in Water Signs (Saturn and Neptune). Water + earth equals growth in all areas of our lives but especially on the physical or material plane, but only if we heal and resolve patterns and beliefs of lack and limitation.

Here are beliefs that prevent joyous manifestation or abundance:

There's not enough to go around

The rich get richer and everyone else stays poor

Wealth is evil (or wealthy people are crooks)

No matter how hard I work, I'll never get ahead

I can't make ends meet

I'm not deserving of a good-paying job

I could never work for myself

I don't have money management skills

I don't have what it takes to make it in the world

I'm not deserving

I'm worthless

I'm a loser or I just can't win no matter what I do 

You suffer and then you die

And also watch the type of conversations or rants you get yourself in because those spoken words also shape the reality you experience and block manifestation. This isn't to say that we ignore the injustices in the world or pretend that none of us have shadow work because we all have shadows and wounds that prevent us from moving forward in our lives. And here's the other part, these beliefs could be buried in our subconscious so we don't even know they're playing a role in the way we experience abundance and prosperity in our lives.

What Will The Transits Mean for Us Going Forward?

Other astrologers such as Pam Gregory have spoken about life speeding up after Uranus and Pluto enter Air Signs and we will be experiencing more mental as opposed to physical activities. All of us living below our means need to clear up our beliefs and become masterful at manifesting in the physical realm prior to Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune moving into new territory.

With Neptune in Pisces, we can expect more compassion, more tolerance, and more forgiveness as well as, mercy for the downtrodden. But this is going to change when Neptune transits into Aries and everyone is expected to solve their own problems. Aries is a faster moving energy and while it does lend a hand when it is needed, Aries people and energy is more about upliftment or giving someone a leg up such as funding a new business than it is handing out financial assistance for people who are living in poverty. It's not as harsh an energy as Capricorn which is about lifting oneself up by their own bootstrap (imagine if there were no charities at all). Aries is not a sympathetic sign even if some Aries people will help the downtrodden as part of a warrior's journey.

Neptune in Pisces inspires us whereas, Neptune in Aries motivates us but the downside is it will focus more on youth than wise elders. Neptune in Aries is a return to the beginning of the Zodiac Wheel and it can feel infantile at times. Pisces finishes out an old cycle and Aries begins a new one. But what we really need to finish up when Neptune is in Aries is the Aries Age which blended into the Pisces Age (thus the violent acts against humanity and nature).

Dance of the Outer Planets

While this dance will continue for several years, especially with Neptune and Pluto which seem to have been in sextiles for most of my life, when it happens in Water and Earth Signs we are responsible for what we create in the world through our thoughts and emotions. It's not just up to each of us to manifest wealth for ourselves, we need to teach and lead others to do the same. This is how we heal the greater collective. Remember Neptune in Pisces represents Unity Consciousness so we are all one. Then when Neptune flows into Aries our egos take over again and we engage in the illusion of separation unless we decide otherwise.

Astrology is just a blueprint or star map of potential. We can either venture deeper into darkness or we can align with the light. It's up to us as individuals and as a collective.

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