Welcome to the Lion's Gate Portal for 2022










Actually, I would rather name it the Scorpio Gate because it's a heavier portal than previous Lion's Gate Portals. I think the reason for this is a whopping Fixed T-Cross in the chart in which Scorpio provides an outlet.






The Fixed T-Cross includes the Sun in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, and the Uranus/North Node/Mars conjunction with Mars separating. 

However, the T-Cross is offset by a Golden Triangle with Venus in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and the Taurus conjunction of Mars/Uranus/North Node. So, I do believe this gives us a fork in the road where we can choose a path most congruent with our life path.

Those people on an ascension path are likely to flow with Neptune, Venus, and the grounded energies of Uranus and Mars in Taurus. Even though Uranus is involved, Taurus is a stable sign usually but it requires awakening now and again because we can get stuck our ways or traditions. 



We might plan for a future that actually doesn't suit the new people we have become. And with previous outer planet conjunctions such as the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and the Saturn-Uranus square, how could we have not been transformed? And most of us are standing at the entry to a new reality. But will we claim it?

As I mentioned in my Inner Circle podcast (Patreon), I see at least two major realities playing out. One is a merging of the high tech industries and conventional medicine/science that leads to a more robotic world, more plastic, and removed from the natural world. The other world I see separating from the robotic one is people connecting to Gaia-consciousness. You couldn't have two worlds more contrasting. And I feel that there are other realms in between these two extremes.

I don't recall who it was but it might have been Steve Nobel who mentioned the two extreme paths years ago and his vision stuck with me. During the pandemic I saw these two worlds expanding with more people wanting to join a homesteading or intentional community while another group embraced the insanity of the high-tech world such as the virtual reality of Meta with Facebook. More people are willing to give up their freedom and privacy so they can live in a futuristic world, yes, fueled by Aquarius. 

However, there is a lighter side of Aquarius which rules cooperatives, intentional housing, living off the grid, and making better use of the water on the planet. Aquarius rules brotherhood and sisterhood, groups, activism, and the grassroots efforts. It's a strange time we live in because Aquarius is more diverse than we originally gave this sign credit. What we do know about the Aquarius Age is some of us opt for authenticity and individuality without getting caught in trends. Aquarius might set trends (so does Pisces) but it will also ditch a trend and move on to the next big thing.

So, this Lion's Gate Portal can lead us to ascension if we choose to spend some time mucking through the darkness in search of the Truth. The truth hurts sometimes, especially if we have placed our faith in the various industries on the planet whether that the movie industry or the medical industry. A man and I were talking on the bus about how every industry has been corrupted and where do we go from there we asked. It's no use kicking a dead horse, not that anyone would want to do that. If the horse is dead than bury him and move on.

But how will we survive without our industries? And what about the youth now graduating from universities and looking to join an industry? What will become of them? What will replace the industries? What will we toss out and what will we keep? These are the questions on my mind. I know this, the world we know today won't be the same world we know five year or ten years from now for those of us to remain on the Earth (because many will die or move on in the near future).

We desired the Aquarius Age to begin. We have spoken about it for decades and now it's here in all its weirdness and detached drama. And Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius. So, what does that mean as far as the Lion's Gate Portal?

If you have a Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Leo signature in your Natal Chart, you'll lead the way. But first, you must become more flexible. Neptune in Pisces can help with that and Neptune rules dreams. What do you dream about? What kind of life would you like to live? What is your bigger vision? Hook your star to that vision. The future is unclear because we decide how we will create that future. But first, we must step through the Lion's Gate Portal. 

Are you with me?

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