Astrological Rollercoaster--Transits for April, May, and June 2020

We began the year with a whopper transit, Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (a 500+ year transit) and since that time, the world economy has faltered, an epidemic has swept through the world bringing in its wake death and confusion and there is spiritual talk of a first wave of ascension on the way. On the flipside, with less human interaction upon the Earth (we're all on lockdown), Mother Nature seems to be reviving and healing herself. Where do we go from here?


If anyone is thinking April is going to be Paris in the springtime, think again. Yes, flowers are still blossoming and the bees are larger than ever. The seasons still come and go, but this is not life as usual, at least not for humans. During the first three weeks of April, the Sun is in Aries and after the 12th, Mercury joins the Sun in this fiery Cardinal Sign.

Meanwhile, Mars catches up to Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius on March 31 and April Fool's Day. What a way to launch us into the collective future! And some of us on an awakening path feel the entire world right now and we realize that every person despite their origins, gender, or economic status are standing on a leveled playing field. Well, more or less, we are down on our knees and hopefully with our eyes on the sky asking the right questions.

Saturn is in a 5-degree orb square with Uranus in Taurus so now, we have the futurists butting heads with the traditionalists. Perhaps, people are questioning their religious origins too. Many are asking where is God when they need him, but really the question is, where were they in relation to God when times were good? And if that's not enough for April transits, Jupiter catches up to Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn from April 1st until the 7th. This could also bring up religion, the law, and authority figures. We are certainly not taking any little thing for granted and we realize the extent to which our lives are precious. We also might respect our lungs more too.

Jupiter expands what it touches and Pluto rules taboo topics and the underworld. If humanity is stuck in fear, then that fear races towards paranoia and when humans are paranoid, they do silly illogical things. And this just isn't the time to toss logic out in favor of fear. Oh, and Pallas is also at 24 degrees Capricorn joining Jupiter and Pluto. Thankfully, this asteroid rules the wise Libra type of women.  The Libra Full Moon (a supermoon) lands at the end of this tumultuous week. The Full Moon is at 18 degrees Libra/Aries. Partnerships could implode if they are not on solid ground and based on equality.

On the 8th, Mars squares Uranus and this is going to shake up Taurus and Aquarius people and places. This is volatile on the human scale as well as, in the natural world. This is the type of transit that blows up volcanoes and ignites earthquakes. However, it could also build momentum for needed changes that propel us into the future. We know we need to change and end our destructive behaviors. I feel so deeply that Gaia is finally talking to us and I hope we listen to this living breathing conscious planet. Have you hugged a tree recently or sung to a river?

I also want to mention Venus' transit in Gemini because she will retrograde in this sign from May 13 until June 24. In the very least, don't get your hair cut or dyed during this time because when Venus is retrograde it's a bad time for any beauty treatments and I also find that when I have had my hair cut when Venus was in Gemini, I didn't like the results at all (just saying). People will be so desperate by mid-May to get their haircut that they won't listen anyway. But if they can wait, Venus in Cancer is a good time, that is if you can wait until August. (If you must get your hair cut during the Venus in Gemini transit, communicate clearly and don't expect a complicated hairstyle. If all else fails, buy a wig).

On the 22nd of April, we experience a New Moon in Taurus which like Libra is a ruler of Venus. This could be a stabilizing time and we definitely feel more grounded. I'm hoping by this New Moon that the epidemic is under control finally and the circus and mayhem ended just in time for people to enjoy the spring or fall season, but we shall see. It might not end until after the North Node leaves Cancer and moves into Gemini (I hope before that) since Gemini rules the lungs and we already have Venus which rules health and beauty in Gemini for four months due to a retrograde.

On April 25, Pluto goes retrograde at 25 degrees Capricorn. This retrograde is going to take Pluto back to 22 degrees Capricorn in August and this is the same degree of the Saturn and Pluto conjunction from January 12. It is a critical degree and we are also watching Jupiter as he crossed this degree (so did Mars) from March 16 through the 21st. Then again, Jupiter crosses this degree as a retrograde from July 10 through the 17th, and then finally, from November 8 through the 13th and Jupiter will also be in a conjunction with Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn! (So, we had better have that epidemic under control by this point).


We slow down because of the Taurus Sun and because of several planets turning retrograde. We do experience astrological hiccups with the North Node moving into the Mutable Air Sign Gemini on the 6th. Saturn is the next planet to go retrograde on the 10th/11th), followed by Venus on the 13th, and then, Jupiter on the 15th. The asteroid Pallas also turns retrograde on the 17th, just in case, anyone is interested. Retrograde planets in the spring are not unusual and they usually go direct in the late summer or early fall.

But this year, in addition to the regular outer planet transits, Mars and Venus also go retrograde. Having Venus in the sign of the lungs is worrisome for me because of the virus that attacks the lungs. However, if we put our minds together we might resolve this health problem. Perhaps, Venus will put on her thinking cap. Maybe a woman comes up with a cure. Or maybe, it's like I've been saying all along that the cure will come from Mother Nature. Does anyone even watch my videos or read my blog posts?

If we are still in the lockdown mode in May, we're actually not going to mind it. This is a time when we prefer to stay at home and garden. We want to get our hands in the soil and spend time outdoors with the elementals. Taurus isn't a talkative sign and this May, it just feels like we're all recluses like the infamous Grizzly Adams and we'll probably look like him too or at least a grizzly bear since none of us have been to a barber or a hairdresser, except for people quarantined with hairdressers!

The Full Moon falls on 7th at 17 degrees Scorpio/Taurus. (You can watch my video on my YouTube channel Astrologer Patricia for details). The New Moon in Gemini falls on the 22nd (there's that number again). We feel more lively after the Sun goes into Gemini. So, now we have the North Node, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the sign of the Twins. Well, maybe women crop their hair and go for the French tomboy look.

Anyways, it's a slow month until the final week of the month. Women are prominent in the media, in literature, and on lecture tours. People want to listen to women speak in May except women don't have much to say the first three weeks, but wait until that final week as we head into June--ooh, la, la! And in marriages, let's just remind the women's partners that women have long memories and they're going to resuscitate old hurts and memories and harp on them. It will be a duck-and-cover time. What were you up to a year and a half ago?


On the 5th, we experience a Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. I haven't looked at the chart yet for this eclipse, but we are now heading into eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius for the next year and a half. The lessons and themes that will come up are completely different than the Cancer-Capricorn polarity. We look at neighbors, siblings, education, students, the mental process, thinking styles, the neurological system, travel, and more air travel when Saturn is in Aquarius. Plus, it's always crazy fun when we start a month with a giant eclipse.

Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer on the 17th but this is the least of our worries and will most likely just make us nostalgia for the good old days before the world economy tanked and an epidemic showed up in our neighborhood. Although I do want to warn people that allergy season could intensify with this retrograde (it's a hunch).

On the 20th/21st, we experience the last Solar Eclipse in Cancer (0 degrees, a critical degree) for the next 18 years. Oh, cry me a river, Moon Beam. Oddly, Solar Eclipses represent new beginnings and this one falls on the Solstice too and it's Father's Day too, even though Cancer represents the Mother. Sorry Dad, but moms rock.

On the 23rd, Neptune joins the retrograde party and on the 24th, Venus leaves the retrograde party when she changes direction (thank Goddess!). Suddenly, we feel beautiful again and not like the wicked ugly stepsister from the fairy tales. We can also grow out of our mullets.

The 29th (which is my birthday) sucks because Jupiter conjuncts Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn and Mars moves into Aries where he will stay in lockdown for 6 months! First of all, I'm not a fan of Mars or Aries, and now, this poor Cancerian will endure 6 months of hyper and aggressive people carrying battleaxes. Do I need to celebrate my birthday a week earlier when Mars is still sedated in Pisces? Sadly, my last few Solar Return charts have sucked. But everyone's Solar Return chart sucks in 2020 so join the club.

The Awakening (That Could Occur)

I'm making light of some of the heaviest transits we have experienced since 2012 and prior to that, 2008 when Pluto first went into Capricorn along with Jupiter. And as we all know, the last 12 years have been preparing us for a global transformation. We have been talking about awakening or a revolution as Tracy Chapman once sang. The youthquake continues undeterred by a virus or an economic collapse. Industries continue to deconstruct as we knew they would and that they must for us to level the playing field.

As much as the planetary transits fo 2020 suck, we are looking at that glass from a 3D perspective instead of seeing the opportunities to create a healthier planet and more harmonious lifestyles. The current events will teach us how to step into the unknown and to embrace the collective. I know there are days when we scratch our heads and think that humanity has been on Gaia for thousands of years and has only evolved this far? And for those of us already awake, this year feels frustrating as if I could just go into the next room and throw a spiritual tantrum. It's funny how we are all spiritual but we still burst into violet flames and shards of anger. It's funny when I'm shouting out spiritual concepts to my parents because they just don't get it and a small voice in my head is asking me to just chill.

The first wave of ascension is more than likely happening this spring and only a minority of souls are ascending. I don't know what happens after that. But wouldn't it be nice not to stay on the Earth when Corona Virus #2 or its sequels arrive? And wouldn't you like to miss living on the Earth when she begins shaking and burning up? It's like she's going through her menopause too. Oh, I can relate. Hot flashes are irritating and she needs to blow off steam. I would not have been as patient like Mother Earth and I would have kicked off the dudes with the loud cars a long time ago.

I didn't originally intend for this article to contain humor, but there you go. I just can't take these transits too seriously because I would rather just surrender. Spiritual teacher Matt Kahn tells us that there is a state of mind where nothing phases us any longer---not even astrological transits or our birth charts--wouldn't that be nice? I'll be out of work in 5D so maybe I'll take up painting.

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