Virgo New Moon for September 19, 2017--Purification on a Grand Scale

photo by Patricia Herlevi
I am writing this post on the Virgo New Moon for September 2017 on-the-fly. As often the case, I am way ahead of myself since this New Moon is a month away. However, prepare yourself for purification, for discrimination, discernment and for fixing what is broken. After all that Leo energy we experienced in late July and August, especially with the Leo Solar Eclipse, it's time to go back to reinventing the wheel or at least new technology.

So, what does Virgo energy suggests. For the physical body, Virgo rules the small intestine. And the small intestine discriminates what is healthy food and what is not. It has the energy of discrimination in general. Food allergies and insensitivity result when the wrong types of food enter a body. And we are looking at creating healthy functioning digestive system. We scrutinize diets, health routines, and exercise programs. We discriminate the difference between a fad diet and a healthy regiment.

Virgo also rules harvest. What do we harvest besides food? And how do we feed 7.6 billion humans on the planet while also dealing with waste products? How do we create healthy environments for us to live and recreate? And what about our pets and other animals? How do we protect them from pollution and overpopulation?

If all of this sounds rather serious it is because we have a whopping Virgo Stellium in the New Moon chart that weds the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. That's right all the personal planets are transiting in Virgo, the Sign of the Virgin/Maiden. And they are opposing Neptune and Chiron while squaring Saturn in Sagittarius.

So, this means that we have a whopping Mutable T-Cross fueled by Virgo and the apex is in Sagittarius. This is not a time for dreaming big or toting idealism. No one wants to hear about other people's religions or religious opinions posing as facts. In fact, Virgo can tell the difference between hyperbole and facts. And Virgo is going to take people to the carpet who don't distinguish the difference. This is not a live-and-let-live New Moon. There are rules to follow and protocol to observe, especially with Jupiter in Libra, who loves protocol.

We're going to deal with problems. We're going to roll up our sleeves and handle what comes up by using our rational mind. Notice that the Ascendant is in Gemini who shares the planet Mercury with Virgo. Mercury is direct and gathering speed as it moves through the retrograde shadow. Meanwhile, Saturn is gathering speed to in direct motion heading towards the Galactic Center. Meanwhile, Neptune and Chiron are retrograde helping us to retread over old territory as we go about our inner healing work. Pay attention to dreams now because they hold much symbolism and deeper meaning than usual.

So, what am I picking up from this energy? What do I see coming up on the horizon? I see debates about virgins, especially for countries that abuse virgins. I see people talking about the concept of Vestal Virgins. People harp about being of service to others and there is a sense of puritanical attitudes running the show. But watch out for hypocrites because they are everywhere. We focus on reproduction rights and the sexuality especially of young women--think teens and young adults. Our focus in on women during this New Moon.

Hopefully, there won't be any epidemics breaking out during September, but it is possible with this much Virgo in the chart and in a T-Cross with Saturn and Chiron/Neptune. Neptune shows up a lot with the spread of pandemics. We will look at the health concerns of drug addiction, alcohol addiction and smoking. We will also look at cleaning up the environment with new technology. And we will clean up the mess from communications gone haywire during the Mercury in Virgo RX.

Due to time constraints, I won't be including the Zodiac Signs in this post. I also may or may not produce a video for September's moons. However, I am giving astrology readings by written report or MP3s. And after I settle into my new home, I will return to giving Skype sessions.


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