October 2024 Energy and Astrological Update--Selfhood and Learning to Say No










You've probably already seen the darker more triggering interpretations for October's planetary transits so I'm going to flip the switch. I'm going to focus on what's possible in the realm of our personal evolution and how we can use this month's transits to become more mindful and to bring peace into the world. Remember that peace is an inside job.

We began the month, on October 2, with a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees and 4 minutes Libra. And this eclipse focuses on partnerships with all things, not just intimate partners. It could even revolve around partnership with ourselves since the opposite of Libra is Aries which represents self-hood. This is a good time to stop playing the role of a scapegoat or a doormat. Grow some backbone with Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn getting ready to go direct. In fact, Capricorn rules the lower spine and back.

Libra Solar Eclipse

This eclipse and other transits during the month focus on practicing integrity with ourselves and others. It's about bringing maturity to our relationship with ourselves and others. Again, we learn to set firm boundaries and get comfortable with where we become separate individuals in a partnership. And it's possible that when we discover this newfound freedom we end partnerships that don't serve our highest good.

And this means, that in October, we look at ways where we practice co-dependency instead of inter dependency. A healthy partnership has give and take. If one person does all the taking and the other one does all the giving, resentment builds. This reminds me of the woman who gives up her college education to return to work to support her husband while he finishes his university degree. And while this is supportive, it can also lead to years of resentment if the support isn't reciprocated. But in the old style marriages, women often received the bad end of the stick. And this is the reason many of us chose to not marry during this lifetime. It's not so they could be called spinsters and live their final years in a basement apartment surrounded by cats.

This isn't to say there aren't marriages or partnerships that are supportive for both parties. If you have that sort of partnership, hang onto it. You might find some challenges during October, but these are merely obstacles to help you evolve. I feel that October is a month for personal evolution, especially with Pluto going direct on the 11-12th.


Pluto Going Direct

I refer to Pluto as the sleeping giant when he's retrograde. Pluto went retrograde on May 2 and has been working behind the scenes and in our subconscious since that time.This was a time of discovering our darker side as in our shadows. It was a time when we worked through our childhood wounds around guilt and shame. And it was also a time when truths were being investigated and will be revealed after Pluto goes direct on October 12. 

These truths come out in the mundane world too but for the sake of this article, I'm focusing on our personal growth. If we used the retrograde period to do that down and dirty work by diving into our subconscious and even into our ancestral lineages, we bring up gold at this time.We experience breakthroughs and reclaim our power. This is especially true for people with planets or their Ascendant in the last three degrees of Capricorn. And this is also the case for the other three Cardinal Signs (Cancer, Aries, and Libra) who have planets or an Ascendant at 27 to 29 degrees. It's just more powerful for the Capricorns.

If you have brought maturity and integrity to situations, then you sail on into the sunset.But if you didn't practice integrity and you didn't approach situations with humility and maturity, then the blank could hit the fan. Needless to say the next several months could become unpleasant to say the least. Never mess with the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto. He represents taboos, sex, sexuality, death, taxes, rebirth, and power. Did you use your personal power for good or to gain at the expense of another. Even just thinking dark thoughts towards others has repercussions.

Jupiter Goes Retrograde

On October 9, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, turns backwards. We generally like when Jupiter is going forward because he blesses us with opportunities, long distance travel, higher education and gives us an optimistic sense of adventure. He is the can-do-it planet who puts a bounce in our steps so when he turns inward, we might feel like our luck has run out. 

It's not the best time to travel long-distance unless we are returning to a place we've previously visited or lived at. But since Jupiter is the planet of expansion, it might be a good time to sneak a new diet on your body, especially if you have Jupiter transiting in your first house or your sixth natal house. This could be a time to pursue a spiritual path that doesn't involve any gurus or other participants. Find your own way by tuning in. It's a good time to pick up spiritual text that you studied or read in the past as you will find new meanings in any sacred practices. You will go deeper with it during the retrograde which flows into 2025.

Scorpio Season

We leave Libra Season which focuses on business and marriage partnerships, justice, balance, diplomacy and beauty on October 22. This takes us deeper into Pluto's underworld. Scorpio Season is generally darker, especially for people who live in the Northern Hemisphere. I feel that it's also the most fertile time of the year, although I can't prove it, as far as conception of children. This is it's a time when people feel more sensual and express their sexual needs more overtly.

With Pluto, Scorpio's planet going direct two weeks before the Scorpio Season, this month has a Scorpion signature. The colors are beige, gray, white and black. The air feels dry in some places and there is also a dry wind flowing across the Earth. There's a feeling of desolation, lack, and limitation if we see deserts as barren. However, if we see the flowers that manage to grow in deserts, as in seeing miracles, then Scorpio Season could bring us rebirth, regeneration of our cells, and transformation. We can use this time to purge all that is no longer working in our lives since Scorpio energy is known as being ruthless. It's a great time to edit manuscripts!

We explore mysteries. We look back to our ancient ancestors and we honor the dead more than we honor the living. We tend to wear darker clothing and we see things as either black or white even if gray is also a Scorpio color. And if we bring in the classical ruler, Mars, blood red is also considered a Scorpio color. We might notice crimson leaves on trees getting ready to die and then decay. This is all symbolic. And we know that October 31 is when the veils are thinnest between realms of the living and the dead.

Final Words

I hope you enjoyed my brief exploration of October's transits. If you did, and you respect my time and expertise, please kindly make a donation so that you see more articles on this blog. If you haven't yet, please become a follower. Thank you.



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