The Jupiter Effect (Ways This Transpersonal Planet Shapes Our Lives)


Have you ever wanted to born a Sagittarius or have Jupiter's blessings upon you? I know I've wanted a more prominent Jupiter in my Natal Chart. And it's not that Jupiter isn't strongly placed in the sign of Taurus in the 4th House--but unfortunately, it's opposing Neptune in the 10th. And Natal Saturn had a showdown with Natal Jupiter so if golden opportunities do appear, Saturn chases them away.



However, having said that, this trans personal planet ruled by Sagittarius blesses each of us when it visits our Natal Sun every 12 years or we experience our Jupiter Return the same year as our Chinese New Year. Jupiter conjunct the Natal Moon expands our emotions and can feel like an overload unless we develop emotional intelligence and again this occurs every 12 years since Jupiter has a 12 year cycle. Twelve is an important number that breaks down to 3 which is ruled by Sagittarius. Three and twelve are considered by many spiritual teachers as sacred numbers.

So, what is the Jupiter Effect?

I use this concept with all the planets for when we experience a planet returning to our birth planets. An example of this is the Jupiter Return. Jupiter expands whatever it touches--both with positive and negative situations or what we perceive it as within this duality. And we'll first look at the Jupiter Return because it only comes around every twelve years. 

Its effects could last for a year or less depending on the number of aspects transiting Jupiter has with your Natal Jupiter. So, if your Natal Jupiter is within the first 5 degrees of a sign, chances are you will only have Jupiter pass over those degrees in direct motion, unless the planet retrogrades in those early degrees to return to the previous sign. Then you will experience Jupiter moving direct, retrograde and then direct a final time over the degree of your Natal Jupiter.

Since Jupiter brings opportunities we might experience a sudden windfall. But if we don't feel deserving of that windfall or we gamble it away or sabotage the windfall, we end up with a scenario of now you see it, now you don't. Jupiter does bring opportunities to your doorstep but we might be feeling too grandiose to notice those opportunities or we might suffer from a Saturn influence that is too realistic and causes us to fear sudden opportunities knocking on our door.

And we also need to see any configurations in which Natal Jupiter appears because if Natal Jupiter is involved with a Grand Square or Yod, then the transiting Jupiter will unlock those painful energies and ask us to gain wisdom from our experiences. Jupiter is a teacher of higher learning and the path to wisdom is often fraught with challenges and in the case of Jupiter, expanded challenges. Jupiter represents jumbo size experiences either to our liking or not. (This unlocking energies in a T-Cross or a Yod is a blessing in disguise).

The other downside to a Jupiter Return is it happens so quickly and if we don't prepare for an upcoming Jupiter Return (and it also depends on the other transiting planets how this return will appear), then we miss opportunities that might never come around again or we have to wait another 12 years.Jupiter isn't like Saturn because Jupiter causes us to feel impatient and we might feel entitled to good fortune. With Jupiter we don't need to earn good fortune. That's Saturn's story. We do need to stay open to receiving the blessings and feel deserving of them.

Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant 

When Jupiter passes over the Ascendant into the First House (and this depends on the sign of the Ascendant), it can bring weight gain. It definitely transform our self image and our body in some way. Since Jupiter expands what it touches, indulgence in food and drink shows up as weight gain or a bloated liver (I'm not a medical expert).

Jupiter could bring a new cycle or beginning around returning to school or even obtaining a Master's degree or taking a position as an academic at a university.It could represent signing a publishing contract or getting involved with a lawsuit if Jupiter is aspecting planets in the 9th House (ruled by Jupiter). This could also be a time of developing spiritual master-ship if Neptune is involved or Natal Jupiter and the Ascendant are in Pisces.

Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Moon

Out of the three major transits for Jupiter to the Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, I find the Jupiter conjunct Moon to be the most challenging of the three. This isn't to say that Jupiter transits are even seen as challenging because most astrologers wouldn't see Jupiter as posing challenges. However, the Moon represents self-reflection, emotions, and intuition. So, a Jupiter transit to the Natal Moon could bring heightened intuition and a sense of needing to practice self-care.

And this all depends on the element and the sign the Moon appears in the Natal Chart. If the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio, you bet there will be an emotional overload but it could lead to emotional intelligence and even working as a psychic or a psychic-medium with a Natal Scorpio Moon. 

If the Moon falls in a Fire Sign, then now is the time to travel and to explore higher learning in any sense of the words. With an Air Sign, we're looking at academic expansion or perhaps, a job in the communication field. It depends on the sign and what else is going on in the Natal and Transit charts. If the Natal Moon is in an Earth sign, here's where we experience financial windfalls and career opportunities but we might also find that we accumulate too much stuff and get trapped in consumerism or in proving our status. And then later, when Saturn transits to our Natal Moon we have a need to purge.

Our Natal Moon also speaks of the ways we nourish our bodies so when Jupiter comes along we will focus more on food and diet but through the gaze of the sign that transiting Jupiter and the Natal Moon appear. So, if it's in Pisces, we might look at eating more foods that come from the ocean or we might develop an allergy to fish. Or we become more compassionate and eliminate animal products, including fish from our diet. Those are examples of what could happen but the sky is the limit to what might occur.

Transiting Jupiter to the Natal Sun

I think two of the best Jupiter transits are the Jupiter Return and Jupiter to the Natal Sun. But again, we need to look at the entire Natal Chart and the planets that are aroused by Jupiter beaming light on them. But regardless, Jupiter to the Sun represents a much brighter time in our lives. It's a time of pursuing a higher education whether that's academic or spiritual. We might go on an adventure or pursue world travel. It's a time of publishing books and going on lecture tours. Suddenly, people care what we have to say and we are paid for our thoughts and opinions.

But remember this happens once every twelve years and we don't often listen to the urges in our hearts propelling us to step out of our comfort zone and to take a leap of faith. Like Pisces, Sagittarius and Jupiter represent faith. And not only does Jupiter fuse us with faith we also feel more confident and we might spend more time in our masculine side. We are action-oriented and just like the theme of the original Star Trek, we bravely travel to the last frontier. There are no limits under this transit. But sadly it only lasts a year at the longest and a year passes by us quickly.

There for with any Jupiter transit to our Natal Chart we want to stay mindful and stay in an optimistic frame of mind. Saturn's pessimism won't serve us.


Most of us appreciate the Jupiter effect even if it brings us mixed results. There's an excitement of ending a 12 year cycle and beginning anew no matter what age we are. And we can even look back to previous 12 year cycles and see what ended and what begun for us.

For instance, when we turned 12 we ended our childhood and entered our adolescent years unless we are slow-bloomers like me. It's where we left our toys in the past and became more interested in adult themes, adult music, and we might have felt more adventurous like we could take on the world. At 24, we might be switching jobs or moving up a career ladder or we might be at a university earning a Master's degree. At age 48, we're going through a midlife crisis or feeling weary of turning 50 soon and so on.

The thing to remember is that Jupiter isn't a personal planet and it isn't an outer planet. It has a 12 year orbit around the Zodiac Wheel and in classical astrology, Jupiter had two rulers--Pisces and Sagittarius. Jupiter is seen as one of the beneficent planets along with Venus, but every planet has a lower octave and a shadow. With Jupiter transits we become more wasteful and we become over confident, even arrogant which can destroy friendships and marriages. There could also be addiction problems and damage to the liver (ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius) or we might put on weight around our mid section and thighs. Remember to stay physically fit.

And one final word on the Jupiter Effect. It doesn't last. If you want lasting results and legacies, then look no further than the Saturn Effect. After all, Jupiter is full of hot air metaphorically and otherwise. Don't gamble your life based on Jupiter transits.

 Also note that Jupiter brings freedom or liberation of some kind. And you also need to look at the houses where the Jupiter transits take place.

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