Gemini New Moon (5 Planets in Gemini) What Does This Mean for You?

On June 6, 2024, we will experience a whopping Gemini New Moon because 5 planets including Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter will also be in Gemini. And while it's normal for Venus and Mercury to appear near the Sun and often in the same sign, the secret ingredient here is Jupiter which recently transited into Gemini (after doing it's dance with Uranus in Taurus).

Mercury is co-ruled by Gemini and Virgo. This means that Mercury is in alignment with the new Moon but Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini. So this means that we must refrain from having a hyper focus on details and instead look at the bigger picture. Jupiter expands what it touches and this can show up as too many distractions coming from social media and the news media. We could see and hear too much hyperbole which only takes us further from our quest for the truth and nothing but the truth.

We will also focus on world events more with Jupiter in Gemini and the ways those world events affect our local communities. Is there a shortage of a shipment of a particular mineral used for high-tech devices? Is there a problem with off-shore publishers which many countries rely on such as with China (since most of our books and card decks are printed in China).


But before we look at this New Moon, let's break down the sign Gemini and what it means to have our emotions tied up with this Mutable Sign. The Moon focuses on our emotions and inner workings.

Gemini--The Twins

Gemini is an Air Sign which means it rules the mental process--how we think, how we learn, how we communicate and share information we have gathered. Gemini is also one of the two-sided signs such as Pisces and Libra so a Gemini person has a tendency to weigh the pros and the cons.They also have a tendency to get caught up in the details. Gemini is a Mutable Sign so it provides flexible and adaptable energy while moving situations and events forward in time. You might even say this Mutable Air Sign has a problem with patience and wasn't called Quicksilver for no reason. 

Someone with their Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, or Mars in Gemini becomes bored easily. They need mental stimulation just like a Water Sign requires emotional fulfillment or an Earth Sign requires staying grounded and centered on the Earth.Gemini is also one of the six yang signs. It focuses on the outward expression and takes its cues from the outer world as opposed to the inner one. However, a Gemini Sun or Moon person can easily become trapped in their own minds, especially if they grow smug over time and believe they are smarter than 99% of humanity. All Air Signs have this tendency as one of their shadows.








The Moon in Gemini

Since the Moon's natural ruler is Cancer--a sentimental and sensitive Water Sign, having the Moon in Gemini in a natal chart could become problematic. This is a person or energy that becomes lost in thoughts and confuses thoughts for emotions. Instead of sensing or feeling emotions, they over intellectualize emotions. These Gemini Moon folks might become a handful for a therapist who tries desperately to get the Gemini person to feel their pain rather than to describe it in words. The Gemini Moon could cause us to experience this situation temporarily even if we have no planets in Gemini.

And if this anguish or other charged emotions aren't processed through feeling, this could show up as physical pain in the body--usual the hands or arms because these parts of the body are ruled by Gemini. It can also show up in the form of a mental illness or a lung condition such as a persistent cough for a Gemini Moon who is unable to process anger. 

(I'm not a medical professional so take this channeled information with a grain of salt and consult with a medical professional if this is a situation familiar to you).

However, a person with their Moon in Gemini could also direct their emotions into creative art--most likely writing or podcasting. If they choose to work with the cycles of the Moon they can become astrologers or authors of astrology books. They might also find careers as a meditation teacher or a documentary filmmaker who delves into energy healing and other spiritual work.

The shadow side of  Gemini Moon is someone who detaches from other people and tries to give pat advice for emotional turmoil others face. They prefer not to be around heavier emotions and will likely detach from people who are suffering through painful situations. They are often the ones who shout, "You create your own reality." They'll use t-shirt and bumper sticker slogans to advise a friend or colleague. But sadly, this is not helpful for people processing their real and raw distress.

The June 6th Gemini New Moon

We experience the Gemini New Moon every year so why is this one so important that I chose to blog about it?

As I mentioned earlier, half of our ten planets, including the trans personal planet, Jupiter will be in Gemini for the New Moon. And while the Moon and Mercury will move quickly through Gemini, it's interesting that Mercury is in its own sign in a stellium with Jupiter. And the Air element is dominating the New Moon chart because when we include Pluto retrograde in Aquarius (Fixed Air Sign), we're looking at an explosion of mental energy. We're looking at energy healing. We're looking at frequencies and vibration. We're looking at the neurological system and the brain. And we're looking at high-tech and social media platforms.

And something I suggest is doing an inventory of the time spent on a phone or other electronic device. When is the last time you went for a walk without your phone? Are you able to sit in a quiet room without any distractions? Have you ever done that? Or do you multitask throughout the day, including when you're driving a car (a no-no)? What is your dependency on social media and high tech? Could you even imagine living without it? I can because I spent half of my life prior to the high tech boom that began in the 1990s. Or I could say that half of my lifetime was in the analogue era.

Even right now, I would love to turn off my computer and walk away. I would rather spend time reading an old fashion book or strolling through a neighborhood or traveling somewhere. And I knew a time when people still met and spoke face to face and I'm not talking about meeting someone for dinner and then ignoring that person in favor of checking email messages on a phone!

This Gemini New Moon is asking us to question our current lifestyle and to see if it's in sync with our values or what we say that we value. Remember the dark side of Gemini is a person talking out both sides of his mouth. It's the lover who lies about having a married partner. It's the charming car sales person who sells you a lemon. He's the one that invites you to dinner and doesn't bother to show up because something more interesting came along. The dark side of Gemini is not loyalty--that would be Cancer or Capricorn.

Meanwhile, we only have one planet in a Fire Sign which is Mars in his own sign. And he's feeling fired up. Use this energy to stay motivated especially with writing or other communication projects. Pitch those stories to editors or self-publish now, if that floats your boat. Lots of people will be expressing their opinions anyway on this day.

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces dissolve the old ways to make room for the new--but we're talking emotional experiences and situations--not mental ones. Pisces is one of the harbingers of emotions on the Zodiac Wheel. Finally, we have one planet in an Earth Sign and that's the unpredictable Uranus which I hardly find grounding even if he's traveling in Taurus.

Chiron and the North Node are also still in Aries bringing up those painful childhood situations which we must learn to accept before moving forward into this Aquarius Age. Aquarius asks us not to bring heavy baggage into the new age.


The only situation that would be more Mercurial than the Gemini New Moon on June 6 is if Uranus was also in the sign. Thankfully, he's not and we're saved from confusion and chaos caused by everything speeding up and giving new meaning to warped speed.

It will be hard to meditate during this New Moon but meditate anyway even with guided meditations. You might refrain from consuming caffeine and instead opt for calming herbs such as lemon balm or lavender. Sleep will be more challenging as will finding a quiet moment to reflect.

I suggests spending less time on social media or to only use it for work. People will be long winded at this time and they might be speaking in hyperbole. Don't believe everything you hear. Tap into your intuition with the help of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.

If anything we experience a preview of when Uranus moves into Gemini (2026) and Neptune into Aries (2025 and 2026). Practice grounding yourself now and shut out the outside world if that would preserve your mental health.

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