Unusual and Powerful Capricorn Season (Pluto Enters Aquarius)









No, Capricorn, you're not imagining the relentless Dark Night of the Soul that you've endured since 2008. Pluto entered your sign on January 25, 2008 and entered Aquarius for the first time in the spring of 2023. And this year, Pluto will enter Aquarius again only to retrograde back into 29 degrees Capricorn on September 3 and remain there until November 21. Then you'll feel truly liberated.

As I'm writing this article, we are in Capricorn Season which always begins on December 21 with the Solstice. And while it wasn't unusual for Mercury to retrograde in Capricorn and slide back into Sagittarius or for Venus also to enter Capricorn during January. It's not as common to also have Mars in Capricorn and Pluto at the culmination degree (29) at the same time.

In fact, the Sun will join Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn on January 20 then the two planets hold hands as they enter 0 degrees Aquarius on January 21. Mercury returns to Capricorn (shadow of a retrograde) on the 16. Mars enters Capricorn on the 5th and remains in the sign until Valentine's Day. Venus enters Capricorn on the 24 joining the Sun and Pluto and it remains in the sign of the goat until February 17 when she also enters Aquarius. 

Earth Trines with Jupiter and Uranus

The good news is that all the planets in Capricorn (with the exception of Pluto) form Earth Trines with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. While this feels sluggish and causes delays (Capricorn) we can manifest wealth now with elbow grease (putting in the effort). 

If we don't put in the effort and we sit around complaining about injustice in the world then we end up with the same bag of rocks that we despise. We truly get what we focus on. And this is also a time to heal any negative beliefs we have about money, wealth, and the false power that comes with wealth. Our true power is spiritual and that spiritual power assist us in manifesting what we need when we need it, including wealth. 

Yes, it's an inside job as many Capricorns realize in their senior years when they have gained sage wisdom. Capricorn learns best through a life of hard knocks. And yet, Capricorn, it's possible to learn through joyful experiences too. Don't you recall when you were a child and there was that teacher who made learning fun? When was the last time you even had fun?

Sextiles with Saturn and Neptune

In addition, the sextile between Neptune and Pluto continues until Pluto enters Aquarius on the 21. And the personal planets (Venus, Mercury, Mars, and the Sun) form sextiles with Saturn and then later Neptune as they travel through the degrees of Capricorn. We all experience the dissolution of old and crumbling structures in our lives and on the world stage. But Capricorn this crumbling and shattering for the old paradygm feels like a personal attack if you don't understand the meaning and themes of Pluto.

However, the sextiles and trines seem like rewards for hard work, especially for effort that has lasted for months or even years. You might have begun an arduous path in January of 2008. You might have lost your job, home and endure the shattering of an unstable marriage beginning in 2008. You might feel like the Biblical Job who lost everything only to gain something even better later on this path. And it will be like that for you if you're still here and standing after your series of Tower Moments.

Believe me when I say that I can relate to what you're going through or what you've gone through. I have an Ascendant at 8 degrees Capricorn and a South Node in Capricorn. My Cancer Sun is in direct opposite of the Ascendant so I also experienced a shattering of my world in 2012 and it has been relentless ever since, even ending up without a home several times. Then when Uranus entered Aries and squared all that, it wasn't a pleasant time but it was a time of evolution that I wouldn't see until years later. (Remember the Occupy Movement and Arab Spring?)

Important Transits That Shaped Capricorns (and Aquarius People)

Since I don't receive financial support for this blog I can't dig up the dates for the exact squares between Uranus and Pluto that occurred between 2012 and 2019. Nor can I dig up the dates for the eclipses that fell in Cardinal Signs and formed T-Squares and Grand Crosses with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. But if you were paying attention from 2012 until 2019, you'll recall that wasn't an easy time in anyone's life, especially anyone with Capricorn Sun, Moon, or Ascendant or Saturn in Capricorn.

And if that wasn't enough, we all experienced the rare conjunction of Saturn and Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn on January 12, 2020. (I just looked this one up because my memory is faulty when it comes to degrees and dates). I believe (along with Neptune's transits), this is the moment that brought us the pandemic and the restrictions that came along with it. But it also brought personal restrictions and the distrust of authority (Capricorn and Saturn). We saw power plays at work and we were asked to reclaim our own personal power. 

What did you do with that rare conjunction, Capricorn? Did you feel sorry for yourself? Did you get caught in conspiracies and jump down the rabbit hole? Did you use that energy to rebuild the structures in your life beginning with your physical body? Did you surrender to a higher power (Neptune) and allow growth and expansion despite the restrictions? 

Personally, I used that as a launching pad to learn energy-healing online and to start a new business as an animal communicator and Reiki practitioner. I didn't get drunk or escape in recreational drugs like others in the neighborhood did nor did I sit on a couch absorbing the lurid daily news. I knew better as an astrologer to seize the moment and not to lower my personal vibration. I wasn't going to succumb to the brainwashing of the masses. And believe me that took courage and personal strength. Capricorns are strong.

Did you also take advantage of the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on December 15, 2020? That conjunction first occurred at 29 degrees Capricorn and continued into 0 degrees Aquarius. And if those degrees sound familiar it's because Pluto is currently transiting on them. This is a powerful time of death, rebirth, and transformation. Oddly, my father (authority figure/Saturn) died during Capricorn Season (December 29, 2023). With all death there is a release which leads to true liberation. Again, my dear, Capricorns, seize the moment!

So What's Next?

Capricorn, you're wondering if there's a Santa Claus, that's if you have any hope left at all. That Santa Claus is you. And the takeaway from the past 16 years (if you're still here among the living) is reclaiming your personal power, if not your spiritual power. Remember also that Saturn and Capricorn reward based on the amount of work we put in. So, if you've been working it on every level of the mind, body, and spirit, expect to see the results now or in the new future.

You might experience a hiccup between September 3 and November 21, but then that will soon pass as you glean the lessons of those once-in-a-lifetime planetary transits in your sign. Again, I have my Ascendant in Capricorn and half of my family members are Capricorn. I have tons of friends with Capricorn Sun or Moon. I get it.

What's next for you is a change in residence (even another state, province or country). You will also experience a change in partnership status or improve the one you already have because you'll bring more patience and wisdom to it. You will experience a drastic change with career, travel, and learning opportunities. You might choose to mentor or coach others based on your personal experiences from the past two decades.

But the biggest energy you'll experience now is release and liberation. You'll hopefully have reclaimed your spiritual power and committed to a relationship with a higher power. And if you haven't yet, make meditation a part of your daily routine. 

If you feel like you aged 100 years during the past two decades, it's time to also reclaim your youth and not through plastic surgery. Do this by eating a healthy diet and allowing play and joy to enter your life. Heal and reclaim your childhood (most Capricorns endured rougher childhoods).

Capricorn, you graduated and passed the initiation. Now, get out there and spread wisdom, peace, and joy. You earned it!


And please let me know in the comments the ways the transits mentioned in this article directly or indirectly impacted your life. You can also support this blog by following, sharing, leaving comments and making a donation.

Sign up for a reading especially if you are a Capricorn Sun, Moon or Rising.


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