Virgo Season, Virgo New Moon, and Retrograde Planets--September 14, 2023 #VirgoSeason, #VirgoNewMoon, #astrology














The Virgo-Pisces polarity is one of the most intense polarities in the astrological wheel. Despite the two signs sharing similarities they have different missions which often cross swords. This polarity whether it appears in transits like with the Virgo New Moon or appears in a Natal Chart provide some of the most difficult energies to resolve. This shows up as tension in the physical body that could lead to disease or at least digestion issues.


Virgo Season & Retrograde Planets

The reason for this is Virgo rules the small intestine and assimilation of food and vitamins. And I wouldn't be surprised if people who suffer from Celiac or food allergies have prominent Virgo in their Natal Chart. This is hard to prove but it's an intuitive hunch. But for today, we're going to look at the current Virgo Season and the Virgo New Moon. And while all this is happening most of the planets are retrograde. This forces us to go inward and it forces us to use discernment in our mundane and spiritual practices.

The Pisces side of the polarity asks us not to judge, to become more tolerant to transcend over our ego. Pisces asks us to join others in unity and become part of a greater collective. Virgo on the other hand, judges and is less tolerant than Pisces. It's a hypercritical energy and it's constantly trying to fix situations. Pisces on the other hand drops the ego and often could use more discernment or a Pisces person could land themselves in hot water because they didn't see the red flags through their foggy gaze at the world.

During this Virgo Season we are asked to go inward and to deal with our ego wounds We have been dealing with a challenging Mercury retrograde in Virgo and even a month prior to this retrograde, Mercury was causing chaos with information in the media, misinformation, computer glitches, problems with websites and social media platforms. We had to dot our i and cross our tees with communication and become more articulate than usual. Meanings have become lost in the translation and led to arguments. Virgo has felt more like Gemini than an Earth Sign during this retrograde which ends the day after the Virgo New Moon. But then we are still dealing with the Mercury retrograde shadow.

After Mercury goes direct only the outer planets are retrograde (Venus went direct on September 3). However, even after Mercury goes direct, Jupiter (another planet for travel) is retrograde so travel does not go well in September. It's a time of missed flights, cancelled connections, overbooked hotels, and baggage getting misplaced or lost. If you need to travel for business or for personal reasons, don't bring valuables with you. Don't bring anything of sentimental value with you. Travel with only what you need for the trip. If you were planning on bringing gifts for others, it's best to send those by post rather than to carry those gifts in your baggage. Bring disposable cameras with you rather than carry an expensive camera. Even phones can get lost or stolen. For international travel keep your passports safe.

The Pisces energy from the Pisces Full Moon leaves us feeling lost and confused the first two weeks of September up until the Virgo New Moon. Then when we enter Libra Season, hopefully, we have integrated the lessons that came with Virgo Season. We also are required to make adjustments with diet and lifestyle so that we balance our health prior to Libra Season which is all about balance, justice, and other topics that are connected to Virgo but become refined with Libra.


Virgo New Moon

This is the best Moon to make dietary or other lifestyle changes for greater health. The chart contains an opposition between Mercury (retrograde stationary) and Saturn in Pisces. While Mercury is comfortable in its own sign, Saturn is uncomfortable in Pisces because Saturn builds structure while Pisces dissolves it. This leaves us with brain fog and we're missing the details. It's not a good day to sign any contracts, despite the New Moon in Virgo. Mercury and Saturn toss in the wrench. Saturn at 2 degrees Pisces as it retrogrades to 0 degrees Pisces is in an out-of-sign T-cross with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Leo. That's strange enough in itself.

 Even if we only look at Venus in Leo squaring Jupiter in Taurus we are dealing with a change of values and even a sudden change in values which is extremely uncomfortable for Fixed Signs Leo and Taurus. And then further along Uranus is retrograde at 22 degrees Taurus so it's bringing surprises and unexpected events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions or eruptions in the financial markets or economy. It's also a revolutionary time as people en mass change or shift their values based on their current life circumstances that force them to awaken. 

 We also have a kite in this chart involving Earth and Water Signs so this means we are transcending our material needs or manifesting whatever we need at this time to enjoy our physical experience since the Earth is about embodiment of the physical plane. While it's true we can't take our wealth or possessions with us into the afterlife, we can still enjoy them while we're on the Earth. And we can enjoy sensual pleasures as long as we don't allow our egos to take the lead. If we do that we grow fearful of losing the things we value or love. We can become possessive despite Pisces being perfectly comfortable without having any possessions. Think of the monks and friars who gave up all their wealth. Saint Francis of Assisi comes to mind.


I feel that I gave you enough to digest and assimilate in regard to the Virgo New Moon. I hope you are able to benefit from these intense energies and make necessary changes to your life. It's easier to do during Mutable or Cardinal Seasons than the Fixed Seasons and Fixed energies we have experienced during most of 2023.

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