Aries Message (Chiron, Uranus, North Node, Eclipses)








I have Aries and Libra intercepted in my Natal chart so this means I feel hammered by Aries and I've experienced injustices in my life (Libra). This Aries Season has hit me hard but it also has me reflecting on major Aries transits which began in 2010 when Uranus began it's 9 year transit in Aries. Chiron began its transit in Aries in 2018 and so on.

This reminds me of a situation I have with my current apartment. The furnaces for the other apartments are in my apartment but I don't have access to a thermostat. With all this Aries energy, I don't have access to control the heat or the intensity. That's the challenge of intercepted houses or signs in a Natal Chart.

I believe the message is about a new beginning or a new world. It's about leaving the past behind and Aries is capturing our attention. It's impossible to ignore. 

The usual Uranus transit is 7 years. However, when Uranus entered Aries in 2010, the transit lasted for 9 years and entered Taurus in 2019. And during that time, we also had the North Node in Libra (South Node in Aries) in February 2014 to November 2015. Not only that, Uranus in Aries caught up to Pluto in Capricorn and formed several exact squares which rocked our world from 2012 until 2019. I remember eclipses in Libra and Aries also connected to this exact square (but I don't have the dates).

This was a time of relationship breakups, people leaving jobs, people losing homes (the mortgage crisis and the near collapse of financial institutions). From 2008 to 2012, after Pluto entered Capricorn we experienced sudden endings even if we heard the rumbles when Pluto was still in Sagittarius. When Uranus transited into Aries, we saw revolutions ranging from Occupy Wall Street to Arab Spring. And even if we didn't experience outer revolutions we experienced inner ones. (Does anyone even remember this time?)

The next big Aries transit was when Chiron entered the fire sign (April 2018 to February 2019) and will stay in Aries until 2026, the same year, Uranus moves into Gemini. Both Uranus and Chiron reminded us of our wounded inner children. This has been a time of revelations. Uranus reminded us of narcissistic parents, teachers, and other authority figures that robbed us of our childhoods and led us to bad partnerships in adult life. There was a flurry of life coaches specializes in healing clients from narcissistic abuse. But we saw this spectrum in personal lives and also from our own world governments.

Oddly, Chiron, which orbits between Uranus and Saturn, entered Aries when Uranus was completing its transit in that sign. And currently, Jupiter is in a conjunction with Chiron and during the Aries Equinox and the Aries New Moon and then the Aries Solar Eclipse (April 19-20) prior to the Sun and Moon moving into Taurus. With all this Aries energy happening around the same time Pluto dipped into a new sign, Aquarius, suggests a fiery revolution or at least revelations. What are we uncovering at this time to end the old ways. We must end the old ways or complete a cycle before a new beginning can occur. Aries is pushing for a new beginning. It reminds me of the Ace of Wands. This is also happening during spring which for me, is a new beginning.

However, if we are indeed entering a new era or epoch, we arrive like naked and vulnerable children (The Fool) as we begin a new journey around the Zodiac cycle. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces remind us that remnants of the Aries and the Pisces Age aren't going to die away any time soon. The patriarchs and their dark ways aren't just going to die. But we cannot keep our focus on them. If we rip away our focus from the patriarchs and focus on innovations and a pioneering spirit, it is us who births the New Earth.

The message of Aries is that we are given a gift of new energy. If we are willing to relearn and deprogram ourselves we have a better chance at creating a new world. The danger is clinging to the past through nostalgia or by clinging on to outdated relationships, jobs, and homes. It's time to connect our brains to our hearts but allow the heart to lead. This is frightening for most people because we've not done this before, even though it is the definition of Christ Consciousness.

The Golden Age is already within our hearts. We have past life memories of former golden ages and it's a matter of quieting our minds (not easy to do during Aries Season) so we receive guidance of how to return to the Garden of Eden (Lemuria). Happy journeys.


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