Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Aries--The Cowardly Lion Grows a Spine














Jupiter and the dwarf planet Chiron share much in common. Both are represented by half man half horse, both possess a strong masculine signature. Now, combine Jupiter and Chiron in the extreme masculine sign, Aries, and we can only wonder how this conjunction which is from March 11 to the 15 will play out. Add that Chiron represents the sage teacher and wounded healer. Chiron teaches us that the way through our worst wounds is to go through them, to reach the other side, forgive and accept that which we cannot change.

Now, you might be thinking that this conjunction isn't a big deal until you place it in the context of the powerful transits occurring in March. First, Saturn transits into Pisces after being in Aquarius for three years (and boy, that's been fun). This occurs on the same day as the Virgo Full Moon (March 7/8) so many of us will be paying closer attention to our health, our pets, our daily rituals, and the relationship between the mind-body-spirit or soul.

Then if that's not enough, a few days later, we experience the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction as Jupiter speeds his way through Aries to arrive in Taurus in May. This reminds me of drivers on the highway passing cars and speeding away only to end up behind a slow-moving semi-truck. Yes, Jupiter races through Aries like a Formula One driver only to arrive in the slowest and heaviest sign in the Zodiac Wheel. But, I'm getting ahead of myself because May seems like years away given what we have to contend with in March. I remind you to live in each moment, remember to breathe, and to remind yourself, "This too shall pass."

The Dark Lord of the Underground, Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23 and drills down on 0 degrees Aquarius until June 11, when Pluto does his retrograde dance back into hard-hitting Capricorn. Many spiritualists and astrologers are saying that Saturn moving into Pisces around the same time that Pluto dips into Aquarius coupled with a powerful Equinox on March 20, that humanity could shift consciousness, we're hoping anyway. But more likely, certain truths reveal themselves at this time that cause humans to rebel and to begin the process of taking back their power.

(Note:0 degrees Aquarius is where Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December of 2020).


Those of us who have already done that work, are preparing for massive spiritual ascension and to find out what it means to live in a 5D mindset and body in a 3D world. At some point we will have to choose permanently whether we will continue to reside in 3D or to rise to 5D.

The final transit that I'm keeping me eyes on is Mars moving out of Gemini into Cancer on March 25-26. This too is a big deal because Mars has been in Gemini since August of 2022. Mars has taught us the power of our thoughts, the power of words, and also the importance of taking action towards our true life missions. This is why I don't wring my hands over the big corporations laying off thousands of people. They are now getting back on track with the real reason they are on the planet at this time. And if many of them admit it, they'll realize they felt enslaved by their employers and were seeking freedom from the rat race, at least subconsciously. When the ivory towers crumble it's best to get out of the way or to be crushed by the rubble. Find a new route to the place we call home.

So, back to the Jupiter conjunction with Chiron which might seem insignificant among transits by the bigger players such as Saturn and Pluto (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto have played powerful roles since January of 2020). For some folks, this conjunction represents a dark night of the soul because when we lose everything we think we wanted, we begin to reflect and that leads to grief. But the dark night of the soul is an incubation period of immense spiritual growth, if we don't force ourselves to the other end of the tunnel, not that we could.

For some, this conjunction represents ending abuse cycles. This is when the battered wife finds a way out of a marriage or an employee quits a job after being enslaved by an institution. Or it could be that the wounds are from physical injuries or disease. One theme that has come up for me personally is when I first became chemically sensitive in my late 20s and for decades I thought my life had ended and that my dreams had the life beaten out of them.


 And on top of that I dealt with psychological and emotional abuse from family members, bosses, and landlords. I also experienced grace from unexpected people and situations. My Chiron wound was that I felt useless and invisible despite the gifts and talents God had blessed me with. Now, in my 50s, I know better and I'm wiser from my experiences.

Jupiter will exaggerate and expand upon the Chiron wound whatever that is for each of us. We might feel inadequate, socially awkward or not be able to conform to societal standards. We long for an adventure but we don't explore that adventure because of perceived limitations. But because this conjunction happens in the Cardinal Fire Sign, Aries, we are like the Cowardly Lion from the book and movie, The Wizard of Oz and this time we are given the gift of strength and bravery so that we face our inner demons. For if we can face the inner demons than the monsters in the outer world can be melted like the witch in the movie.

Perhaps, there are some people who sell their homes, buy a camper van and head out for an adventure. This conjunction might surprise us if we listen to our souls instead of societal programming. Others might wish to live a larger life and buy a bigger home without allowing guilt to eat away at them. While others might just accept who they are, face their fears, and finally live the life they were meant to live.

March is a transformational month with each planet, including Venus in Aries, playing key roles in a synergistic dance. If we can imagine this dance in the sky the beauty of it would bring tears to our eyes. What I feel from March's transits is that the Universe loves us and is blessing us with these planetary signatures. Yes, they'll shake things up on the Earth but weren't we praying for change even though we fear it too? This spring expect monumental and permanent changes to occur. Bon Voyage!

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