12 Shadows (The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign)








We hear about shadow work often, but how do we discover our shadow? One way to find your shadow is to look up the darker side of your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. Warning: Your ego will try to deny your shadows. It will take courage to face and integrate your shadow. These descriptions might seem harsh and insulting but the intention if for integrating out shadows and becoming whole.

Air Signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)

The shadow for the three Air Signs is extreme detachment or the denial of emotions. When I use the term dissociation I'm not using the psychological definition of the word. If you have your Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign in an Air Sign then there is a good chance that you downplay your emotions and repress the emotions of others.

Libras get caught up in cult-like thinking such as Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction. They use toxic positivity to suppress high emotions in others. Because Libras need everyone and every situation to remain in balance, this causes the Libra person to detach and then slap a pretty bandage on another person's wounds. They enjoy telling people who are suffering that they created their reality. As if life was that simplistic.

On one hand, they can't handle other people's darker emotions, but on the other hand, Libra people can delve into dark territory and the project that on to others. If they feel uncomfortable around a topic important to another person, they will either change the topic or call the other person negative and then scapegoat that person. On the shadow side of Libra, these people can't handle their own darker emotions so they might escape into social activity including social drinking. Or they get lost in a relationship that turns co-dependent. One last shadow to mention for Libra is the role of the people- pleaser which combines with the perfectionist. Unfortunately, Bob Dylan said it best, "You can't please all the people all of the time." Sorry, but sometimes life is ugly and you have to show up anyway.

Gemini can talk out both sides of the mouth while pretending to care about a person's well-being and then in the next breath tell the person who is suffering to buck up and show a brave face. Gemini's also gets caught up in their own stories which is a combination of a tragic event in which they played the role of a victim and storybook hero. They repeat the same stories to the point where people don't want to hear about the stories any longer. Or they live in a fantasy world which they try to convince others is real. Sad to say it, but the darker side of Gemini is also mental illness or personality disorders such as narcissism, but those problems can happen with any of the Zodiac Signs.

Gemini is also guilty of condescending attitudes and they piss people off with their know-it-all stance. They might not be aware of their one upmanship when they put others down to make themselves look smarter. But Gemini people are not alone in this since Aquarius and Libra play by this game too.

Aquarius people don't get off the hook not even during the Aquarius Age. Aquarius people, on their shadow side, escapes into the future. Aquarius is similar to Libra in that people of this sign cannot stand any kind of drama or high emotional states. This sign is opposite Leo which is known for drama and ditto for Scorpio which also thrives on drama (squares Aquarius). But every sign contains its opposite so that means Aquarius can also become dramatic but they project this behavior on to others.

The other shadow worth mentioning is their aloofness, especially in intimate relationships. Their partners are confused about the status of a relationship. Is it just friendship or something else? Aquarius people can also come across as cold and without human emotions at times. This also confuses others, especially people who are mostly in the element of emotions/water. Aquarius people will also become shocking for the sake of it. They are the masters of shock and the purveyors of the unexpected.

Remember though we are talking about the shadow side here so we are not including the stellar qualities of any of the Zodiac Signs. 

Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio)

 The shadow that all water signs share is that they are secretive. They also can become invisible and ghost people or they become an unsolvable mystery for their loved ones.


The shadow side of Pisces is the addictive personality or mental illness. It's too easy for Pisces to get lost in a romantic fantasy. They can easily become addicted to tarot readings revolving around love. They obsess about an unobtainable love and believe that person is their destiny even if that person is happily married.

Pisces is susceptible to recreational drugs, drinking, and kinky sex, often involving the feet. They could become addicted to consumerism and have closets filled with shoes they will never wear, but can't help purchasing. Pisces also doesn't want to face reality or the truth of their situation. They might be alcoholic and everyone knows it but them. Or they might be involved in an extramarital affair and rationalize that the other person loves them when they are using them for sex.

The worse shadow of Pisces is co-dependence and similar to Cancer people they can become clingy or if the other person breaks up with them, they might stalk them, at least on social media. They refuse to let go when a relationship has ended. And they refuse to take responsibility for any mistake they made in the relationship. It's easier to play the role of a victim or a martyr which Pisces does better than any other Zodiac Sign. They are the master of the victim role and if they want to spiritually ascend then they must heal this tendency.

The shadows of Cancer include control and manipulation. They also are not beyond clinging to another person for dear life and smothering that person. To hide their vulnerable side they might seem grumpy or bitchy on the outside. They think they are tough cookies but other people only see the mushiness they try to hide behind their porcupine quills.

Cancer has a challenging time living in the present moment. They wax nostalgia and look at the past through rose-colored glasses or they play the role of the tragic queen. Or they suffer anxiety about the future which means they can never enjoy the moment. 

Similar to the other water signs, Cancer would rather act like a victim than to take responsibility for their lack of discernment in a situation. Why take responsibility for their actions when they can get others to feel sorry for them and validate their emotions? But this becomes tiresome for their friends and family members who at some point will just walk away out of frustration. Cancer people need to hone their intuition and listen to it so that they don't end up in dire situations. And Cancer, if you have to cling on to a partner or a friend or use manipulation to keep them around, then they were never your friend in the first place.

Scorpio is mostly known for using their stingers when they feel someone betrayed them. But most of the time no one betrayed them or they were caught in the crossfires of miscommunication. The dark side of Scorpio (and this is the darkest of the Zodiac Signs), is paranoia. It's like they are starring in a Hitchcock thriller and they don't know who they can trust. They trust the wrong people and then take it out on innocent bystanders.

Scorpio is also secretive and often they ghost people. They can also obsess about creepy mysteries and they love movies with blood and gore. They are not above watching horror movies and watching thrillers. They also like uncovering conspiracies and charging down that type of rabbit hole. They are intense and passionate which can also work against them especially when they get involved with people with mostly Air Signs. Last but not least, Scorpios can use sex as a weapon, especially if they are narcissistic. And if they have children they will use those children to manipulate a partner so that the partner never leaves them or else they can kiss their child good bye.

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

The qualities the three fire signs share in common is they are bratty, immature, and value their freedom over true connections with others. Then when others are upset with them, they flee to another part of the city or across the globe.

Similar to Gemini, Aries always has to be right. They also think they know it all and often times they will make fools of themselves to prove a point. But by this time, the person on the other end of the debate has left the room because of Aries' immature behavior. Aries can come off as childish and selfish. They come off as self-centered because they can suck all the air out of a room. When they don't get their way, they throw tantrums or suffer from road rage (remember Aries rules cars).

If Aries doesn't heal his or her wounds and integrate their shadows, this sign can become violent and destructive. Remember Aries is the god of war. While I didn't mention this with Libra, both Aries and Libra have a tendency to communicate in a passive-aggressive way. Aries can be direct and even ruthlessly direct but most of the time they will beat around the bush as if they are playing some kind of game with others. They have to win at all cost even if that means losing friends.Why should they care?

Leo is another sign that wants what it wants and will do whatever it takes to manifest their desire. They are great showmen and women and the show must go on 24/7 with them. They confuse onstage theater with off-stage drama, even high drama. They storm out of a room leaving people speechless if someone unintentionally insults them. They try to dazzle others with their high beams and instead blind others. They believe Shakespeare's famous words that the world is a stage and we are all players. Except Leo is always the star of the show even when we failed to cast them in that role.

The shadow of Leo is stubborn and petty, even vicious--think of a lion attack. Don't turn your back on an ambitious Leo or you might be ambushed from behind. On the darkest side of the spectrum, some Leos are grandiose narcissist and they look at others as their servants, even people higher up on the ladder. They feel entitled to the finer things in life even if they don't work for them. They expect handouts but are also too proud to ask when they need help. It's confusing, Leo.

Sagittarius fears being boxed in by others. Why should they make a commitment when they can play the field? The world is so vast and Sagittarius isn't going to stay in one town for the remainder of their lives. They get hives when someone asks them to settle down. Nope, don't box me in, they shout. This sign of the horse or satyr can become drunk and when they drink they come off as a vulgar Jack Nicholson character. They grow their hair long and don't take care of it. They dress sloppy and expect us to care about them. They forget to bathe or they disappear for weeks in a sprinter van only to turn up looking ragged. Or another shadow is to become addicted to recreational drugs or alcohol.

They're all about freedom for themselves and they'll wax dogma when anyone else asks for freedom, especially religious freedom. The shadow of Sagittarius is bigotry, sexism, and racism. It is intolerance --my way or the highway. When a Sagittarius is coming from their shadow, you cannot win an argument with them. They will cheat, steal and gamble your money (and lose it). And they will not take responsibility. It was your fault for putting your faith in them in the first place. You should have known better.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

 The shadows that the earth signs share are greed, ambition, and placing their personal comfort above everyone else. "Let them eat cake, if they're going hungry."

The darker side of Taurus oozes Venusian charm and they talk in a sweet voice laced with venom. Remember that their polar opposite sign is Scorpio. Taurus people might come off as lightness of being and oh, so charming as they stab someone in the back. They too could star in a Hitchcock thriller--think the Perkins character in Psycho. Or think of the prostitute with a heart of gold. Does anyone really believe that the Julia Roberts prostitute character in Pretty Woman was the clean-face innocent girl next door? She was selling her body for sex. Come on. Get real. I doubt their any Cinderella's on Sunset Boulevard hooking customers.

Other Taurus shadows are pettiness, selfishness, stubborn attitudes, and intolerance towards others who they deem vulgar (hello, shadow Sagittarius). These folks won't budge past their comfort zone and their shadows are overly traditional and old fashion. They have trouble adapting to new situations and no one would call them flexible. They enjoy their creature comforts to the expense of robbing others of a healthy and sustainable life experience. And this shadow is coming from an earth sign who doesn't care about the health of the planet.

Virgo's shadow is scathing and cruel. They become queens and kings of torment, manipulation, and control. They force perfectionism and people-pleasing traits onto their offspring. Then they are disappointed when their children don't measure up to their high standards. They might even drive their children to experience eating disorders and addictions. Or if the Virgo shadow doesn't have any children they will manipulate and control their environment (and the people in it).

Another shadow for Virgo is the co-dependence dance. They need someone else to depend on them so that they feel worthy. They will do anything to keep that person dependent on them even using manipulation and control. They will criticize the other person to the point where the person loses confidence in themselves or even the will to live. Or Virgo torments themselves into depression. The shadow of Virgo is also restless and suffers from itchy feet. They are never satisfied and will move several times during their lifetime. They also suffer from workaholism. 

The Devil card in the Tarot deck represents our final Zodiac Sign, Capricorn. This sign also suffers from workaholism and climbing up the corporate ladder. They are known as climbers in the Zodiac and they'll step on bodies to get to their destination when they are coming from their shadow. They will use underhanded tactics to make it to the top of their field or they'll cheat on taxes. They'll also rally against those less fortunate than them, "Pick yourselves up by your own bootstraps!"

Former President Richard Nixon came from his shadow side during the Watergate scandal. Elvis Presley came from his shadow side when he over indulged in food and alcohol. While Saturn and Capricorn are not known for excess this shadow is greedy, selfish, and doesn't care who they hurt on their path to success. But for Capricorns lost in their shadow self, it's lonely at the top so they are likely to suffer from depression and experience the heaviness of life. We might even compare the shadow side of Capricorn to Scrooge. And hopefully, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and the future shed light on this shadow and release Capricorn from hell.

It's possible that these shadows will seem overly harsh. I have channeled this message with the best of intentions. We cannot heal ourselves or become whole without acknowledging the ugly parts of our personalities known as the shadow. When we acknowledge our shadows and integrate them we become more conscious and mindful. We become full-blown human beings that are one-hundred percent lovable. But you might need to push your ego out of the way first. BTW, I also have three signs on this list so I have work to do on myself too. And yes, this is cringe-worthy.

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