Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces--Grand Shifts on Mother Earth


You would think Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in its own sign, Pisces would be old news by now. But wait...

Since Neptune and Pluto are outer planets and experience long orbits much of what transpires appears below the surface. It's like lava brewing under a volcano. And we already know that Pluto represents secretive or hidden situations and information. Pluto also seems to rule drama and Neptune rules illusions and deception. The transformation brought by these two planets is a slow journey.

Astrologers focused on the polarities of these transits. Some astrologers have focused on the formation of the New Earth and the glories of the Aquarius Age, even exclusively in some cases as if the news is only glowing. While others have taken a more gloomy outlook focusing on lies being revealed, disclosures, and natural disasters along with the fall of the current monetary systems.

But to be honest, Neptune and Pluto's transits have created and promoted both scenarios. We can't grow a new garden without clearing away the debris and the weeds. Humanity has been seduced by corruption and delusions for thousands of years if not longer so we can't expect the New World to emerge sparkly clean without doing some deep cleaning first. However, each of us is responsible for cleaning the metaphorical litter on our own streets instead of focusing on the pile of trash covering an empire.


Neptune and Pluto in the Early Degrees of Pisces and Capricorn


Pluto transited from Sagittarius into Capricorn in January of 2008. The economic bubbles that Pluto in Sagittarius created bursts almost immediately when Pluto switched signs. The banks and financial markets collapsed requiring bailouts. People lost homes due to unscrupulous mortgage loan practices and many people lost jobs too at this time. People either sold their cars to pay off debts or lived in their cars, and those were the lucky ones. While many people held onto their jobs and homes but barely.

People focused upon inequity and relied on their corrupt politicians to solve those problems despite the shady deals that were on political leaders (of all parties and affiliations) agendas. One leader would be booted out of office only to invite in a more passive-aggressive form of corruption. And one astrologer called politics a type of theater and I add delusional theater even a parody of the final scenes of The Wizard of Oz when the mighty wizard was just a man behind the curtain as vulnerable as everyone else.

Going home in our case was returning to our heart centers and practicing mindfulness or following the teachings of Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton as we created brain-heart coherence. We honed our intuitive skills and more people turned to spiritual practices to release trauma and suffering from their lives. And by 2011, spiritual webinars and spiritual YouTube channels were the rage as Neptune transited from Aquarius into Pisces. And by 2012, when Uranus transited into the fiery Cardinal Sign Aries, we were in for a wake-up call.

This was also the time of the ending of the Mayan Calendar (and 2021 was the ending of the Aztec Calendar). In Bellingham, Washington during this time, the city's residents pursued sustainable practices such as supporting local farmers and visitors as well as, shopping at natural food stores, going to the farmers' markets and promoting permaculture and green architecture. And all of that worked up until a point and that point was the rental and housing markets becoming out of reach for the average person (unless they purchased a home prior to 2015). While I mention Bellingham as an example, sustainable practices were emerging worldwide as people lived in another bubble economy, meaning no one was rushing to implement drastic changes yet.

Uranus in Aries challenged the status quo (mainly the privileged Elite) and Pluto joined forces but in the form of a square ushering a time of upheaval that came from the bottom up instead of the top down. But only a handful of humans read the memo, as they say because most humans if they could considered supporting transnational corporations and even going as far as to worship high-tech entrepreneurs who didn't have humanity as it's best interests. Meanwhile, shady deals and secret handshakes occurred behind the scenes and most people didn't bat an eye. And instead kept handing their hard-earned money to the consumer gods with the shady deals.

Neptune remained in a sextile with Pluto bringing out its shadows too by gravitating towards the powerful of illusions of wealth, mansions, and designer cars brought to you by the Law of Attraction or a greedy version of it. This brought out a rise in narcissistic and sociopath behaviors even in the average person who aspired to be just like the gods of consumerism that they worshiped. This reminds me of the Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle. 

"Hello darkness, my old friend. It's nice to talk to you again..."

And yes, Pluto brought out our shadows as we cast them and projected them onto the world without taking responsibility for them. This worked for a while but then the climate kicked dust in our faces in the form of super storms, super fires, record breaking temperatures, and dying oceans. How long could humanity play this game at the expense of all the other beings on Gaia? Well, they did so by living in the illusion that it was somebody else's fault.


Middle Degrees of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces


This is when the we fell deeper into the illusion of duality and most of us ignored the shadows and projections. Instead of becoming empowered by owning our shadows we played the roles of passive-aggressive victims and martyrs while ignoring the red flags. Videos on narcissism and other mental constructs littered YouTube and blogs. But this did not stop us from electing leaders that mirrored narcissism back at us. It's as if we need to watch the theater (yes, that word again) of narcissism play out before us so that we could witness the damage. Or we were wounded by narcissistic parents and authority figures so it just felt familiar to us.

Then the Neptune and Pluto gained momentum and intensity as people's eyes were glued to their television sets, computers, and phones. Instead of developing Unity Consciousness (the lighter side of Neptune in Pisces) people followed the lead of politician and corporate media by dividing into camps and playing the blame and shame game. Political processes which is supposed to serve the people became stages with spotlights and drama galore with nothing good coming from the trenches of idealism.

It was like a childhood game of cowboys wearing black hats fighting with cowboys wearing white hats. Friends parted ways due to different political beliefs and families splintered for the same reason. And if the battles weren't fought over politics (Pluto) they were fought over religious beliefs (Neptune). But at least Uranus (the Planet of Awakening) entered the sign for Taurus and this led us to explore our true values. Do we really value consumerism and politics over friendship and family?

Meanwhile, drastic changes with the climate, immigration, atrocities towards other humans and non-humans grabbed our attention even if we wished we could have looked away. Some of us asked how will we ever experience Unity Consciousness with all this drama creating noise and havoc in the world? We equally gave our power away to demigods and despots as if God created us as wimps with no personal or spiritual power of our own.

But now, as Pluto and Neptune complete their respective transits in Capricorn and Neptune, the tides are changing and energy is finally shifting.

Neptune and Pluto in Final Degrees (And Uranus in Taurus)

With two outer planets currently in Earth Signs and Neptune in Pisces until 2025 we bring out the clean-up crew. People are finally waking up to the real laws of manifestation as well as, resolving their past life karma.

While it seems like we are facing the twelfth hour before doomsday sets in, we are faced with a plot twists of the emerging of a New Earth. But we will only get their if we wipe the slate clean of Pluto's power plays and Neptune's delusions. We are seeing the truth whether we like it or not. No one is squeaky clean and there aren't bad guys and good guys. There is just collective karma on a grand scale and we must face up to it and resolve our part in it.

The situations that most of us have faced have been abusive and traumatic whether that is in the birth family, our communities, or on the planet. We have seen corruption and abuse on many levels as we have also uncovered secrets that cause us to swoon and faint. But this dark theater has been there for all ages and only seems more intense now because we are stuck in the middle of it. However, are we playing the role of conscious observers or are we bit players sharing the spotlight with the despots? We do have the option of exiting the theater and not playing the game or witnessing it at all. We have powerful minds that as a collective and create a new reality right now.

Yes, we are waking up and I give us credit for that. This is a painful process for some and for others it is liberating. Ah-hah, so I caught the culprit or we discovered the underlying problems so now we move forward. We see that we must stop giving our power away to political parties, to religious organizations, academic institutions, science, or various groups we deem worthy of surrendering our sovereignty.

If we choose to ascend to the New Earth then we must clear away the illusions and leave the theater to lead our own lives following values that are true to us (Uranus in Taurus). It's better to become a spectator than a player here or again create a new reality. It's better to reclaim your personal power give to you by the Creator and to stop trying to fit into a system that doesn't work for everyone, if anyone.

It's time to move away from fear and to embrace love. For it is from Neptune's love and Unity Consciousness that we dive deeply into our hearts and make choices that honor us. Healing never comes from following the path where fear leads. Healing only comes from making decisions from the heart. Freedom never comes from sacrifice or suffering. Only resentment and hostility comes from that path.

While Pluto has dug deep into the underworld uncovering slimy creatures of lies and deception, Neptune has tricked us by pulling feel-good new age spirituality over our eyes. While it's not a good idea to get caught up in the dark conspiracies floating around in the world, it's also not healthy to use new age concepts as another addiction or form of escapism. We must equally face the demons as we also embrace the gods within. Obviously, spiritual practices have a place but only when they open our hearts and connect our minds to our hearts for the highest good of all.

If we are to embrace the Unity Consciousness which is the higher octave of Neptune we must clean house first. We must come clean and stand naked and vulnerable before the real God or the Cosmic Mind and not in front of the twin gods of consumerism and destruction. Yes, Pluto brings destruction but only similar to the demolishing of an old structure to make room for the new. Pluto is also the sign of rebirth and new beginnings. Pluto is also the sign of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

In January of 2024, Pluto transits into Aquarius where it will tackle high-tech and big science while ushering an age of fairness and equality. Then the following year, Neptune transit into Aries which might just remind us of the hero's journey or an age of chivalry. Then in 2026, Uranus transits into the Mutable Air Sign Gemini. And all that will have to wait until another blog post.


Thank you for reading my article. If you enjoyed it, you can tip the writer. Also, check out Astrologer Patricia on YouTube and sign up for a session with me. I also have three metaphysical channels on Vimeo: The Lyra Star Messenger (channeled messages from the Lyrans), Whole Music Experience, and Healthy Life Tarot.

#Neptunetransits, #Plutotransits, #astrology, #humanityevolution, #aquariusage


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