The Truth About Zodiac Sun Signs

Since I'm an astrologer you probably wonder why I came up with the title, The Truth about Zodiac Sun Signs. First, I believe astrology as a metaphysical and even psychological tool works well for people on a journey of self-exploration. Second, in my years of studying and working with astrological concepts, I've learned the difference between entertainment and true metaphysics.

And finally, I've learned that even though there are kernels of truth embedded in astrological entertainment such as horoscopes and the Sun Signs, astrological entertainment gives astrology a bad reputation. The more logical personalities want astrologers to back up their work. And there are astrological historians and researchers in the academic realm who fit that bill.

However, the problem with placing astrology in the academic realm is it causes most peoples' eyes to glaze over with boredom. It involves statistics and dry data, hardly the stuff for the average consumer of alternative spiritualty. So, I'm taking the middle road with this blog post by explaining the complexity of a chart reading to reveal why a person cannot just rely on their Sun Sign for career choices, life choices, or the right partnership.

My Early Background with Astrology

My first encounter with astrology was through the Zodiac Signs. I asked for a gold pendant of the Cancer Crab as a birthday present when I was ten-years-old. At the time, I only knew of two Zodiac Signs--Cancer and Capricorn so I asked people if they were either Cancer or Capricorn. Then three years later I met an Aquarius and that opened my eyes to the other signs. Obviously, this was not a good beginning to becoming an astrologer later in life.

While I attended college and even in my early twenties, I still only focused on the 12 Zodiac Sun Signs. I consumed the horoscope books focusing on Sun Signs, until I found Donna Cunningham's Moon Signs book. But I also memorized astrologer Linda Goodman's Sun Signs and Love Signs books. Then, finally, I met with a professional astrologer and had a chart interpretation. That was when my real journey into astrology began.

Astrology is not for Dilettantes 

Even though I began reading astrological tomes (the academic and psychological gazes at astrology), I still encountered people wanting to know if an Aquarius could find happiness with a Cancerian. If we only had the Sun Signs to work with, I would say no. But obviously, we are more complex than our Sun Signs. In fact, we also have a Rising or Ascendant Sign determined by the time of our birth, and placements for a total of ten planets and that does not include the asteroids, such as Chiron.

Then we go further, at least in Western Astrology, to include house systems such as Placidus, Koch, etc and twelve Natal Houses where the planets land during our moment of birth. Our Natal Charts are our soul blueprints and our planetary signature. Even twins have different Natal Charts even if just by minutes.

One does not become an astrologer overnight. A budding astrologer can attend a university or college that includes astrological training. Or they can train with an advance astrologer. Or they can train themselves which takes the most discipline. I taught myself over the course of twenty years while I had other work and careers on the side. I'm also an author of novels, a musician, and a spiritual medium, among my many passions.

To go beyond the Sun Sign involves a lot of reading, researching, and reading Natal Charts. But prior to reading or interpreting a chart, we become well acquainted with the energies and attributes of the planets, the asteroids, the house system we work with, and transits. We watch for patterns and events that occur with the transits, but this is mainly for Mundane and Predictive Astrology.

Relationship astrology or chart synastry is another story. While an astrologer is required to understand the house systems, the planets, and the angles and degrees between the houses, they also are required to work with the Moon nodes and be able to compare two or more charts to look for challenges and gifts in a partnership. So, it's not as easy as does a Cancer Sun person make a good partner for a Sagittarius Sun person. It also helps if they are diplomatic with the interpretations and possess excellent interpersonal communication skills.

What to Look For in Good Synastry

No partnership is doomed if neither partner is narcissistic, abusive, or co-dependent. And that's for a clinical counselor or psychologist to sort out. I like the saying by the Master Healer Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, "If you want to know if a pear is sweet, then taste it."

Observe and witness your interactions and your partner's interactions and responses in the partnership. How do you or the partner respond under stressful situations? Are you comfortable with those responses? Can you discuss them in a non-threatening manner? Do you require couple counseling? Or is the problem astrological? The best way to find out is to try the couple counseling first and if the counselor is open to also working with an astrologer, that proves helpful in some cases.

However, astrology brings us deeper understanding of our soul blueprints and our natural urges. There is some truth in the attributes of our Sun Signs, just was there are truths in the attributes of our Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury Signs. When we blend all those truths together we come up with a whole person. In the case of a partnership, we come up with two whole people.

Each of the planets, just like each of the Natal Houses represent different areas of our lives and our psyche or even our bodies. Mercury rules the mental process. The Moon represents the way we deal with emotions and emotional situations. The Rising Sign and the Midheaven points in a chart represent people's first impressions of us as we walk into a room or into their lives. Venus represents our values and our relationships with women. Mars represents our drive, passion, ambition, and the way we wield our personal energy in the world as well as, men in our lives or the types of men we prefer to have in our lives.

For partnerships we look for flowing aspects between each of the partner's personal planets. However, squares and oppositions bring dynamics into a partnership preventing it from becoming stale and stagnant. We look for the placement of the North Node of the other partner. We look for where the partner's planets fall into the chart of the client. Some clients want to know if they are soul mates or if they are destined to be together like in a fairy tale. The real question is do you have the attributes within you to commit to a relationship that will experience both ups and downs? Why put so much pressure on a partner to play the role of your soul mate or worse yet, a twin flame? Everyone has something to offer us on our life path.

It's not enough just to study the symbols on the chart. We also ask the partners how those aspects play out in their individual as well as, the partner's lives. Even reading a Natal chart doesn't reveal how far the client has traveled on their soul journey since their birth. They might have been born with a tendency towards dysfunctional situations but overcame those tendencies through therapy and self-help tools.

More Truths about the Sun Signs Revealed

During a nightly meditation also known as traveling in the Astral Plane, I came across relevant descriptions of the 12 Zodiac Signs. For instance, we often project our opposite Sign to the world. An Aries person might play the role of a peacemaker and a Libra person might fight hard and ferociously for justice. A Cancerian might choose a career above motherhood and a Capricorn might choose fatherhood over career.

An Aquarius might act like a rock star and you would mistake him for a Leo given the amount of time he hogs the stage and the spotlight. Whereas, a Leo, especially if she has her Sun in the 12th Zodiac House might shy away from the public and become an animal rescuer. Likewise, a Taurus might become a vegan forgoing the cliche diet of meat and potatoes often associated with the Bull. And a Scorpio with a 12th House Sun might act more like a Sagittarius, especially if he has his Mercury in his Sagittarius 1st Natal House.

When it comes to the guess my Sun Signs parlor game, it's impossible for me to guess someone's Sun Sign if their Sun falls in the 12th Natal House because any planet in that house is hidden from view, even to the person with that placement. I once met a Taurus woman who had no sense of beauty and she was a photographer. She was more interested in capturing truth and communicating through her photographs because of her Gemini Ascendant. She also had the gift of gab which is not associated with the Sun Sign Taurus.

And there's one more truth I want to leave readers with and that is any planet that's in conjunction with the Sun will color the Sun. So, if a person was born with a Cancer Sun in conjunction to Pluto, the Sun takes on a Plutonian or Scorpion quality. This Cancer Sun person will seem doubly mysterious and secretive. They would choose motherhood but mainly to keep the bloodlines going instead of having children to nurture.

Sign up for a Natal Chart session 

I will only be giving Natal Chart readings through the end of 2020. After that, I will give astrological coaching sessions for career transitions and keep my YouTube channel Astrologer Patricia going through Patreon donations.


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