Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (For the 12 Zodiac Signs)
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Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (February 16 - March 9, 2020)
Since it is tedious work to discuss transits for 12 Zodiac Signs, I often refrain from writing articles of that nature. I appreciate the hard-working astrologers who take the time to share those details. Overall, a Mercury retrograde, like any planetary retrograde asks us to slow down and breathe. The problem is most people will ignore this post and if they read the article, they'll ignore my advice to their detriment. This is because we live in fast-paced societies where doing holds more weight than being.
It goes beyond that. Each planet and sign corresponds to a part of the body. Mercury with its association with the Mutable Signs Gemini and Virgo focuses on the hands, lungs, the brain, nervous system, digestive system, intestines (small) and spleen. And we can add, the feet which are associated with Pisces since the Mercury transit occurs in this sign. If we don't slow down, we experience disease or discomfort in those parts of the body. We could also experience addictions and mental imbalances.
Mercury retrograde is asking us to slow down and to pay attention to our bodies and how our thoughts and emotions impact our bodies. I remember during the 1980s when Louise Hay's groundbreaking book, You Can Heal Your Life and we matched our illnesses with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. While this wisdom has been incorporated into numerous new age practices, at the time of the publication, this was mind-blowing because we were still under the assumption that physical illnesses were manifestations of something outside of us and not our internal dialogues.
Since Mercury rules communication and in this case, spiritual communication from our past, we might just find ourselves returning to new age books that have grown dust on our shelves. And if we tossed those books out years ago, we might find ourselves in a used bookstore (yes, they still exist) with one of those books grabbing our attention. If that happens to you, follow the synchronistic thread and see where it takes you.
The thing about the planet Mercury is it is always communicating to us. We ignore this planet for the most part until it goes retrograde and then people blame every mishap on this trickster planet. Mercury has to go retrograde every three to four months because it travels too far ahead of the Sun and I believe more chaos happens when Mercury is furthest away from the Sun. Even in personal astrology, astrologers tell us that brilliance in a chart can show up as tight conjunction between the Natal Sun and the Natal Mercury (I remember learning this early on in my astrological training). A person with Sun-Mercury conjunction less than a 5-degree orb is brilliant whether or not they acknowledge that part of themselves.
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Think of the sign Gemini which loves playing games, especially games involving language, words, and trivial knowledge. Gemini is prone to gossip on its darker side because Gemini needs to satisfy its curiosity. Virgo, the other co-ruler of Mercury has a dark side too, and that is it tends to gripe, criticize and find everything broken and in need of repair. But on the light side, Virgo can remedy and heal, and resolve situations. However, neither of the co-rulers of Mercury feels comfortable with Pisces energy because Pisces asks us to expand our consciousness, merge instead of criticizing others and find spiritual solutions that aren't based on logic.
Spiritual teachers and card readers reveal an amazing journey of transformation in store for all of us no matter our Zodiac Sign. However, let me break down this journey into 12 pieces which are in all of us no matter where our Sun, Moon, or Ascendant are placed in our charts. Pisces asks us to see the whole picture and not just pieces of it. Our Natal charts represent our holistic selves so in addition to looking up the signs for your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, also look for the cusp/house where you have Pisces because that's where this retrograde theater plays out for you.
I'm starting with Pisces for this article.
Pisces (Neptune, Jupiter, 12th House)
Pisces people feel this Mercury retrograde the most powerfully. This is a time for allowing yourself to daydream and to fantasize about the life you desire rather than ruminating on situations that frustrate you or leaving you feeling stuck. This is a time for returning to an old dream or to return to musical or another artistic expression. Stop believing that you're too old to dance, to practice yoga, to meditate, or to sing. Stop believing in limitations because what you believe you create. Consider creating a more expansive life for yourself. Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo people from your past could return now for resolution or for renewed friendship.
Aries (Mars, 1st House)
Slowing down is not your cup of tea. But Aries, if you don't slow down during this Mercury retrograde, you make rash and impulsive decisions that you'll regret later. Your patience grows thinner during the retrograde and you want to get things done and get things done now. But if you push at this time, you won't enjoy the results. Instead, learn to meditate or join a kundalini yoga class or better yet, join a Bikram yoga class and sweat out toxins. Whatever you do, give your brain a rest. Unity consciousness is key now and you'll need to heal your "me-first" attitude. You find yourself returning to sage advice given to you years ago. That advice is just as valid now as it was then, except now, you're ready to listen and to act on that advice.
Taurus (Venus, 2nd House)
Take this time to rest through yoga and breathwork. This is a good time for energy healing or learning how to perform reiki. The Pisces energy flows with you allowing you to experience the natural world on a deep level. You find that Gaia truly communicates to you and you transform her messages into poetry and songs. If you are a bodyworker or healer, you are able to help other people ground and center in spiritual awareness that Pisces lovingly provides. If you are an artist of any kind, allow Pisces to inspire you and even inspire you to return to an artistic path you left decades ago. I see many of you using your voice or healing, storytelling, broadcasting, or entertainment.
Gemini (Mercury, 3rd House)
For you, I'm recalling that book, All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum. If you're too young to have read this book, go find it and read it. I also recommend learning and then teaching non-violent communication. With your planet in Pisces, it is asking you to return to spiritual lessons and to even place logic in the closet for the time of the retrograde. Expand your mind and grow your consciousness. You might remember lessons you learned from other kids or neighbors while you were in grade school. Or you might make peace with a sibling or cousin during this time. If you work in the communications field consider sharing your spiritual side with others (if you haven't done so already) because the results will surprise you.
Cancer (Moon, 4th House)
Cancerians feel blessed with the benevolent energies of any planet transiting in Pisces. It's time to climb out of your shell and get outside. Connect with animals, nature, and other humans with a gentler personality. This is not a time of strategies, logic, or figuring stuff out. This isn't even time to make a move on the chessboard of life. Speak through sound or light language (if you have that ability) and allow yourself to paint with broad strokes of emotions. You feel like the Pied Piper where children are concerned. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable, tender, and raw and at the same time, set appropriate boundaries with others who exploit your generosity. Join the Pisces Rainbow Tribe and set your voice free.
Leo (Sun, 5th House)
Use your imagination to create art or something useful for all of humanity. Teach others how to find peace through play. This is time to express your talents on stage but not for the sake of ego but to unify people from different walks of life. Sing, dance, paint, or write stories. If that's not your thing, use public speaking to open hearts and to spread love. Give up fixed ideas and consider a more expansive view as vast as the Universe. Shine your light like the Sun on everyone without discrimination. This is a time to give to charity or to spread the concept of generosity in the world. Instead of waiting for someone to rescue you, lift up another. Refrain from personal or global drama. Keep the play on the stage.
Virgo (Mercury, 6th House)
Logic and discernment have their place but not during a Mercury in Pisces retrograde. Refrain from judging and criticizing others at this time because your critical eyes only harm those who you love. Remember that everyone is on their own path and walking at their own pace. If you want to fix the world then merge with the Creator/Source/Divine Love. Go on a spiritual adventure or retreat into the woods. Virgo is most happy when alone playing the role of the hermit. The irony is that when you are completely alone you meld with the consciousness of all beings. This is when you hear the voice of God or the Goddess. And in those voices, you'll find perfection and know that there is nothing to fix.
Libra (Venus, 7th House)
The urge to merge is stronger than ever. Look for a partner on the same path or at least the same page as you. Let go of the need to control and know that all is well and you are safe. If a partnership is not working out, this is not the time to fight it. Merge with the Pisces energy and allow Mercury retrograde to dissolve any partnership not suited for you or equal to your spiritual path. You are never alone and the Universe supports you. Find balance through meditation, yoga, dance, sound healing, and breathwork. Take time for yourself and merge with the natural world.
Scorpio (Mars, Pluto, 8th House)
If you work as a psychologist, coach, or therapist, go deep with your clients. Mercury retrograde in Pisces helps you take your clients back through time and you cut through the veils of consciousness. If you're not a practitioner use this energy to discover your own past lives and subconscious mind. Heal and resolve old patterns so that you can expand your consciousness. Kundalini yoga goes well now. Some of you finally emerge out of a lengthy Dark Night of the Soul completely transformed and you reclaim your personal power. Rise like the phoenix from the ashes of your life. You won't believe the new you and neither will your loved ones. Dissolve limitations.
Sagittarius (Jupiter, 9th House)
Make peace with people from other cultures or spiritual backgrounds by going on an adventure with them. Publish books about spiritual consciousness or fantasy novels (that you wrote in the distant past). It's time to revisit a favorite place by the sea. If you can't visit the actual place then at least connect with people in that location through long-distance communication. Learn astronomy or about space travel. You contemplate interstellar travel and you spend time in the Astral Plane where you learn wisdom at the feet of ancient masters. Read Gregg Braden's books or any books that combine science with metaphysics in an exciting way. Use this Pisces energy to merge with all that is and will ever be.
Capricorn (Saturn, 10th House)
Before taking any forward steps in your career or launching any new projects, return to the drawing boards from long ago. This is a time for retrieving talents and skills from previous lifetimes. This is a time of revisiting old lessons and stale situations. Pisces and Gemini people return to you now. If the situations leave you feeling content then you resolved tensions with those people and if not; here is your chance for resolution. This will help you move forward on your life path. Clear up old business and dissolve it in Pisces light. Instead of constantly climbing the mountain surrender to the ascension process by letting go of your foothold or where you think you're supposed to be.
Aquarius (Saturn, Uranus, 11th House)
Aquarius you share the Mercury retrograde with Pisces. Mercury travels back to 28 degrees Aquarius before turning direct. This is because each of us must tune into the collective. First, we do this through spiritual expansion and then we revisit our neuropathways to heal them through energy healing. And remember that our thoughts and beliefs shape how we experience sickness or wellness in our bodies. Never replace spiritual wisdom with logic or book knowledge. It's a challenge for Aquarius people to grasp the Pisces message but really, all you need to do is open your hearts and to surrender to a loving and breathing eternal and external God (Goddess).
Want to explore the evolution of your soul and your unique soul blueprint? Sign up for a personal session with me. I offer astrology chart readings, card readings, and spiritual channel sessions. Sign up through the blog form and payment here.
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