Stunning End-of-a-Decade Transits (Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune & Mars)
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As we are underway in the Capricorn Season, I'm mentioning some powerful transits that end out 2019 and bring closure for the decade. With Chiron at one degree Aries, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury, not to mention the Capricorn Solar Eclipse on the 25/26th square Chiron. On a more flowing side Jupiter forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus and this feels like a boon for anyone with planets in the Earth Signs.
So, I'm going to break this down by looking at the Chiron transits first, then I'll look at what is happening with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the other planets.
The first planet in Capricorn to square Chiron is Jupiter. Jupiter moves out of the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sagittarius and on December 2, transits into Capricorn where it begins a square with Chiron. From December 5 through 8, Jupiter forms an exact square with Chiron--the Wounded Healer. Since both planets are symbolized by the centaur, we see a sense of expanding and leaving an old wound behind or exaggerating that wound.
This could show up as a lucky opportunity that feels completely unnatural to an Aries or a Capricorn person (this could also affect Cancer and Libra people). The tendency would be to shrink from the opportunity instead of to take a leap of faith. It is important to muster courage and respond to the opportunity since it is most likely an once-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, many of the December transits carry a sense of urgency (act now or regret it later).
Problems with the thighs and hips might also surface now or some people might have an exaggerated perception of their thighs such as seeing them as too fat or unattractive. Or it might actually be the right time to go on a diet to lose weight gained when Jupiter was in Sagittarius for 13 months. This is especially true for people with a Sagittarius Ascendant or Jupiter in the First House. But I'm thinking that the thighs are fine and it's the perception of body image that is screwy.
The Sun squares Chiron on the 22nd, a day after the Solstice so people with their planets within 0 to 5 degrees of a Cardinal Sign are going to suffer a blow to their identity. This wake up call asks you to heal childhood wounds with the father or about feeling invisible to authority figures. The insignificance you experience is an illusion. You are as special as the next person. You probably discount your talents and intelligence and it's time to stop and reflect on what's true about you even with help from a motivational coach.
On the 29th, Mercury squares Chiron. People who experience their childhood wounds during this square will seem childish or as if they are throwing tantrums. And children born around this time will seem to act out more during this transit. This transit especially feels prominent to people born in the 1970s when Chiron transited in Aries. And what's happening most likely, is that father issues haven't been addressed. And now, there are some people who are going to confront their fathers. But it would be better to work with a therapist or a coach because otherwise, a situation could turn violent or at least, aggressive.
Anyone with Cardinal Signs in the first 5 degrees are especially vulnerable now to blow ups and blowouts or childish behavior. There is a feeling of unfairness and even squabbling with siblings. Since Mercury also rules neighbors take extra precautions when dealing with troublesome neighbors, breathe deeply and count to ten before confronting them. Better yet, look for a mediator to ease the tension. This shall pass, but be specially wary around the Capricorn Solar Eclipse.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the planets are creating a crowd in Capricorn. This includes personal planets such as Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon towards the end of the month, but also heavy players Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. The South Node is also in Capricorn and Venus transits in Capricorn until the 20th when she moves into Aquarius and squares Uranus in Taurus.
Speaking of Venus, she forms a duo with Saturn on the 10th and comes across as a stern female authority figure--think Nancy Pelosi in the US. Women gain strength and patience mid-December which lasts until the end of the month. Then if that's now powerful enough, Venus hooks up with Pluto on the 13th. We have seen women gaining power and momentum worldwide and we have also seen attacks on women. We've seen women who were sex-trafficked coming forward in the media and we have seen women grace the covers of Life and Time magazines (Greta Thunberg and Michelle Obama). Expect more women regaining their power in 2020.
When Venus squares Uranus from the 21st through the 25th, including during the Solar Eclipse, expect some shake-ups with the Earth, some strange weather, and the Divine Feminine asserting herself. Talk about the climate and the environment erupt or reach a breaking point. Don't be surprised if protests led by grassroots groups reach a crescendo or spill onto to the steps of capitols and government headquarters worldwide. Expect young women to speak out on behalf of Gaia.
Venus flirts with Mars in Scorpio at the beginning of the month and this sets a tone for relationships and partnerships. Even those of us who don't obsess about romantic partnerships find ourselves longing for a partner during December. Part of that has to do with the loneliness a single person feels during the holidays. And how many Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, or Bridget Jones movies must we watch to ease our discomfort. Being single during the holidays sucks, especially when the planets Venus and Mars hook up and send out sexual energy.
We'll be hearing a lot from Jupiter in December 2019 and 2020 because the planet transit in Capricorn. It forms flowing aspects with Uranus and Neptune, and creates powerful dynamics through conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto. But Jupiter and Saturn's most powerful pair-up happens when both planets transit in Aquarius a year from now.
With Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn in December, our power to manifest on the physical plane is more powerful than ever, especially with an exact conjunction mid-month and spilling over into January. More than ever, be careful what you wish for because you might just have to live out the manifestation. However, I watched a Matt Kahn video recently with the title about the Spiritual Kung-Fu. The spiritual teacher told us to bless unwanted situations with positive outcomes. An example is if someone cuts you off on the road, intend a blessing that every time someone cuts you off when you're driving peace fall upon the Earth (use your imagination when creating these blessings).
I'm going to end this long post. If you want to know more about the Winter Solstice or the Capricorn Solar Eclipse, please check out my videos on my YouTube channel Astrologer Patricia.
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