The Reasons Behind the Missing Astrology Forecasts

Well, it's not a mystery that I stopped posting Moon transits a few Moons ago. When I first launched this blog, I lived in a permanent home. I posted regularly and I never missed the New and Full Moon transits. However, for the past several years, I have carried the burden of healing the housing crisis on the planet. I haven't done this work alone since millions of light workers and spiritual warriors shift this energy now.

I have also learned the importance of reaching out to subscribers and the spiritual community in general. I am not able to keep writing these posts for free. When I do that, I end up living in hotels or in between homes. The lack of stability translates into Moon transits falling by the wayside. I don't do this on purpose. Astrology take intense concentration and I can't just shift gears from the survival mode to complete focus and paying attention to details (which are many in astrology).

If you would like to see more thoughtful Moon transit posts and other transit posts in the future of this blog, please donate through Patreon (monthly donations) or PayPal.

Thank you, Blessings and Namaste


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