Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019--Purity of Intention

photo by Patricia Herlevi, All Rights Reserved
If you have strong Virgo in your natal chart or if you were born when Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo (1960s), then this New Moon is going to rock your world. It could also rock the world in the form of earthquakes because all the personal planets will be in Virgo squaring Jupiter and opposing Neptune. Plus Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto are also in Earth Signs. It won't get any more earthy than this New Moon.

So, what does this mean for each of the Zodiac Signs?

Mutable Signs

Virgo--Nervous energy could cause panic attacks if you don't find a physical outlet to relieve mental energy. Practice yoga, go for a swim, or a hike. Get your body moving. You'll want to take care of the small details before diving into the bigger picture. However, you are thinking holistically and every area of your life gets a boost from the Virgo energy. Go on a maiden voyage or somewhere in the physical or the mental realms where you have not been before. Just don't get caught up in perfectionism since all of us are already perfect in our imperfections.

Pisces--Use this Virgo energy to pay attention to details and for a reality check. You have drifted out to sea for too long. Come back to the earth and get grounded through meditation and yoga. Dance or playing music will also help you with any stressful situations that surface around the Moon. Make friends with practical people but also own that side of yourself. You are not a helpless victim but a powerful force. Harness your dreams to Neptune and adopt the optimistic attitude of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Realize your dreams by combining manifestation with physical effort.

Sagittarius--Virgo energy feels too critical and scathing to you. You talk about your dreams and the Virgo people crush those dreams. But we still need your optimism to help us from falling into the trap of analysis paralysis. Remind us what it means to live an unexamined life and to live our lives on our own terms. Jupiter squares Neptune but this just takes you into deeper cosmic territory. Go where no Sagittarius has gone before. I know, that's a tall order.

Gemini--Even though Virgo energy squares your sign, you both share rulership with Mercury. Use this energy to edit or perfect projects. Use this energy to promote a book or give a lecture. Use this energy to pitch projects that involve writing and speaking. Just like Virgo people, you'll need a physical outlet to release tension. You might suffer from insomnia between the Virgo New Moon and the Pisces Full Moon (9-13).

Cardinal Signs

Cancer--With the North Node still in Cancer, Chiron in Aries, the South Node, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn, you're not able to resist death, rebirth, and transformation. You might find this Virgo New Moon brings on panic attacks and digestion upset. Go easy on foods that might cause you allergies and stick to a bland diet for at least two weeks.  You're feeling extremely emotional but with so many planets in the Earth element find ways to ground yourself. Like Virgo and Gemini, exercise is going to help you stay in balance. Hang out near the sea for the best results. And listen to the songs of whales. Animals especially require your loving attention.

Capricorn--You earthy goats will experience a financial boost or windfall when you take your eyes off your bank accounts. When you stop looking for work, employment finds you and in unexpected ways. You've been too hard on yourself and have spun on the wheel of perfectionism and or whipped yourself for too long. I have an image of the famous saint whipping himself. The Universe wants to bless you but it's going to wait for an unexpected moment and surprise you. If you're looking for a loving partner, make room in your life for him or her to enter. You deserve love. We all do.

Libra--All of the personal planets are hanging out in the unseen realm of your 12th House. If you want to unlock the magic of those planets, it's time to go on a spiritual retreat or at least take a meditation workshop. Take a break from pleasing everyone else or becoming hypercritical due to resentment that has built up. Forgiveness is a verb as much as a noun. Through the act of forgiving others and forgiving yourself, you discover a whole new world as you give birth to a new you during the Libra New Moon a month away.

Aries--You rebel against the earthy energy. Boredom has struck. Well, all that Earth energy asks you to show up as an adult. Pay attention to the details of your life that require careful handling. Learn a lesson in diplomacy from Libra and on nurturing from Cancer. Turn to a Capricorn for financial advice because I get a sense that your well has run dry or is about to. We all want to go on adventures and enjoy our lives but for some reason, I feel that the Virgo New Moon is asking you to pause and reflect on your previous actions. Take responsibility for your life or someone else will take over the role of the captain of your ship. Chiron in your sign asks you to heal or at least accept childhood wounds.

Fixed Signs

Taurus--The Virgo New Moon and all the Capricorn planets bring you a Grand Earth Trine. This boost finances but only if you put in the effort. If you have had your nose to the grindstone then it begins to bear fruit. If you have gone on a diet or changed a habit you see results around this New Moon. Refrain from becoming too hard on yourself. Believe it or not, you are making progress and Uranus in retrograde motion gives you a break from relentless shakeups and surprises. The only caveat for places ruled by Taurus is the potential for large earthquakes. But even they bring mass awakening.

Scorpio--With Uranus moving backward and Saturn turning direct in September you are in the rebuilding process. Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node help you with building a new structure in the area of education and communication. Perhaps, you revamp your computer or learn new communication skills. Some of you organize neighborhood gatherings and some of you delve into deeper politics combined with spiritual tools. You are feeling powerful while still getting a boost from Water Signs Pisces and Cancer. Visualize a new world and don't allow your focus to waver.

Aquarius--I see a yield sign blocking your path. This means you need to pause and reflect on where you have been and where you would like to go. Remember that if you go with familiar situations you will get the same results. Try something daringly unfamiliar, something completely out of your league. Now is the time to turn left instead of right. Stop acting like a creature of habit. In fact, explore your habits. If the habits are damaging to the body then delete them from your life. Get your body in tip-top shape as we venture more deeply into the Aquarius Age.

Leo--It's time to take a look at yourself in the mirror. I don't mean as a form of navel-gazing. It's time to explore your inner workings and to clean up those nasty childhood wounds you project onto others. This isn't for all Leos because some of you have shown up on the page or the stage and done your inner work. But for those Leos still living in the dark, white-lighting "negative" energy won't clear the air. Burning sage or incense won't protect you because those dark energies are coming from your shadows and your unhealthy lifestyle choices. I know these words sound harsh but they come from a loving place. As we leave the time of Leo and venture into Virgo, it's time to remove the blinders and let the real light into your heart.

Sign up for a personal reading. If you sign up for an hour reading via Skype or phone you receive a bonus card reading. Expires on August 31, 2019.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi All Rights Reserved 


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