Uranus in Taurus Trine Generational Uranus in Capricorn and Virgo

I am officially an astrology geek after tackling the Uranus in Virgo and Capricorn transits for the 1960s and late 1980s into the early 1990s. Why the heck am I spending a quiet Sunday (right before the Sagittarius Full Moon) researching these transits?

The best reason I have for you is transiting Uranus in the first seven degrees of Taurus and the conjunction with Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in the later degrees of Capricorn. Now, all of those birth transits if you were born in the 1960s when both Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo or from 1988 and 1996 when Uranus was in Capricorn (along with Neptune) are highlighted now. If you are a late bloomer (Capricorn) then now is your time for your fruit to ripen. 2019 and 2020 offer you golden moments or opportunities if you step up to the plate.

The Earth Signs Virgo and Capricorn expect us to roll up our sleeves and work hard. Virgo handles the organization and the details while Capricorn brings in the practical know-how and the boots to ascend the mountain. Please note also, even if you weren't born during the 1960s, late 1980s, around the Harmonic Conversion of 1987, or the early 1990s, if you were born with your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in the first 7 to 8 degrees of Capricorn (that's me!) then you also experience the ripening and it doesn't matter how old you feel.

The people who must pay the closest attention were born between 1988 and 1990 when Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune formed a Triple Conjunction in Capricorn. And those of you born under the signs Capricorn and Cancer are doubly affected because Chiron was in Cancer and during 1989 and 1990, Jupiter was also in Cancer opposing the planets in Capricorn! Ouch! Remember all those family values touted in the late 1980s and Reaganomics in the US or Thatcherism in the UK? Well, these transits spell out conservative values. Jupiter and Chiron both worshipped and attacked motherhood and women's reproduction rights. This does this sound familiar?

Oddly, my music career spanned from around 1988 to 1996 when Uranus was in Capricorn and then it fizzled out. I have my Ascendant between 6 and 8 degrees Capricorn and my Sun at 8 degrees Cancer and my out-of-bounds Mercury at 11 degrees Cancer in a sextile with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. And boy, did I work hard at my music during those years. In fact, it seemed like Seattle (possibly a Capricorn city) swarmed with musicians working hard at their craft, many of which were Cancers and Capricorns. Incidentally, Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn also brought on a mysterious illness for me that wasn't diagnosed as multiple chemical sensitivity until 1997 when Uranus was in Aquarius, but enough about my personal experiences with the transits. Uranus in its own sign brought strange situations for most people. Aquarius is wacko, what can I say?

I'll do my best to write a user-friendly article on the Uranus transits but I'm going to use technical terms which you can find on the Astro Cheat Sheet which you'll find up in the page tabs. Study the cheat sheet if you're new to astrology. Otherwise, I'm using the terms conjunction, trine, sextile, and triple conjunction to describe the Uranus transits to other planets. Briefly, bear with me if you are an advanced student or practitioner, conjunction means that two or more planets are in the same sign within a 5-degree orb but I go wider on some of the transits. A trine and a sextile mean that the planets are in flowing aspects with planets that are either in the same element or polarity such as another water sign planet in flowing aspect with another planet in a different Water Sign or if a Water Sign is in a flowing aspect with a planet in an Earth Sign, we call this a sextile.

Uranus in Capricorn


In 1988, we're a few months out of the Harmonic Convergence that occurred in 1987, the shift that brought us forward into 2012. Please don't ask me for an exact date for the Harmonic Convergence because I don't feel like looking it up. Google it. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all transiting in Capricorn. Pluto is in Scorpio launching the older Millennial Generation which continued through Pluto in Sagittarius, ending in 2003. Chiron was in Cancer.

Now, our planet, Uranus (The Awakener) transited into Capricorn on February 16, 1988. It dipped into the Sign of the Goat until May 27 when it returned to the late degrees of Sagittarius. Then on December 3, Uranus transited back into Capricorn for its 7-year transit where it hooked up with Saturn and Neptune and experienced oppositions with Chiron and Jupiter in Cancer. I remember this era as gloomy with Goth rock and grunge music at the forefront of Seattle-life. The color black was in and it wasn't enough to wear any black, you had to wear the right shade of black along with Doc Martens and black tights or ripped jeans. Meanwhile, black clouds hung over Seattle--the Emerald City and the gold diggers appeared in the guise of software engineers, rock musicians, and real estate tycoons. Meanwhile, people in England were dealing with Thatcherism.

If you were born in the 1960s with Uranus in Virgo (I believe that started in 1962 - 1969), then your first Uranus trine Uranus occurred somewhere between 1988 to 1996 (look up the degrees in your chart). This was the ripening of the Generation X folks as they ventured into the world of software and dot.coms, rock music, or independent moviemaking. Otherwise, the conservative ones when into speculative ventures in real estate or some Reaganomics kind of thing (these folks annoyed me). Sad to say it because I'm one of those Uranus in Virgo folks, but we also fought against the Baby Boomers who blocked us from entering the job market dominated by yes, Baby Boomers (Pluto in Leo people). They waxed on about their movies and music being better than ours. Maybe they were right, maybe...

If you were born between 1988 and 1991, then you are the master builders or the master rebuilders in every industry. When Pluto transited into Capricorn in 2008 and 2011, when Uranus transited into Aries, the planets of transformation and revolution rocked your world more than anyone else. You were either in college or around the age of 20 and you experienced an awakening (hopefully, otherwise you missed an opportunity). If you were born from 1991 to 1996, you still have an important role to play since Uranus and Neptune formed exact conjunctions in 1992 and 1993 and that to me is as powerful as the Uranus and Pluto in exact conjunction in Virgo at the end of 1965!

So, in 1988, we experienced conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in Capricorn while Neptune was also in Capricorn at mid-degrees. This conjunction continued into 1989. That's odd conjunction because the two planets nearly cancel each other out. Uranus is ruled by wacko Aquarius and Saturn is ruled by ultra conservative-let-me-climb my mountain alone, Capricorn. Meanwhile, Chiron is in Cancer opposing the planets and Jupiter also transited into Cancer in 1989.

So, here we have the collective (Aquarius) opposing the clannish Capricorn/Cancer, more or less, the nuclear family of two point five kids and two cats and a dog. The climbers clashed with the movers and shake 'em up, folks. One signed on for family values while the other side joined punk bands and dyed their hair pink. (My poor sister was confused with her Capricorn Sun and Aquarius Ascendant and all this chaos occurring on the 12th House stage).


In January of 1989, Uranus and Saturn are in conjunction but then Saturn pulled into a conjunction with Neptune in Capricorn. Saturn flows into exact conjunction with Neptune from February 10 until March 4 and again, from March 7 to the 18th at 12 degrees. Then the two planets stay within tight one-degree orb conjunction (or as we like to say, the planets have separated one degree from the exact conjunction). On April 23, Saturn went retrograde. On May 1st (this must have been a red letter day), both Uranus and Neptune went retrograde (Uranus at 5 degrees and Neptune at 12 degrees). Pluto in Scorpio was also retrograde and in a sextile with Neptune and Saturn. This is as gloomy and probing as it gets.

On June 14, retrograde Saturn and retrograde Neptune form exact conjunction at 11 degrees Capricorn (I love the number 11). This lasts until June 27 (two days prior to my birthday and I received a lot of presents that year). Then on July 4 through the 11th (there's that number again), Saturn and Neptune form another exact conjunction at 10 degrees with both planets retrograde forcing us to take an inward journey. I bet you on the 4th of July in the US and Canada Day for the Canadians sucked that year.

In August, the speedy Saturn retrograde caught up with the Uranus retrograde. But on September 10, Uranus turned direct at 1 degree Capricorn and Saturn I believe also turned direct at 7 degrees on September 11. Meanwhile, Jupiter formed an opposition in the sign of Cancer and Pluto in Scorpio formed sextiles with Neptune and Saturn.

On October 29, Jupiter turned retrograde in Cancer in opposition with Neptune and Saturn but in a trine with Pluto in Scorpio. Neptune forms a sextile with Pluto (that's always nice). On November 10, Saturn forms an exact conjunction with Neptune which is as strange as conjunction with Saturn and Uranus. Saturn and Neptune stay at 10 degrees until November 20. They are still in opposition with Jupiter and a sextile with Pluto. This is powerful destructive energy. This is where we experience ideologies clashing, as Billy Bragg once sang. All the "isms" come into play and the Neptune types, Uranus types, and Saturn types tried to find common ground while they bashed each other in the sandbox.

On a more serious level, do any of you remember what 1989 was like? We were still quoting George Orwell's "1984" thinking that Reagan (1981-89) was going to accidentally press the red button and blows us all up, that is if he didn't blow up the economy first. In a way, 1989 is a much tamer version to what we're currently going through. At least we have Facebook now and political situations bear transparency that we didn't have previously. And fewer people were waking up in 1989 than in this era of spiritual awakening. We didn't even know about the Law of Attraction yet and we were still practicing Creative Visualization and dreaming of becoming shamans.

On November 27, there was also the watershed event of Mars joining Pluto in Scorpio forming exact conjunction. Well, we got George Bush, Sr. as president. And we were listening to the New Kids on the Block if we were complete nerds. If only we had something that innocent these days. When did the Pet Shop Boys arrive on the scene? From November 27 until December 5, good old Jupiter in Cancer opposed Uranus--more of those family values knocking us in the head like baseball bats. Don't you dare take my birth control pills away, fundies?

If you were born in 1989, your Natal Uranus is between 1 and 7 degrees Capricorn. Uranus in Taurus is currently trining your Natal Uranus and Saturn (possibly). Sign up for an astrology reading if you want to know more.

Please note that 1989 was also the year the Soviet Union dissolved, the Berlin Wall came down, and the protest in Tiananmen Square in China occurred. Apparently, everyone wanted to pursue the Capitalist Dream except for folk-rocker Billy Bragg, his fans, and punk rockers.


Chiron in Cancer opposes Saturn conjunct Neptune in Cancer. For Cancerians and Capricorn, the battle cry was getting me into therapy so I can heal my co-dependent behavior. Fundamentalists Christians were still attacking women's reproduction rights. Generation X women and men also decided to start families around this time, some putting it off until their late twenties. The first waves of Gen-X people experienced their Saturn Returns and started dreaming about white picket fences and having their own homes. Climbing out of poverty was the dream of others if only those Baby Boomers would move to the side. (Meanwhile, my own music career was starting to take off and I landed more gigs and attention).

Chiron started the year in exact opposition to Uranus at 5 degrees. Bring out the radicals, please. I recall musicians suffering from depression getting the most attention in the media. For whatever reason, we glorified musicians suffering from addictions and depression, especially bipolar disorder. Lyrics didn't matter so much as long as you could confuse audiences. Bands like the Cocteau Twins from England with nonsensical lyrics wowed listeners with their ethereal songs (Neptune). The musicians who worked their butts off grabbed the spotlight because those planets in Capricorn demanded hard work. Bands such as R.E.M. and The Bangles with Capricorn musicians recorded albums in 1989 and 1990 that have become classics. Capricorn David Bowie (1980s) reached the height of his popularity around this time too.

On February 25, Jupiter went direct at one degree Cancer opposing Uranus. This opposition continued into March which I'm sure brought up conservative politics and family values. Then on May 1st Uranus and Neptune turned RX and Saturn turned RX on May 4 while the on-going conjunction with Jupiter and Chiron continued in the background. I was in therapy during this time and screaming on stage in the guise of a folk-rock musician. On September 15, Uranus went direct. On September 23, Saturn went direct. On September 24, Neptune went direct.


The Uranus-Neptune conjunction continued until January 31. Meanwhile, Saturn reached the critical mark of 29 degrees Capricorn poised and ready to head into Aquarius. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction continued and we were probably already tired of the surreal-reality of this bizarre conjunction. Uranus went retrograde on April 18 followed by his best friend Neptune going retrograde on the following day.


From April 15 (Tax Day) until May 1st, Uranus formed exact conjunction with Neptune, but on April 21, Neptune turned retrograde followed by Uranus moving retrograde on April 22. (The planets went direct on September 21 -22).


From January 7 until the 18, Uranus formed another exact conjunction with Neptune at 18 degrees Capricorn. On January 24 through 31, another exact conjunction with the two outer planets occurred at 19 degrees until February 10.

Here is a list of the exact conjunctions between Uranus and Neptune.

February 16 - March 3 at 20 degrees Capricorn

March 30 - April 4 at 21 degrees Capricorn

May 1, Uranus and Neptune go RX

June 23 - July 4, the exact conjunction is at 20 degrees RX

July 18 - August 10, at 19 degrees RX

August 15 - November 9, 18 degrees RX (retrograde)

September 28, Uranus went direct

September 30, Neptune went direct

November 17 - December 2, exact conjunction at 19 degrees

December 20 - 21, exact conjunction at 20 degrees

If you were born with any outer planets at 19 degrees Cancer or Capricorn and you were alive during these transits, this is significant. Look for Pluto at 19 degrees Capricorn (more recent transit) as well as, Saturn and the South Node at 19 degrees Capricorn and then next year, Jupiter at 19 - 21 degrees Capricorn. Actually, go with 19-22 degrees Capricorn. You might experience a deja vu from 1993.


Uranus transits into the final 10 degrees in Capricorn (20 to 25 degrees). It is still in orb with Neptune but separating. Everyone is grown tired of diving into the rabbit hole and can't wait until Uranus transits into Aquarius two years away.


Uranus dips into Aquarius on April 2 and Pluto is at 0 degrees Sagittarius, ushering the second half of the Millennial Generation, cell phones, and the internet. I worked as a music journalist and published poetry and prose this year. I also lost a good friend (an editor) at the end of the year. In fact, for the most part, 1995 was a year of losses for me. Saturn in Pisces formed sextiles with its own planet, Neptune.

On June 10, RX Uranus transited back into Capricorn and forms a conjunction with Neptune for the final time as the two planets finished up old business. Then, in Uranus in Capricorn went direct on October 7 where it would speed up and reenter Aquarius on January 13, 1996.

The Exact Uranus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo (1965)

Those of you born in the 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo, refer to my 1960s-born series which you'll find in the tabs at the top of this blog. If you would like the entire series sent to you as a PDF, then become a patron on my Patreon campaign.

October 8 - 25, 1965 Uranus and Pluto were in exact conjunction at 17 degrees in one-degree orb sextile with Neptune in Scorpio and again on November 8 - 18. This exact conjunction would continue into 1966.

This concludes my second article for the Uranus Exploration (the first article focuses on Uranus through the decades beginning in the 1940s).

Sign up for a personal reading. This article will also appear on Metaphysic 4 Everyday living. $50 for a 30-minute session (MP3s are $75) and $100 for a 60-minute session. Payment with your birth information.

You can also make a donation if you appreciate the research and work that went into writing this article. Send a check or money order to Patricia Herlevi, PO Box 370, Port Townsend, WA 98368 or make a donation through PayPal.


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