Sagittarius New Moon (12-06-18)--Pie in the Sky or True Freedom?


Sagittarius New Moon--The Sky is the Limit

With Jupiter now in its own sign Sagittarius, the New Moon in Sagittarius brings expansion. And as I write these words, a piano concerto by the Sagittarius composer Beethoven plays in the background. I feel exuberance as my sore hands type this post. And yet, I have faith that it will get done and reach the right people.

The Sagittarius New Moon on December 6 brings us hope and we even look forward to the holiday season. We might even feel hope for the upcoming new year. And Mercury also goes direct in Scorpio on this day. Now, we can clear up communication, find a good sale on the electronics we need to replace because of the Mercury RX period. And like the Satyr symbol for Sagittarius, our eyes are on the sky, and our we aim our arrows at the prize, whatever that is for each of us.

This Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius along with Jupiter at 6 degrees Sagittarius ask us where would we like to travel in the world if money wasn't an issue? What adventure would we like to pursue? Would we like to master a new subject or practice? Some of you pursue higher education. Some of you teach, lecture or write to a larger audience. And some of you publish books during this cycle. And even if we are only armchair travelers reading about other people's adventures, we are still engaging with the wider world. We want to know what is possible for impossible dreams don't exist when Sagittarius calls the shots.

For a more detailed look of the Sagittarius New Moon check out my video on Astrologer Patricia. For now, I'm going to give a breakdown of the signs for this transit.

Fire Signs

You come out of the shadows and hop until everyone's radar. You are the life of the party spicing up conversations with your many life adventures and your dreams of traveling to new places. You want to revolutionize the world beginning with people's attitudes. You motivate us to get our acts together and to dream the dream and put it into action. You remind us of the hero's quest and that the journey is worth taking for the sake of the journey and not the destination.

Watch out for Neptune fantasies and keep it real with your feet on the ground (Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus has you fired up again to the injustices in the world but Jupiter in Sagittarius gives you the passion to make changes happen. Shine your light this holiday season.

Water Signs

Where there is hope you make progress. You feel reflective with Chiron, Mars, and Neptune in Pisces, the North Node in Cancer, and Mercury now direct in Scorpio. Perhaps, you wax nostalgia as you listen to old holiday songs and sit on the couch watching holiday movies. You certainly feel sentimental towards yourself and others. And many of you will actually enjoy this holiday season with family and you wonder how this is possible.

Practice self-care and find alone time to reassess your growth from the previous year. Make plans for long-distance travel with your closest friends or a loved one. Drink plenty of water and stay away from too many sweets. If you find yourself craving junk food take a look at where your life lacks passion and sustenance and then do something about it.

Earth Signs

You feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. And you do. People turn to you for your wisdom and strength. This is why practicing self-care is crucial around this New Moon. Many of you see an upswing in massage or bodywork clients or you find that you are coaching more people to find their own strengths and to face their weaknesses.

Take good care of your physical body and your physical structures as in your homes. But remember that home is just a physical structure and a true home is where your heart resides. You are the master rebuilders but rebuild your own life before rolling up your sleeves and tackling the lives of others. And practice what you preach.

Air Signs

It's so easy to get stuck in cynicism while watching or reading about world events. But why not take a cue from your Fire Sign friends and go on an adventure? Get out of your head this holiday season and get in touch with your body through sensations and feelings. And if you weren't too cynical what would you like to do with your life? What would you like to do today to make that happen? Jupiter is actually pounding on your door asking you to come outside and play.

Grab your kayak or your bike and hit the water or road. Write a poem. Take a photograph. And make a gratitude list to knock you out of the doldrums. Life isn't perfect but so what? You can change your thoughts with some practice and change the tune you sing. Better yet, go hang out with a Sagittarius for a day. That will enlighten you.

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