Gemini Full Moon on November 22, 2018--Everyone's Talking
The Gift of Gab & Learning New Skills: Gemini Full Moon
Gemini is the most chatty sign in the Zodiac Wheel. It's considered one of the fun signs along with Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.
However, on the other side of that, Gemini is a curious and smart Air Sign. And Gemini children ask constant questions while hopping between their favorite subjects. We'll all feel like learning new subjects with this Mutable Full Moon because...
And after the first two weeks of November's drama, we will want to detach and disconnect. Two days after this Full Moon, Neptune turns direct so maybe this is a good time for making movies or watching them. We could also create movies in our own minds in the realm of fantasies. We might feel lost in the woods, but we'll enjoy the journey. And it is also a good time to fly a kite or stare up at the night sky and contemplate the vastness of the universe.
Personally, I have two planets in Gemini--Mars and Venus. Mars in the 5th house challenges Pluto and Uranus in my 8th and Saturn and my Moon in the 2nd houses. So, I'm not having much fun as far as Mars goes, but I love to play with words and words are like swords on bad days.
My Venus in Gemini is a retrograde Singleton in my 6th house of health and daily health. And lately, she has been teaming up with Saturn in Capricorn (not through an aspect) in causing pain in my hands. Gemini rules hands, the 6th house rules health, and Saturn is straddling my Ascendant in the 1st house which rules the body.
But I'm still looking forward to the Gemini Full Moon because it is laced with adventure. We dream large and answer the call to a personal quest. This is because this full Moon at 0 degrees opposes the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Gemini's planet Mercury RX. So, we don't just want to talk. We want some action. We want to travel further afield even overseas. We want to meet new kinds of people who pique our curiosity and boy, do we want to learn and expand our minds and our circumstances. People complain more than ever that they feel bored.
Mars in Pisces T-squares the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury. Mars is asking us to step outside of our comfort zone or our minds and to get in touch with our hearts. If you are bored then find a charity or cause and volunteer your time helping someone else. It could even be tutoring or working with at-risk youth. Otherwise, the energy of Mars in Pisces is wasted.
Meanwhile, Venus in the late degrees of Libra opposes Uranus RX in Aries. Now, for more evolved men and women, this could be a sexy time of wordplay. This energy reminds me of Shakespeare comedies where men square off with feisty women. Both sexes sought equals in wit and in everyone another area. A dull inauthentic person might just hide out during this Moon. In any case, the wit during the Gemini Full Moon is biting at best.
If you are a writer, publisher, editor, pod-caster or broadcaster, you're going to love this Gemini Moon. This is a time to get your work out in the world. People will also be purchasing more books than usual during the week of the Gemini Full Moon. It is an extroverted time and a great time to network. And as more shifting occurs on the planet it might also be a good time to find a new job or to make a living with social media or another type of entrepreneurial effort involving communication and travel.
If you would like more in-depth information on this full Moon, please watch my Astrologer Patricia video on this Moon (YouTube).
Sign up for a personal astrology or card reading. I also do channel sessions and coaching. And if you are in the Pacific NW and you would like to organize astrology classes, I'm free to teach basic and intuitive astrology.
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