Aquarius Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018--A Sudden Game-Changer

I am writing this post on the Lunar Eclipse on July 2 so this gives you three weeks to prepare for a sudden game-changer. My sense is that two things are happening. One, people are scare-mongering as they have been doing since ancient times in regard to eclipses. And two, our inner children are screaming at us and even throwing tantrums. The solutions really are spiritual in nature or delving into fine and performing arts.

Please also refer to my video on the Lunar Eclipse on my YouTube channel, Astrologer Patricia. It has different text.

Why? Well, because our inner children are tired of playing the same old game the same old way. They want to be heard outside of the collective trance of consumerism, of competition, and of self interests. What's really happening is that most of us feel empty inside. We played the game and we didn't win the prize. We went to the fair and we came back poorer. And all the riches in the world seem to weigh us down.

What we really want is to live outside of the brands, the labels, the identities, and the group-think mentality. We long to rip off masks and live authentically outside of the box. We desire to matter to ourselves and to others. The irony is that when others treat us like we're invisible it's because we feel invisible and we don't even take care of our own needs. Perhaps, we are cheap with ourselves and instead of spending money on a quality item or experience, we search for bargains. Instead of eating an organic peach, we eat the one sprayed with chemicals because it's a few cents cheaper.

Or we do the opposite scenario and we shop until we drop only to find more clutter in our homes that prevents us from getting real with ourselves. Some people shop to escape the reality of their souls and their soul paths. And the Leo Sun is telling us, yes, to consider ourselves, but the Aquarius Moon eclipses the Sun by reminding us that we are a member of a collective. And sometimes, the mob rules. Not that it should, but is life always fair?

And again, I'm seeing hot-headed activists who are really re-activists because instead of responding to situations with calmness and logic, they blow up in anger. And there is a huge difference between responding and reacting. If we keep reacting from our heads instead of responding from our hearts (Aquarius versus Leo), then we end up alienating others. And we don't want to do that because during times of climate changes and upheaval and displacement we really do need to stand together in Unity.

So, let's take a look at the transits because they are HUGE. First, the chart reveals a Grand Fix Cross and this is happening during a time of shakeups brought on by the Moon eclipsing the Sun also in Fixed Signs. The Aquarius Moon aligns with Mars and the South Node. And this alignment opposes the Sun, Pallas, and the North Node in the fiery sign Leo. Then Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio (in opposition) square the Sun and the Moon, etc... Is this starting to sound like the song "Age of Aquarius"?

How do we move into this new age when we're still fighting among us? Where is this brotherhood that Aquarius represents? Where is the sisterhood? Where is the love that Leo wishes to spread througout the planet? Why are we allowing the ego to win over the heart? Oh, I know, it's because the other guy is wrong and we are right. Really? Who is going to take the higher road here?

That Fixed Grand Square contains a powerful Lunar Eclipse which brings fruition and completion. It tells us which path we walk on the karmic wheel. And it's going to rock the earth or some would say, "rock our world." We must get past this idea of being right and instead let's play fair. And we must play fair with ourselves before we can play fair with others because as the saying goes, "There's only one of us here." It's odd how people can speak of Oneness and then turn around by judging others who aren't part of their oneness. Sorry, but it just doesn't work like that.

Uranus in Taurus asks us what do we value? What do we hold dear? And this includes beliefs even though that is more of the mental process. We might also find that we feel overburden with our things and our belongings. We want to clear the way for a new life but we are unable to get rid of our stuff because no one wants it any longer.

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Scorpio asks us to clear our ancestral DNA and to practice radical forgiveness, especially around childhood issues with the flowing aspect between Mars/Moon in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries. And we need to build new structures which is highlighted with the trine between Saturn and Uranus (both RX) so we're looking back at ancient models to do this work. Jupiter in Scorpio can help us uncover ancient societies too. I hope we learn from our mistakes.

We do get some relief from two Golden Triangles in the chart which both involve Pluto, the transformer and Jupiter, the expander. These triangles also bring us an outlet from the Grand Fix Square through Jupiter because this planet is plugged into both triangles.

Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Pluto in Capricorn

Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus/Ceres in Virgo.

The triangles ask us to transform the world through compassion and spirituality that brings in more light. This is a time of deep reflection and self-exploration. Certainly, it couldn't hurt to revisit some of your favorite self-help books and DVDs, especially for meditation and yoga. Do they still resonate with you or do you need more masterful tools? Or perhaps, you find a new layer in the teachings previously hidden from you.

One last caveat, follow your own inner guidance now. Do not get caught up in the teachings of others. Use those as stepping stones but do not build your entire structure based on someone else's beliefs. We are all human. And even the most accurate channels still have an ego (including me). Take only what resonates with you and use that as a launching pad for your own inspiration, passion, and to deepen the conversation. The student is also the teacher. And if you're here reading this then you are a masterful soul capable of great things. But first you must get in touch with your soul.

Sign up for a personal reading. I also give card readings. Payment is through PayPal. I require your questions, the type of reading you prefer, your birth date, time, and location of birth. This is a transformational time and astrology readings provide a map so that you can navigate these powerful energies.  (PayPal address is on the services and fee page).


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