Capricorn Full Moon on June 27, 2018--Here Come the Master Builders

The Capricorn Full Moon transits two days before my 54th birthday on June 27, 2018 at 9:53 p.m. and it's right smack on my Ascendant at 6 degrees and 28 minutes, opposite my Sun. And it brings in Saturn through a conjunction. Mars goes retrograde in Aquarius on the same day. And Neptune turned retrograde eight days prior. Oh, this will be an interesting week!

Capricorn Full Moon at 6 degrees and 28 minutes--Oh, man!

The Moon chart contains three T-Crosses. The one that I first notice contains Venus in Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Mars in Aquarius. The outlet is through Taurus where Uranus transits. Yeah, like that's a relief. Venus in Leo seeks her authentic self which she values and wants to shine in the world. But Jupiter in Scorpio brings up and exaggerates the shadows. Perhaps, people just want to enjoy a more hedonistic lifestyle or some pleasure in their life.

But some bigger event calls for our attention and we get bogged down by our shadows and survival guilt. And then Mars in Aquarius is coming up with some farout conclusions and solutions. Scientists come out of the woodwork and they remind me of the 100s of musicians ecking out a living in Seattle during the late 1980s.

High tech thinks it has the answer. Big pharma thinks it has the answer. Big transnationals flount their solutions, but Mars in Aquarius asks the people to rally for justice and to shed light on the real culprits. Step back, detach, and watch another circus of chaos roll into town.

The second T-Cross contains the Sun in Cancer, the Capricorn Moon, and Chiron at 2 degrees Aries (squaring my N Node in Cancer exact). The outlet for this cross is Libra which ask us to beautify the world, search for our true values, and work for justice. She asks us to live a balanced life and with this T-Cross, we are asked to balance karma.  And since Saturn is conjunct the Moon, we pull in this old guy planet into the cross. This brings up issues of time-space reality, bones, teeth, skin, connective tissue, aging, elders, timelines, and karma. It also brings up integrity and responsibility.

The final T-Cross contains Mars in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury in late Cancer (out of sign). The outlet is Scorpio. We need to delve into the deep end. How do our childhood wounds affect the world. When we don't heal our wounds which we think are only personal, really does ripple out to our families, communities, and into the collective. Think of every drop of rain that makes up the ocean. We can no longer distinguish each drop of rain from the ocean water. Neither can we know how our unresolved issues affect the world and the cosmos because in Unity Consciousness, we are all One.

All is not lost with the trine between Uranus and Saturn/Moon giving us the strength and energy to rebuild what has shattered or fallen into ruins due to natural disasters. And even as early as June, we will find ourselves rebuilding towns, communities, and cities due to natural disasters. And we need to also rebuild humanity through kindness and compassion. Face it, we've been unkind to each other ever since you-know-who went into office of US President. Don't worry, I'm not going to get political. But I will say this, there are no excuses for snarkiness or bullying. And we have a lot to clean up on our side of the street. Racism and sexism are not acceptable, neither is shooting people.

This Capricorn Full Moon is asking each of us to grow up and play our part with integrity. Besides Old Man Karma is not going to let us off the hook if and when adults act like children. And speaking of children, let's take our cues from them since they don't have their acts together. When 4 and 5 year olds show us how to treat others, let's listen and watch them. No, let's not just sit on the sidelines. Let us actually treat others, homeless, addict, or not with dignity. Everyone deserves a second chance and who are we to judge another person?

Although Capricorn rules elders, we will be focusing on the acts and deeds of youth. And we do need to also take better care of our elders. I don't want to see any more elders living on the street because countries such as the US don't find elders glamorous or worth their time. And come to think of it, let's rebuild communities to include affordable housing for everyone. And let's create a world where corporations don't enslave their workers and turn them into zombies who don't have time for their families or their passions.

Remember, that Joseph Campbell once proposed the idea of following our bliss. And in order to to do that, we must be free. Mars in Aquarius sings the song of freedom. Let's join hands and sing along.

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